Life Goes on - Summer 2024

It was in India. and The section that opened the week prior was hit along with a section that was still being built which means even if it was designed to withstand a weather event like that, it may not have all been installed even if it was operational.

It is one of -many- solar projects in india, designed to help reduce evaporation of potable water.

coal is on it’s way out here. A lot of it has been replaced with NG which is actually more reliable and cheaper to boot, and it cycles faster so it fits the grid variability better. And actually on the left coast, they are starting to try to phase out NG because of methane emissions.

They have water issues, and not much sense in boiling water to spin a turbine if you don’t have to. In fact, they are starting to install solar over their water to reduce evaporation.


I am posting this here as it seems the best place to ask for prayer and to explain a few things. As many of you have probably noticed, I haven’t posted anything about my Dakota, my screw chunker or my tractor for quite a while. My wife, Jean started feeling a little light headed along with a few other symptoms a few months ago and it has steadily gotten worse. It got so bad a few weeks ago that the doctor ordered a mri. The mri didn’t show any tumors, but it did indicate some potential problems and so she was referred to a neurologist and prescribed some SSRI drugs. I don’t know if it is the drugs or the fact that the neurologist is booked up until July 25th before he can see her, but her anxiety has gone through the roof. I can only leave her for short periods of time without her feeling anxious. Needless to say I have put the shop projects on the back burner so I can stay home and help comfort her. She doesn’t like to ride in the car very long so it looks like I will miss this year’s wood gas get together. I am asking for prayers for her that God would strengthen her faith and give her courage to get through this. I also ask for prayers for the doctors, and that God would give them the wisdom to solve this mystery and that our Mighty Lord would heal her of this nightmare. I know many of you will be praying for her and I thank you so much.

In Him,


My thoughts and prayers are headed your way.

Just as humor At first I thought the symptoms started matching pregnancy…


Done, and doing,
In Jesus’ Name


Surely true. Coal is dirty, so you burn it on your way to first-world status. Our western coal is not as dirty as some, and our power plants are not as dirty as some, so it could be worse than it is here. Like in China, where coal-fired power is converted into solar panels. Coal-fired energy shipped to the USA in photovoltaic form :slightly_smiling_face:

Not all of the pollution observes international boarders :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Garry, my prayers are with you and your wife. I just have to ask, was your wife Covid vaccinated? There are some severe side effects associated with the jab, but there are some things that can be done. I won’t go into detail unless you wish the info.



Our prayers are with you and your wife .


Ironically, i think the US and Brazil purify the silicon then send it to China at least that was the case.

That is actually part of what we are trying to change. The US Western coal is about half gone. The Eastern coal main vein has been fine since the 80s. China is about 2/3s throug their main coal. Europe is burning lignite because they are out.

Then you have a similar situation with oil.
There are 40 years worth of proved reserves. Which doesn’t mean there isn’t more, but the cost of extraction goes up.

China and India were planning on massively expanding coal to copy the first world, and China and India import most of their oil which puts more pressure in the market.

So whether you want to jump on the global warming bandwagon or not i don’t care. We have to change anyway. And while we have a couple decades, we didn’t have any viable alternative solutions. The longer lead time you have the more you can drive prices down and develop better technology. So we aren’t stuck with 80s wind turbines and lead acid batteries when the crisis hits.


Garry, you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.
I understand the affect anxiety can have on a person. I sometimes feel helpless to comfort my wife when hers gets bad.

Praying she finds helpful doctors and they can a suitable and effective treatment.


In my thoughts and prayers. May everything turn out well


For you Garry we pray especially your wife.
“Oh YEHOVAH Almighty God The Father and Creator of all things. In and by your Word, your Only Son the Messiah Yeshua the Savior and healer we ask for your Name Sake to touch Garry’s Wife and heal her of her sicknesses”. For your Word and promises say that if we call on your Name YEHOVAH God and believing You oh God will hear our prayers and answer our calls. out loud with my voice I call to you.
I know my other brothers and sisters will call to you also in this prayer. For Your Word Yesuha says when two or three pray about anything it will be done.
Thank YEHOVAH for Answering this prayer. In Yeshua’s Name.


