Woodrunner Volvo's

I can imagine you calm down now, but cant imagine you start that job. Go back searching for a recharge :grinning:


Hurry up, Göran. More snow tomorrow and for the rest of the weekend :grin:


Well, still my stubborness are worse than my lazyness.
Half the snow has melted away, and i fixed the front brakes.

New stuff.
I mostly use wife for brake bleeding, but i don’t wanted to disturb her, so i made up a little brake-bleeders helper.

-2°c so not so terrible wet to work on the ground.

Now to find the studded tires, somewhere under the snow… :roll_eyes:


Goran, when I published my video in Jan’s topic “Tractor on gas?” , ( I almost stole the theme from Jan) :woozy_face:, I saw your video of you playing with matches , hmmm your Fergie is almost ready for wood ??!! :grinning::grin::+1:


Hi Tone, yes, i haven’t posted much about the fergie, mostly because the project is “on idle” only things i’ve done is collected some parts, i have a cooler, parts for mixer, pipes, but still searching a housing for the filter.
So the fergie is’nt forgotten, when the snow is gone im going to visit a scrap-yard to search some stuff, both for fergie and volvo project.
And, the fergie got a low compression ratio, im going to do something about that, and my thoughts has gone the direction of a box of turbochargers i saved…hmmmm? :thinking:


Maybe this weekend be the start of volvo gasifier build?
Had to “swallow the bitter pill” and “invest” in some welding gas, expensive sh*t… :rage:
But i love welding, and a shame to have these welding equipment standing, and no gas.

Both mix, and pure argon.:money_with_wings:

I got a cheap pwm-module im going to try,

this will be “exciting” i never converted a fuel-injected engine before.


I agree, gas is ridicuously expensive, bought a mison (argon/co2) mix tube two years ago and I don’t think they got any cheaper since then but I also got my hands on a co2 fire extinguisher and thought I’d give that a try after reading here that many here are using co2 only as a shielding gas, haven’t tried it yet though.

It is funny, I ordered that exact pwm as well but it hasn’t arrived yet :smile:

I am looking forward to following your build :blush:


Thanks Johan. I bought another pwm on amzon, then i found this on tradera, 10kr cheaper than amzon shipping included, worth giving a try, many sellers on tradera buy cheap in bulk from amzon and like, and resell it.
Amzon is a wrong spelling by purpose (im a little paranoid about spy-robots and stuff, the same about Evil-bay :roll_eyes:)
Pure co2 from a fire extinguisher works great for welding, needs some more amp’s in my opinion, can get a little worm-like weld, not floating as good.
Check your extinguisher for leaks around the valve when using it they aren’t made to be tight against back-pressure. (I know, forgot it open a week and all the gas escaped :rage:)


Thanks, good to know-tips :smiley:
Evil-bay actually owns tradera, they bought it like 15-20 years ago just in case you didn’t know.


Yes i know that, but it seems not to give me any personal ads/commercials/recomendations, as the big names do?
Maybe im a little paranoid or just grumpy.


We are probably too small of a market, the big-shots don’t bother including tradera in the spywares and whatnot stuff they track peoples habits with. As if I would buy something just because I got an ad about it. If I need something I research and buy what fits my needs best (usually not what is in an ad), if it is not needed I don’t buy it.
However, I do want commercials and ad’s in the mailbox to light the boiler with, just not the glossy ones :smile:


Many sellers on amazon were buying on alibaba and reselling. There were a lot of folks set up as sellers but they are doing drop shipping. So they just forward the orders to be sent by someone else. Sometimes from a US warehouse, others straight from China.

But here is the listing for the same one on aliexpress


I thought about this some time, i had a good, precision pressure gauge laying around, maybe i could convert it to vacuum instead?
Maybe “fool” it by put it in a vacuum chamber, and let the signal line be open to atmosphere?
Well, i believe others have tried it already, but here is my results:

I encased the gauge in a box of thick, clear plastic (windshield from a forklift)
It looks nothing like the fancy, clear, “scientific” box i saw for my inner sight :rofl:

The signal connection is open to atmosphere, going to put a small filter in it, the connection to the right is the vacuum connection, ends up in the box.

As usual i mis-measured some, had to take of the housing of the gauge to make it fit in the box.

Testing, works like a charm. :smiley:


Has anyone ever told you that you are a big sucker full of hot air?


I wonder what the Inches of Water to PSI or Bar ratio is? Interesting idea for sure.


This particular gauge measures in millimeters water column, 1000mm wc is 1bar or 760mm hg=30inches hg.
Just did the calculation in my head, which means it could be terribly wrong :crazy_face:


I can’t find any h2o gauges in Canada, that’s why I’m using my nanometer.
This what my converter says


Well, i had a feeling i mixed something up, 10000mm wc is close to 1bar?
Which would mean my gauge measures close to 400 mbar, which is great, i believe the old volvo would suffocate if it needs to pull that kind of vacuum.


How much resistance do you have across the filter at 2000rpm.


Can’t remember actually, i guess somewhere around 80millibar, highest, with wet wood and the old glass-fibre fabric filter i seem to remember 170millibar.
Edit: this is total resistance gasifier and filter and cooler. I only have one vacuummeter, the other one never got connected by lazy me.