Category | Topics |
General DiscussionIf it doesn't fit into other categories, but is still about woodgas, put it here.
Off TopicPosts in this section are not woodgas related. Anything goes (within the forum rules).
Small EnginesGenerators, lawnmowers, anything under 1000 cc should qualify as "small". These need special attention when running on woodgas, but these gasifiers do an excellent job of it.
Wood ChunkersThis section is for wood processing equipment like chunkers and chippers, either DIY projects or commercial machines.
Woodgas FarmingWoodgas makes a lot of sense on the farm. Wood powered tractors, implements and farming with woodgas trucks.
ProjectsAll non Keith gasifier projects go here. This is a public area to show off all the handiwork of our skilled members.
Woodgas ScienceDiscussions about gasifier chemistry, reactions, and thermal equations are welcome here.
HistoryDiscussions about the rich history of wood gasification, from the town gas days of 1900, through the war years in Europe, when a milion cars and trucks ran on wood power. Also includes the woodgas revival in the 1970s and 80s.
EventsAll woodgas events, meetups and get-togethers go here. There's nothing like a bunch of woodgas trucks in the same spot to get your heart pumping!
WebsiteDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
For SaleIf you want to sell anything woodgas related, its welcome here. Gasifiers, chunkers, equipment, whole trucks.
What Not To DoLearn from these mistakes, or you're doomed to repeat them! Tell us your woodgas foul-ups, right here.
CommentsComments for the Library and Premium areas will appear in this section.