Woodrunner Volvo's

Goran, lm wery interested to see how the mixer modifications work out.

Tell you what looking at your work makes me want to jump back in to woodgas saddle


Hi Kristijan, this is great! As i post this much pic’s is not to “show of” , my hope is it can inspire others, whether someone builds a WK, a charcoal unit, or something from “free fantasies” like mine, i hope it will inspire some, or some of my odd ideas will help someone?

As for the mixer updates will follow, nothing special really.
The control rod for the second flap is’nt built/attached yet (i hope it don’t becomes a semi-permanent solution :roll_eyes:)


Hello Goran, I am happy to follow your work, which encourages us all to work with wood gas, thank you for all the posts and explanations.
I will only give my experience with the mixer:

  • the mixer should have the function of maintaining the right gas-air ratio, where with a large flow of gas it allows almost unhindered entry of gas, and the air is somewhat muffled with a manual valve
  • with a sudden decrease in flow, when the gasifier is very hot, a large expansion of strong wood gas occurs, which “suffocates” the engine, here it is necessary to suppress the gas flow, well, this also creates an overpressure in the gasifier and the pyrolysis gas starts to come out at the opening for air, in this way it pollutes the air intake system, the solution is a non-return valve on the air intake and a gentle anti-return valve on the “chimney” from the upper part of the gasifier, which opens at increased pressure and releases excess moist pyrolysis gases

I would finish you secondary control valve Goran. The one I built works great for adding extra wood gases when going down the highway at higher speeds. I built my unit so I can not over pull it on the gasifier. But if I leave the secondly wood gas valve open, I think it would be possible to over pull on the gasifier by bypassing the wood gas auto mixer. I have a heavy foot on the exceleration pedal sometimes, try to climb hills on wood gas and not mixing in some gasoline. When it comes to driving on gasoline my foot on the gas pedal becomes very light trying to save buying gasoline at the pump.


Göran, I like how you solved the glove compartment locking mechanism :grin:


Some “rubbish” to Goran’s topic, where there is already talk about the gas mixer, I dismantled the mixer from my Feri to clean it and lubricate it with oil. Here is a picture of the components.

assembled and installed on the tractor

This beauty was brought to me by a friend, where it was also necessary to clean the carburetor and set the ignition timing, he did not want to be photographed, the lens only captured his neighbor


Nice, is it a 600?
A neigbour of mine is a Fiat fan. He’s got several old ones. A fade light green 500 is my favorite. Not much bigger than a go-cart :smile:


These cars were made in Yugoslavia, it was the Zastava company and this model is the Zastava 750 - “Fičo” (Fiat license, but slightly modified, just like IMT under the Ferguson license)


Thanks for posting pic’s of your gas mixer Tone, very interesting construction :+1:
It makes my mixer look “stoneage” though :crazy_face:

Im going to post some drawings how i experience my mixer working, just going to find some decent pencils.
I still got the feeling some fresh air is sucked back the gasline when shutting the throttle, before the gasifier creates overpressure, pushing both the air and gas in to the mixer, this is without the second air “choke” (controlled simultaneously with gas throttle)


Haha, yes i was going crazy over that hatch swinging open everytime i hit a bump in the road.
When i was at Biltema, i remembered i wanted a “skjutregel”, the only ones they got was sized for barn doors, so i thought: what the heck, these will work, and cheap :smiley:


My thinking is that whatever we do, if we realy want an efficient, perfect gas mixer, there isnt a better way thain electronics. As much as l hate that its just true and l confess l look forward to a day where a computer guides a wood gas drive. Culd be done right now probably if someone gets to it but the truth is we are all analog guys and dont realy care much about precision. But we shuld.

As much as l hate electronics, facts are there. Same engine volume with carb vs electrosics gives a fuel efficiancy of close to double. I belive same can be achived with wood gas, not just efficiancy but also comfort wise.


Dutch John had a vaccuum mixer in his Beast, not accurate enough?

Electronics is fantastic but not my game either. It has to function and if I have to change anything it cost me a day studying again.


I think Ben Peterson and Matt Ryder have gotten the closest to a really good electronic mixer. I believe all you have to do manually is get it running long enough for the O2 sensor to have a reading to go off of. All it would really need is some ruggedizing to withstand the abuse from 250lb Gorillas like me.


Matt has a whole thread on it, including source code for arduino. The issue with the sensor is he needed to use a wideband O2 sensor which is relatively expensive. And I assume it gets tar stuck to it.

The code and system itself could be ported to something like a raspberry pi pico. But I also suspect, you need to know quite a bit about the vehicle electronics themselves to better integrate.


Some test driving, not much technical.

And yeah, if i got time im interested to get in to electronic gas mixers again, not saying electronics are perfect, but combined with good back-up manual controls, it should be about 150% fool-proof :smiley:


Excellent video, Göran. Nice surroundings also.
I noticed 150C after the accelleration. Is that exiting the fabric filter container? Seems very low to be straight from the gasifier.


Thanks very much for the video Goran . Don’t forget to have plenty of lemons handy .


If you don’t have lemons, chomping on rhubarb stalks also works!


Well done Goran, you don’t need that 75% like all the rest of us mortals, out of sheer joy I fired up in my Fergie and did two working hours, well, it wasn’t just a pleasure to drive, but Fergie makes me work like that. :grin::+1:


Good news. We have plenty. No more need for imported expensive lemons then.