Life Goes On COVID 19 Discussion

I wear the blue masks when it is absountely necessary. I marvel at all the people wearing plain cloth masks who think that it makes some kind of difference.They pick their mask for how attractive it is.


Carl, belive me we did. Social distancing, a lot less travelling, major sick leaves for runny noses and working from home for those who are able.

The main reason we didn’t have strict look-downs and cerfews like many other European countries, is our constitution (we call them foundation laws) doesn’t allow it. Our government simply isn’t allowed to limit our freedom that way. It’s only allowed in wartime.

The vast majority of deaths occured in old folk’s homes (we call them elderly people’s residences :smile:). Already in an early stage relatives were not allowed to visit, but the virus sneaked in anyway. Probably brought in by staff. Very unfortunate. Lot’s of people lost their elderly loved ones.

I won’t argue about numbers. It all depends on what kind of time time span we’re talking about. We may have had a 17% mortality rate increase one day. In a full year it will probably end up closer to 1%.
All I know is we have way less Covid deaths per million people than Belgium, UK and USA. Norway has been extreemly lucky. However, we haven’t seen the bottom line yet.


This depends a bit on what difference we are talking about. There are a lot of people out there who are wearing masks that probably offer them basically zero protection from aerosols, which is certainly a way this virus spreads. So yes, they are not protecting themselves, but they are at least catching a decent number of the big droplets that they exhale, so at the very least they are not spraying spit all over anyone in range, or any surface that others might touch.

A surgical mask doesnt protect against aerosols either, especially one with big gaps around the sides. Still, if it catches droplets, it is still helping someone at least a little bit. The thing that really drives me crazy is the people who poke their nose out of their mask. You might as well just wear it on your head like a hat at that point.

Don’t get me wrong JO, as an American I am in no position to criticize Sweden’s response. Compared to the mess here, you guys are rock stars. I am simply trying to point out that there seemed to be a big discrepancy between Norway’s approach and Sweden’s, and looking at the numbers, Norway’s approach seemed to come out ahead. We will never know for sure if Sweden could have been as “lucky” as Norway if they were able to institute the same sorts of measures. I would like to think that we could learn something from this pandemic - that science and statistics are up to the task of letting us lead safer happier lives when this happens next time.


I just scanned my way through this topic and loved the great exchange of ideas. Maybe I missed it above, but there is something I’ve been thinking about masks. I’ve heard the phrase, “lower innoculum leads to lower disease.” My understanding of this premise is that you get a worse, more life threatening, case of Covid19 if you are infected by a bigger blast of the virus. It seems like an infected person’s wet snot on your face is worse than a whiff of their breath aerosol, but is it? Do some or all masks have some effect on lowering the initial amount of innoculum we get when infected which gives our immune response a better chance of limiting the effects of the infection? There are many variables, but you get the idea. Where has this thinking been supported or discredited?


Hi Jo, at this moment the infection rate for Belgium is about 5% from the population, the case fatality rate is 2,8 %
For Sweden, the infection rate is 2,5%, the case fatality rate is also 2,8%

Both country’s suffered a high % of fatality under the people in the elderly homes
Both country’s have not implemented all possible restrictions , not taken sufficient precautions

All is “talking after the facts” future will tell us what went wrong and to what extent.

You are right, we ain’t seen the bottom yet…

I compare: Don’t shoot at your friends and people around you ( Covid 19 bullets )
And: Duck before fired uppon (don’t go or stay when its possible unsafe )
And: The better your protective gear, the better your chances…

To all my friends:
This ain’t politics, this is about friends and family, people you care for…
All of you, stay safe…


@k_vanlooken Numbers can be tricky. Just to clarify, I was refering to the numbers of Covid related deaths since all this started. Right now Sweden has reached 643 deaths per million people, Belgium 1407 per million.
I guess the spread has a lot do with population density.

