Discovering my freedom in Minnesota

Great job Bill! It’s not so hard once you know how. I’ve done up to 80 birds in a mornings work, it’s a chore but only happens occasionally.

My sister just sent these pictures of her last batch of meat birds, at the processing plant in Moneta VA. 346 birds…


That looks like Joe Saltianes place


If she can cook em as good as she can raise em I am going to chunk some wood and come for a visit:yum:


Same pastured poultry system that Joel uses. Bev Eggleston’s farm, good friend of Joel’s.

You better believe it…


Very nice Chris! How many people does it take to do 80 birds?


We had three people, but could easily have been two. A mechanical chicken plucker helps some. Knowing how is half the battle…


Just checking to see if I can respond to my post again. It works!

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Yes Carl, I tried to incubate some eggs early in the summer and was unsuccessful. This was a pleasant surprise. I have since sold 7 chicks for $5 a piece so I am back down to a manageable level. The chicks I sold paid for the feed for the next month or two. Win-win


Bob, the meat birds I bought were Cornish Cross’. 5-7 pounds in 8 weeks. No antibiotics or hormones. This was my most successful batch yet. 27 of the 29 I bought made it to the end.


Bill, we tried the Cornish Cross crossed with a Road Island Red breed. They were suppose to be ready in 10 weeks. They ended up 4 lbs. tops and we waited 12 weeks to get to that. Same no antibiotic or hormones, I would not recommend this breed for meat birds unless you want small birds. We are going back to the Cornish Cross and have them ready in 8 weeks.


They had so much rain down in the cities, they broke the snow plows out.

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Getting some time in on the addition. This will make the overall dimensions 20’x20’


The addition is all wrapped and will be sealed by tonight. Windows and door in. Bring on the snow. I will get the soffit and facia up soon but shouldn’t be a big deal.


Beautiful addition Bill and a little more room for you both. I see the Colors are changing there too. Hopefully you got all your wood up and ready for this year. They are predicting some big snow your way. They, the weather people are sometimes right. Did you get the out back solor/generator power building finished?


Thanks Bob.
The shed’s main structure is up up but not finished. I’m supposed to receive the new generator any day now. When that happens, I will put up the removable wall. Then it all needs to be insulated.
I believe I have enough wood for the winter. What I don’t know is, if there will be enough to make syrup. That will depend on how severe the winter is. I will be cutting trees throughout the fall and winter to get a start on the next season. I believe each season I will learn a little more to make the next season a little easier. I don’t fear the winter no matter how cold it gets. I used 5% of my 250 gallon Propane tank in 12 months so this year I will use a back up fish house heater in the house for overnights and days we aren’t here. Yes, I have a CO detector to insure our safety.


Looking great Bill! You do nice work for a guy that says he don’t know anything about building.:grin:


I have you and a couple of other people I consult with so it looks like I know what I’m doing. Otherwise this would look like a fort a 10 year old built.
Thanks for all you help Don!


That’s the way to do it. We are excitedly watching the progress. Missed you at Doniphan, and your name came up more than once! “Hammer Down”


Thanks Carl.
As bad as I wanted to be there, I had too much to do before winter. Maybe next Fall.
Hopefully 1 or 2 of the times my name came up, it was something good.
I am enjoying carving my way into these woods. There are a few Poplar trees that have grown so much this summer they’re interfering with my solar panels at 4:30 PM. They will be heat for next winter.
I cleared out more trees for a bigger garden. I have found that root veggies, beans and peas will be the only types of veggies to make through out short growing season. A green house is an order.


Bill, Your on your way, lookin good. Tell a little about your solar panels, where you got them, and what wattage. I have been thinking about some, but don;t know what a good price is, or what kind. Al