Good morning Mr. Gibb.
It may be hard to tell much detail from the video but maybe you can get a general idea .
Good morning Mr. Gibb.
It may be hard to tell much detail from the video but maybe you can get a general idea .
That is a first class system but since I am only cutting wood chunks my tooth setting can be rough cut so I will stick with the hammer and punch
I found that the occasional nail can take the set out of one side of the blade in seconds
Just say NO to free wood with nails!
Use it to make charcoal. When I screen my charcoal, a large magnet on a rope is used to suck up all the nails and hinges. Then the charcoal goes into the grinder, and back onto the screening table. Nails are put into cans, smashed flat, and sold to the steel recycler. Just hauled in 280 pounds, but came home with some more steel (round stuff), and not much cash.
Yea Ray that sounds like the way I do it trade steel for steel .
In cold climates 150 days Plus needing . . . just save the nail ridden sections for the wood stove. Home. Greenhouse. Or shop. Woodstove will not care about nails or staples.
How I do it.
J-I-C Steve Unruh
I always like the screw chippers. I hadn’t seen the first one before.
I wonder about the best wooden use of this dimension.
To make logs for the heating would, it seems to me, more efficient energy.
Grinding small-sized timber is probably less energy-intensive and makes it possible to upgrade a biomass which often rotted in the forest
This is just a feeling:confused:
You could get a cook stove for the small stuff… my uncle always made us cut right down to about 1 inch for the cook stove I tend to still cut down that small for my wood stove out of habbit. I do miss the cord wood saw for the small stuff.
I keep thinking the chunker Wayne and Chris use looks like the best small wood processing to me. Someday I will find the right tractor and budget to go that route for my haying. I hope I can cut the big stuff into fire wood and the tops into tractor fuel thus not adding too much work as I have to clean the tops up anyway.
Someone from costa rica made one to do like 2-3" growths of something like bamboo that could be coppiced. They said it worked well for their purpose. I kind of like the design because it is a bit less energy intensive, it self-feeds, and it operates at a bit slower of a speed. It is harder because you really want a pretty accurate screw, they are harder to sharpen and keeping it in adjustment can be trickier.
If you want a good analogy, it is kind of like reel mowers for lawns. If they are tuned in, and the grass isnt super long, they are really great and they cut better then a rotary. If they aren’t tuned in, or the grass is really long, they suck.
Ha you found it!. The one labled screw is Sergio’s. Here is the full video of his, but I -think- he may have changed it to a lower angle like you see on the other ones. I just cant find a video of it.
I am open for suggestions on how people block out a log for firewood. I dulled a lot of chains last year. This is what I came up with this year. I cut the heavy side. When the chunk is cut off, it teeters to the other side. I’m hoping for a better solution but at least my chainsaw stays sharp.
I have cut alot like that find the ballance point and cut off each ends to the center works ok. But most of the time I mark the log with my paint market wheel and cut most of the way through then roll the log. That is my normal technique. Whatever you do be careful to know what is going on with the log it can swing on a bucket like that and the bucket can fall. That is why I normally just cut most of the way through the log and roll it on the ground it feels safer.
Plus I got a bench top grinder a few years ago and I keep about 4 chains so I can just swap them and grind them all at once it makes life alot nicer with a saw.
Thing I notice about all those screw chippers is that the have a lot of horsepower behind them. I wonder about the cost of operation vs the fuel output.
Saw 3/4 through, turn over with canhook (spelling?). Then finish cut out of bark. Chain starts in clean cut and pulls out through possibly dirty bark.
Yeah, I could use a pickaroon