Woodrunner Volvo's

Are you measuring it in the intake manifold?


Hi Jan, i measure in woodgas line, before mixer


Collecting stuff for the build, needed some outer housing for the bottom part, old drums is no idea, the only ones i can get is the paper thin stuff that seems the only available here.
Instead i went for an old gasifier, to cut the bottom part from, i am a cheater, aren’t i? Well it feels good to give those vintage gasifiers a new life…

A visit to my gasifier graveyard.

This one will do, will need a lot of repair to use it “as is”, so better scavenge the parts.
It was frozen stuck to the ground, and to heavy for me to tip over, so some exercise, and a hi-lift later it was emptied, and start to take it apart.

Most of the flange bolts gave up without struggle, but some needed to be convinced by a sledge hammer and a chisel. And yes, 25°F and snowing, but i didn’t freeze :hot_face:

Inner piece pulled out, this im going to store indoors from now to save it.


And finally: got the gasifier housing indoors (in my clean and tidy shop) to work on when snow has melted of.

Upside-down at the moment. Nice to have it ready if i get some time in the evenings to work on it.


Göran, with the low temperatures lately it was wise to wait until it warmed up bit, digging for that old gasifier.
I noticed it was snowing slightly, but that ok as long as there’s a warm breeze :grin:


If you tidy a shop up to much, I have notice it is a lot hard to find things I have moved to make more room for my projects. But I have found things that I have lost. It is a flip of the coin, lost and found things.


Johan, indeed CO2 works exelent. I never had anything else. And what Goran says also happened to me… unpleasant. I since got an older type, with a clasical screw valve and its fine.


Some work on the gasifier.

I cut off the bottom part of the old, tall gasifier, i also cut of the old mounting rim, turned it upside down to act as a flange for the fuel bin.

Some welding…

Welded all around.

I saved the old upper part with lid, made of cast iron= unnecessary heavy, but i will use it to save time on the build :grin:

I think im going to mount it with some kind of clamp, so i welded all the flange bolt holes, as it is cast iron, i welded some, and took a “cool of” break, to avoid cracking the cast iron.

When i built my stainless gasifier, i needed a lot of those cool-down breaks to not warp the steel, as i was a beer-drinkin man then, those breaks was good for a bottle.
Many times i get down to my shop with a headache, wondering: WHAT The h*** did i do yesterday??! When i saw the last welds i made… :smiley: :crazy_face: :woozy_face:


Are you in a hurry for 3/3 Göran? :smile:


There you caught me :blush:
Well, thats the goal, i whish i hadn’t such a comfortable couch :roll_eyes: or a job that take up to much of my time :smiley:
Well, it would be fun just to get the volvo inspected, and put some woodgas stuff on it, even if it’s not up and running yet, i don’t need to feel like an “outsider” 3/3 :crazy_face:


Some more building pic’s

Cut up a piece for the hopper.

Using the top lid to get the shape. Need to weld in a piece.

Fuel bin taking shape

I got four of these, i wonder how they can hide all the time?

Looks a little like a gasifier? :smiley:


Good job Goran, I did see a comfortable chair in the first picture. Did you just put the word out to everyone in your area and they started dropping off all these gasifiers and parts at your place?


Thank you mr Bob, it’s my welding chair in the background, too much stuff and scrap everywhere to use it :smiley:
Yes, being recognized as the “woodgas-guy” or maybe “the odd guy with the gasifier” has it’s benefits, it has happened people contacted me, asking if i want to pick-up an old gasifier :smiley:


You got me curious. What is happening 3-3? Opening of your museum? Whiteout inviting us?


Haha, when the “museum” opens, i make a youtube video about it, not so very interesting, mostly books, gas/air mixers, blowers, different types of woodgas matches. :smiley:
I don’t know when the “grand opening” takes place though? Maybe never? :roll_eyes:

And about invitations: my door is always open for fellow woodgassers :smiley:


I need to start saving up.


It’s no secret - we’re having a small/short mid-Sweden woodgas meetup. Anyone interested is welcome - with or without a gasifier. It takes place on the Hotel Galaxen parking lot in Borlänge around noon 3/3. Niklas (@omställningsresan) is kinda the host.


I am certain the video will be interesting :smiley:
And be careful inviting all woodgassers, one day all may stand on your doorstep. Although, that sounds nice :blush:


Thanks JO, i forgot about answering that, i wasn’t sure if it was “public” either.


I got a BIG coffee pot…
And if im not too lazy this spring, im going to have some refueling bags also :smiley: