Life goes on - Summer 2023

Good Morning All,
Happy second day of the sun-Summer for us in the Northern hemisphere.
The foster girls are the Happy/Sad that yesterday was their last day of school. Sleeping in now - happy. Stayed up later last night - happy. Their sad will come in a few days missing school friends and favorite teachers.

For my wife normally the optimist; yesterday not so good of day. She had to face-to-face inform the school staff that the two girls would not be coming back in Septneber. Court has decided they will be with their mother, then on. A new school to learn then.
And I do not know how my wife does this but she senses the days from here on getting shorter.

Ha! Me? I am happier that here-on the grasses and weeds grow slower. Finally good net wood drying can begin.
A wood fire again this morning to keep the electric furnace from cycling on. Good? Hmm. yes. We still have woodshed wood here in the south place. The north place I now am out ground scrounging wood bits from high and sunny spots. Another dimension, reminded; to useing that layed out all raining seasons stuff. A good too, in its own way.
And NO frost this morning. That is very good. The few adjacent neighbors who try to vegetable garden, have been frosts losing sensitive tomatoes and such set-outs. Like all of us oldsters had to do. You learn the short season variants and settle for what you can do. Not what can be done, even 15 miles away down in warmer zones. Nearer the lower Columbia River warmed zones.

Perspectives. They can rule your life if you let them. So . . . to control your life, seize control of your perspectives and you instead, control them. You really are master of or own contnetments.
Regards to all
Steve Unruh

Ha! Ha! This new computer has a very AI driven spell check system. If I do not correct; it will guess, substitute insert. If I do correct select; it still decides what it thinks I need. I have to three times override it to get it to comply. Horses! Why I learned much to not like horses. They are tricky. Lean through and break fences. Open gates. Eat too much. Demand too much attnetion.
Machines I can command, and make it stick. Most of the times, dogs. Sometimes children. Some times (only sometimes) the various woman in my life. My Wife? Not so much.
And the prices to override command her . . .


I had a very small pond 5ft x 4ft for like 10 years with about a 1/4" pond liner rubber type of material, it didn’t leak at all. I hated it, and eventually removed it. I think if it does leak, you can dry it and patch it with rubber patch stuff. BUT it is expensive.

They also clay line ponds so they don’t leak, actually garbage dumps in our state are required to be clay lined to prevent leaking into the groundwater now. I think it is only like 6" of packed clay to work for a pond. Which in Tom’s case he built up so it doesn’t work as well, but they have all sand and not much clay material.

If I was going to put the time into doing rocks like that, I would coat it with something. the water gets into it and freezes to create cracks. I would probably use something like a ckear polyurethane spray so I could see the rocks. What he has looks really nice.


Happy Midsummer to you all! :sunflower::sun_with_face:


Happy Midsummer to all my woodgas-friends!

Driving on wood to nearby festivities, birch leaves is a traditional midsummer decorations.

Grytgöl midsummer parade.


Ha! When the Wife’s now old well used car ( 9 years, 200K+ miles) shifts weird when I am the passenger I have found out I need to check my Wife’s footwear first! Be Roman-type strapped sandals, or loose floppy one-piece molded Croc’s slipping, slapping, or edge hanging up on the go-faster-peddle as the problem.
When I can confirm shifting weirdness’s driving myself, then time to freshen the fluid.
~3 quarts/ ~3 liters sucked out. And the same new put in always seems to solve the problem for a time. 25% of total capacity. Has worked for three of her vehicles bought new and ran out past ten years and 200-300K so far.
The little red bottle supplement was purpose designed to emulate the sperm whale oil that got not used since the late 1970’s.

Ha! I take three “placebo” supplements myself with my morning vitamins and two now Pharma’s.
Perceptions to make me feel like I am actively doing something to improve and restore. And this does work for me.
Full system flushes create too often more problems than they solve. Avoid Purity-thinking and Absolutes-Insistent’s in all things. Sucking down, quicksand, life traps.
Steve Unruh


göran, gratulation to your car, really nice the new gasifier and the cooler , all in stainless steel, a work of art


I like how you grow your own wood supply right on the vehicle. :slight_smile:


That is the easiest thing to do. :slight_smile: Hopefully it works, but sometimes it is the clutch pack, which isn’t terrible to change, but it is a lot messier and time consuming. :slight_smile:


The stone teaches me patience and perseverance, well, it has been here for millions of years, how much is that compared to one human life,
 it will remain here for centuries


That is a nice wall, it is also nice to work with (if you have the machinery to lift them).
I see that one of the top stones is drilled and split, do you split them yourself or is it found, like old foundations?


The terrain here is rocky and when I was excavating there was plenty of it. I have a small excavator weighing 3t, which cannot break these rocks, unless I drill holes, and then I hit the holes with a hydraulic hammer with a point and the stone breaks.


Ooo, hydraulic hammer, I have not thought that one of those could be used, that would be nice to have. The ones I do I drill and hammer wedges in the holes. It takes a little longer for me to split a stone I think. :joy:


Are you American? Every thing is bigger on that side of the pond. Overhere the chief always complaines when I buy something. You dont need that, is standard reaction :grinning:. Just the other week she asked me to buy a 0,8 ton excavator :grinning:. To small off course but three ton is a serious toy.

Excellent job, perfect. I really like it. We only have mud overhere, no rocks.


Ugh, only 25 degrees, lucky you can control yourself.


Jan, I can see you brought both wife and dog. What about the hay filter? :smile:


Well, “brought along” it’s the wife who is supposed to have bath watch when she goes swimming in one of the lakes, so just come along and watch.
Hay filter, what is it? :grinning:


Oh, I forget. Are you running hot fabric filters only nowdays?


No, I still have foam rubber in the s10, have changed it so it can’t go past the edges, works pretty well.
Jonas said that Niklas had problems with the fiberglass filter getting punctured, so I’m still hesitant.
Only has a hot filter in the iller.


You should put weird nonsensical carvings in it, so when archeologists find it in a 1000 years, they are mystified and think aliens must have visited or there is a hidden treasure. :slight_smile:


That wall is a work of art Tone. I couldn’t be more impressed.