Thank you all so much for your prayers.

Marty- She had the shot and all of the boosters, but still ended up getting COVID in December of last year. Any info you have would be greatly appreciated



garry, the plandemic and vax was a big fraud …alternative media is full of it…
for example nattokinase and ivermectin are things that could help…my wife reads and knows more about it, but she is not here in the moment …
following jesus christ and full trust in him but is the first…


I want to share my personal successful experience of COVID treatment. I know that many people trust only their doctors, but I know only one doctor who speaks honestly about what kind of disease it is.

So, the usual flu is very unambiguously different from colds in one symptom - muscle pain and general weakness associated with it. My grandmother referred to this condition as “twisting my legs.” And she treated us in her own way.

When I carefully studied the topic of home birth (I really wanted at least one of our children to be born outside the hospital, in their native walls), I found a video of the doctor Isabella Voskresenskaya (Изабелла Воскресенская). She studied to become an obstetrician-gynecologist, but after the first abortion, which she had to do during practice, she abandoned this direction and became a neurologist.

She said that during one of her train trips she became so ill that only with the help of friends she was able to get out of the carriage and get into the car. She was immediately taken to an old and experienced doctor-neurologist. He gave her a medicine that is usually used in the treatment of neurological diseases (concussions and other injuries and lesions of the nervous system). As a neurologist, she quickly understood the principle of the drug’s action.

She explained in great detail that the flu virus affects the nervous system. This causes both muscle pain and weakness of the whole body from the first days of malaise. Now she uses the Russian drug Cortexin (Кортексин), which only needs to be diluted with saline and dripped into her nose every 2-3 hours. Moreover, it is enough only to wet the wings of the nose from the inside, and not pour them like drops from a runny nose. In addition, she, as a doctor, uses the same drug as a preventive measure during flu epidemics. The flu is dangerous primarily for its complications.

My personal experience exactly confirms the words of this talented doctor! As soon as I feel this very muscle pain and weakness, I immediately dilute the Cortexin powder in saline in a ratio of 1:1, and drip into my nose. Sometimes I repeat this procedure 2-3 times a night. Sometimes I fall asleep so soundly that I can only do it in the morning, already practically not feeling any symptoms of the disease.

How does this relate to COVID?

One day I ran out of Cortexin. There was not even an expired medicine. I had to ask the neighbors to buy it when they were near a large pharmacy. Such medicines are not delivered at the local pharmacy. But the neighbors had to go to the city only 2 days later. During these two days of waiting, I was getting worse and worse so rapidly that I asked, just in case, a farmer friend to buy this medicine too, when he was in town on his business. As a result, by the beginning of the 3rd day, when I had 2 sets of Cortexin, I completely lost my sense of smell. And it was scary, because it was the first time in my life! I was pouring gasoline and at the same time did not (!) smell it at all! I could only feel the cold air being inhaled through my nose.

Naturally, if I had a goal to investigate this disease to the end, then for sure, after a while, problems with breathing and loss of my lungs would begin, as often happened with other people who suffocated during COVID. I didn’t take the COVID tests. In this case, it was enough for me to logically compare my symptoms with those of other people with this disease. That’s for reason is given to a person.

But I immediately started treatment with Cortexin, which was recommended by Isabella Voskresenskaya. I had to be treated for the same amount of time as the disease developed without treatment - by the end of the 3rd day I felt good. Although the sense of smell was then restored for 2-3 weeks. Apparently, the nodes of the nervous system responsible for it were severely affected.

Now, as before, this medicine is always on the shelf in our refrigerator. I have friends who buried their loved ones after a failed attempt to cope with this disease, even in a hospital full of doctors. I cannot allow this to happen to my children or to my wife.

Moreover, this medicine has no side effects. There can only be an individual sensitivity to its composition. Moreover, the composition itself amazes me to the depths of my soul: “a complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions of brain cells of livestock”! What is there in the brain cells of livestock that is not in the cells of my brain???! When and where could I have lost it?

Yes, Isabella Voskresenskaya herself has never told anyone or anywhere that Cortexin is a medicine against COVID. The instructions for Cortexin do not mention the flu, much less COVID. Although both are diseases of the nervous system caused by neuroviruses. “By their deeds, judge them.” It’s clear to me why she doesn’t say that. People have learned how to create new diseases. Entire corporations are working on this, and they receive not only money, but, as we have seen, very significant results. This is a big business! I can’t be against it if some person doesn’t value his life - he has the right to die. But people who want and know what to live for should have knowledge on this subject, and freedom of choice. For even the Creator of the Universe does not violate this freedom in relation to his children. Even when they kill each other, with weapons, poison, diseases, their way of life.

In no case am I trying to convince anyone to self-medicate. If you fully trust your doctors, then this is your sacred right. But when I ask a doctor what an appendix is for in a person, and I hear in response that it is a vestige, then I do not trust such a doctor.

For I see every day how perfect this world is. It is such a harmonious system that, as an engineer, it becomes quite obvious to me that this world had and still has its Creator. And He is a first-class Engineer! (the word engineer is from the French ingénieur, - inventor). Everything is thought out to the smallest detail, there is nothing superfluous and at the same time there is everything you need! In addition, there is multiple duplication in case of any failures in any parts of this system. It is logical to assume that the Creator created his children perfect in order to continue to create beautiful worlds with them throughout the universe and expand its boundaries. And the Creator could not endow his children with unnecessary organs and functions, or not give something to his children. Good fathers give their children everything they know how to do themselves. Therefore, a doctor who claims that God has made something unnecessary in a person causes me, to put it mildly, distrust.

I live and work on my land so that once I didn’t need any medicine. But before that happens, I want my friends to know about 100% treatment of such terrible diseases as COVID.


I know a lot of what I’m about to say is going to rub a bunch of you the wrong way depending upon your views of the medical system and medicine in general. Let me say before I start that I’m not an expert, but I’m also not completely clueless. Before I got my ME degree, I had obtained a degree in biology with an emphasis in molecular biology. Early on in the Covid crisis, I recognized that the virus had some properties that made it look that it was engineered and did not come out of a “wet market” as the media would have you believe. Lately, the consensus is moving toward the view that the virus did in fact originate in a lab.

The media would also have you believe that the jabs were safe and effective. Well, as far as effectiveness is concerned, you can still get Covid and still pass it on to others despite being vaccinated. Why should we believe that the safety part of “safe and effective” is true? There is evidence that the vaccines have created a host of problems that have been covered up by governments and media.

In a nutshell, the major issue with the vaccine is that it used mRNA to create endless copies of the virus’s spike protein to generate an immune response from the body. But the spike protein is dangerous in and of itself. Its function is to attach itself to cell walls to allow the virus to be drawn into the cell. As a bare protein it still does that all over the body. When attached to a cell, the cell in the immune system’s eyes appears to be infected. The cell, despite being healthy is destroyed. This creates massive inflammation all over the body. Depending upon where this occurs, it can lead to a bewildering list of problems.

Certain ailments are now being seen commonly that were either non-existent or extremely rare before the vaccine came into being. Children and healthy fit people dying suddenly. Athletes collapsing on the field. Myocarditis and pericarditis in large numbers. Turbocancers where people are presenting with stage 4 cancers. Deep vein thrombosis cutting off blood supplies to appendages and organs. The list is long and varied. Some other issues associated with the jab are (from the FDA):

Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute disseminated encephaloymelitis (“Characterized by a brief but widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord that damages myelin – the protective covering of nerve fibers,” according to NIH.)
Transverse myelitis
Narcolepsy and cataplexy
Acute myocardial infarction
Autoimmune disease
Pregnancy and birth outcomes
Other acute demyelinating diseases
Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Venous thromboembolism
Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
Kawasaki disease

Garry, because your wife’s problem could be due to any number of things, the main thing is to find a doctor that understands what is going on. It may not even be a vaccine injury. Too many doctors are beholden to the drug companies and are compensated to provide expensive drugs. Some just can’t wrap their heads around the fact that the vaccine is dangerous. Some can’t admit that they have pushed something that is harming their patients.

