Hello Mr JO
I think Matt Ryder is there on year around daily using at least one GGE because on his gasifier systems manufacturing he has to in the summer non-wood heating season proof run these too.
Even when he may be gasoline running his generator systems Predator engine he is still using a GGE a day.
My personal preference would be that this GGE be in shaft power.
ChrisKY asked to expand that out to PV solar and such. O.K. That takes a involvement commitment too. And dedicated PV solar guys NOT Grid feeding back, WILL learn they gonnaā be needing engine generation 10-100 days of the year. So - there!
Ha! Ha! Bicycle commuting by muscle I think not. Where is the new learningās challenge to that?
Bicycle commuting by charcoal, made methane, even off the bike made and then stored electricity. That is new learning. But ONLY is the fuel IS MADE BY YOU. Storing Grid electricy, again . . . so-what?
Ha! Ha! By next summer I expect you will be small engine gasifier running.
Now MY (if I can oopāem make it that far) Summer project is to use one of these little inverter gnerators exhaust heat farmed off for domestic hot water heating.
It may seem to some I cheating my own rules running these little engine inverter gens on pump gasoline.
I will remind that both GaryG and RayM have already fueled these on charcoal gas.
Cloud rain forest I cannot get the woods dry enough to smoke free make the charcoal.
www.woodgas.nl MicroGasifier Dutch John shows two different 4-cycle engines he has raw chipped woodgasified in the 1 1/2 to 5 horsepower shaft out ranges. Easy. NOT!
You can bet DougB and his crew are working right now on woodpellet and charred pellet fueling these now too.
I use gasoline for now to work out the actual fuel range requirements in BTUās to be able to decide which of their systems to use.
Now figuring only 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 (7500-12,500) pounds of wood needed for what I want per hour of motor fuel gas. This is actually really tough to gasifiy for. REALLY, Really read Dutch John advises setting aside your prejudiced Internet- teased, hopes/soaps for the hard realities of going microGasifier.
My current system (Victory Hearth) operated best at a 10 pound per hour wood fuel lower range.
Steve Unruh