I might be able to clear up some confusion on wood usage. With the Keith gasifier, we burn about 16 lbs of wood per gallon of gasoline replaced. So:
The V10 probably got around 8-10 MPG on gas. 16 / 8 = 2, so figure around 2 pounds per mile.
Dodge Dakotas are up around 16 MPG on gas. 16 / 16 = 1, which is the commonly quoted “one pound per mile”.
In some scenarios Dakotas will get worse mileage. Try hauling a too-heavy trailer and fully loaded bed, your mileage will drop way off, on gasoline or wood. The suspension and brakes are really your limiting factors.
Also if you try to move the motor farther forward,the drop in the oil pan would hit the center frame bar. I think it has a lot too do with more luxury in the cab, and room in the cab also.allways trying too keep any extra weight down too_ And it must look like some new design fad. I got too admit I always disliked those Chevy tranny bolts crammed to the fire wall.
GMC made the s15 as a farm truck and is more low geared than an S10. I’ve got one of several vehicles but I think that one would be best because it’s an 86 model and carbureted with a low geared four speed. Unless you’re looking for real power I’ve got a V-10 F350 1 ton van with a factory wooden bed. It’s an extended body so you have room for a gasifier. I was planning on building a gasifier for the s15 but all my copper was stolen and I’ve gotta replace it all. Hope everything works out well for you brother