Legality of Wood Gas Vehicles

Hey it looks like i was asked to post.
Basically our insurance company asked nothing about it our insurance wasn’t even involved.
Her insurance sent out an adjuster and I explained it to him. He couldn’t give me anything for the gasifier directly but he marked the price of the truck up as high as he could and kept adding on little things, Medical, time without vehicle, etc… He also let me keep the truck. All those little things combined with the price of the vehicle he came out with a price i was happy with, I forget the number I would have to go check, but I think it was over 5 grand when it was all said and done.
You also have to realize that I am in Alabama and there are no vehicle codes or inspections here. Also She was with a local home town insurance company and they knew who we were, dads in the rescue squad Etc… So we were not dealing with complete city folk strangers.

Good to hear from you Randy, Haven’t seen you here in a while. You think you will make Argos this year?


Hello Randy! I missed you here! Been thinking about you these days belive it or not. Hope you are doing fine!


I also miss Randy’s singing and pickin :blush:


wow sound good Jakob thanks for posting. Yes i hope but i don’t have a wg truck or project right now Wayne maybe this year i can bring my good guitar if i drive up on dino fuel i will have more room. Kristijan if you come this year i will bring them loofa spong seeds if not i can try to mail them to you hope you can make it though


I was thinking about you recently. Off the top of your head can you guesstimate how many miles you could get out a gator say 6 ft long?


As Schultz would say on Hogans Heros I know nothing Tom


Randy, we are expecting a baby in a faw days and secondly l drained the wallet in our new house :smile: this year its gonna be hard… althugh a week of chilling with fine folks like you wuld sure recharge the batteries.
Cant belive you remembered about the seeds! Thank you so much but l just found some here!
On Toms question, this was exactly why l was thinking about Randy the other day :smile: l was disposeing some leftovers the hot way :smile:


Ok Kristijan i can understand that, been there before hopefully maybe things with workout if not we will miss you, my trip to Argos is never for sure until right up close also glad you found seeds sorry for the long response time i am not much on social media and typing