Burned some wood DOWing to the dentist this morning for a final touch. I asked her about their Covid situation, since they are really cuddling with all sorts of people daily.
I was told they are tested regurarely and 3 outof 63 dentists in town are confirmed Covid cases so far. None of them have had any symptoms at all though.
Apparently there’s still hope - even for dentists :smile:


Hi Jo,
We talk about the same numbers, case ratio, % infected of the population and how much of those infected did die…
Sweden has, so far, a smaller % of the population infected, lets hope it will stay that way.
As long as people are cautious things will turn for the better.
China is almost back to normal lifestyle unless there is the smallest outbreak, then they are very rigorous to lock down, but in the effective way.
Same for Thailand, no easy entry, low level precautions, awareness, almost zero casualty’s.
But here people are used to mask up and less politics… 99% masks and basic checks on entry of shops…
Future will tell how bad it have been, numbers don’t lie, the excess dead rate per annum will reveal the real extent

Anyway, i hope everybody stay’s safe and healthy…


Unless my memory is completely gone, I recall somebody here talking about having to deal with brain cancer. I ran across a treatment.

Never know, the info may come in handy some day.

due to the crisis there was a halt of reporting requirements and this was reported as an incredible decrease in hospital acquired infections and co infections

We are losing ability to combat disease and at same time have pandemic . and we are not going to get the ability that we lost back . We may , We may develop the ability to prevent mitigate the rise of certain diseases . I always remember seeing people that wore mask not many in the city one person out of thousands and in old news reels of crowds one person out of thousands wearing mask . Now I do ware a mask.

Reportedly, Ivermectin is a miraculous cure and / or preventative for covid. $ 1.48 per pill

“I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS”: Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing

Pierre Kory, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, delivers passionate testimony during the Senate Homeland Security and…


Yup. I started a course of it last night. Sunday I had contact with a sick guy. Yesterday, I didn’t feel so hot so last night I took the horse paste and elderberry, and vita D.
I talked to a guy a Menards last week, who had it and said they didn’t have any kind of treatment for it. Just sent him home to tough it out.
It’s ripping through here right now. I am tired of being cooped, but its better then dealing with the alternative.


Four days later BruceJ.
Are you better?
Are you worse?
Or are you just the same.
The household just to the south of me, She the Pharmacy Tech working thru since last March got it from a co-worker. Sick and tested positive. 15 month old daughter and husband tested O.K. That household just off of 14 days quarantine as of Monday. Both back to work.
Now household just north of me the, same-same. Except the working she, sick, is 8 months pregnant. Hoping/praying for the best outcomes.

Hoping for the best for you and your household.
Steve Unruh


I don’t feel 100% so I will get tested Monday, if possible.
I am much better, and it may be something else totally…like stomach ulcer.
Still, I don’t think I should tough it out, I will get checked.
Thank you Steve for asking.
(Note, I took two doses of that Ivermectin dewormer, and each time I felt better not long after. So I am confident about using it if the need arises.)


If you look back through the thread any views questioning the official Covid narrative have been blocked. Good to know we are all too stupid to determine the validity of opposing opinions.

I seem to have annoyed you Steve. Not my intention. I was talking about the deleted videos at posts 133, 135 and 136. Things have not gone so far that we cannot share among ourselves, yet. Alphabet Inc. and other letter agencies do control what you post on their venues. I don’t really care about Covid. We have been through the symptoms. Had worse colds. I’m sure other’s have experienced worse. I’m going to go out and build something. It’s the only thing I have any control over.

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It seems that this works. We need it anyway in wintertime. I hope you do all right.

Getting close then, stay save Mr Steve.

In Holland we just recieved the message that lock down is a fact. Maybe that gives me some spare time to catch up to the end of the year. Lock down is just because no one is taking care any more, full shopping centers etc??? How is that possible? Wo is actual buying in a real shop these days? Only if you are really stupid or really bored, or both. Thanks, fellow citizens… Not neccesary if one keeps his/her distance. Everyone is supposed to wear a mask and none is doing so while shopping, buy buy buy and buy more s%$t.

Well, it is just not over yet.

I will take my yoghurt, nuts and vit D every morning, try to sport as much as possible. Strange times.

Be carefull everyone and stay save.


We received word this morning my first cousin passed away last night from the covid . I think he was in good health but he was 80 year old :frowning_face:


I am sorry to hear your news. My condolences.

I am grateful to report that I don’t think I have it. I feel fine today. No complaints.


Terrible, my condolences. Can’t push the like button. Terrible virus that can act real fast.


Well Thanks TomH.
You did answer my question.
You are right.
I’ve never seen these video “fact checked” now-blocked messages before.

Yes Mr Wayne hits home alright. WE were there this last August with the b.i.l. in just 17 days. From walking and talking to . . . . gone.
Not covid. Fast acting cancers. With some covid like symptoms. And covid lungs failure speed.
Steve unruh