There are a couple of doctors that I have come across that I would try to contact. These doctors are focused on trying to help the vaccine injured. They are no slouches in their fields. Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist who is highly respected and is a top publisher in his field. Pierre Kory is an expert in pulmonary and critical care. Please realize that these doctors and others with similar beliefs have been vilified by the mainstream media and the medical establishment. There is big money at risk if the vaccines are shown to be dangerous.

As Giorgio mentioned above, nattokinase and ivermectin are some of the treatments Kory and McCullough use among others. Ivermectin by the way, was first developed for human use and won a Nobel prize for its inventors. It is also near impossible to overdose and is extremely safe.

Pierre Kory’s site:

Peter McCullough’s:

You should peruse these sites and read up on their treatments to see if it is right for you and your wife. If you need any other help please do not hesitate to reach out.



[quote=“Martin S, post:275, topic:7765, username:Marty”]
the major issue with the vaccine is that it used mRNA to create endless copies of the virus’s spike protein to generate an immune response
[/quote], t

This is pretty much the definition of a vaccine. Except, typically they use the -actual- virus that is either dead or disabled. Which because of sterilization techniques especially pre 1980s, they may not have actually killed it. Newer irridation techniques are far more accurate so while it -could- in theory happen, it is probably less then a 1/million chance. For covid they actually did both techniques. One was the typical “kill”(there is a legit debate on whether virus are actually dead or alive) the virus approach, and the second was the mRNA approach, they tried to pick the least invasive version of the spike protein because you just need the body to recognize and react to the proetein.

As far as odd issues, the vaccine may or may not be the culprit. There are a number of issues that were ‘rare’ creeping up all over the place say 10 years ago. And I think with the internet detection has gone up so instead of ‘we don’t know’ or some general issues, you have this ‘rare’ disease with a name. There may not be a cure, and treatment may not be any diferent then ‘some general issue’ which is what my friend found out. Then you have the communication, so there is probably a facebook group for people with that issue. Then anything rare must be because of the vaccine.

I am really skeptical because it was so poorly handled globally and became a huge political issue so misinformation for both sides is rampant.

My personal conspiracy theory is someone from the university was studying it on bats. It mutated to a form that could infect humans, and they didn’t realize it, because it doesn’t mutate easily. The person that was supposed to destroy the bats, took them to the wet market to sell them for extra cash because each of the bats, was probably worth a weeks pay at the wet market. The rest of it is just CYA.

Yeshua rised a friend from the dead after he had been in the grave tomb for four days. So sicknesses IS not a problem to the Almighty God YEHOVAH and His Son Yeshua. He said and showed us He over came and defeated death, it could not hold Him. He said the real problem is in our unbelieving in what He can do. God wants everyone to know that He is The YEHOVAH the healer and Savior of all.
I choose to just believe in His promises in His word. I Keep It Simple.


Maybe so, but not the definition of a safe vaccine. Never before was mRNA used in this manner. In addition, to prevent the rapid breakdown of the mRNA, they inserted an unnatural sequence of amino acids that makes the mRNA persist. This means that the spike proteins are produced in huge numbers for a very long time. The mRNA has been detected for months after the injection in some people.

Further more, the DNA used to create the mRNA via a bacillus in production has found its way into the vaccines. There are regulations limiting the amount of DNA allowed, but that has been exceeded. Also since the mRNA is encased in a lipid nanoparticle to allow it to survive until in gets into a cell, the DNA is also encased. So in essence the vaccine delivers a super dose of DNA which can get incorporated into a cell’s nucleus. Not good.

As far as your theory regarding the virus’s origin through mutation, you would have to explain how the virus’s furin cleavage site came into being. It is a multibasic site because it contains multiple basic (arginine) amino acids. This does not exist in any bat or pangolin virus. Since a viable single amino acid mutation is rare, a multiple amino acid mutation would be astronomically improbable. It is just not seen in nature.


I swore to stay out of any Covid discussion of wich you can imagine l have a wery strong opinion… but thod l throw in a semi realistic joke, to break the pesimism.

My mother got it first. She is more of a “mental worker” rather thain a phisical worker (read couch potato) and she got trugh it with little effects. Then my 1 year old son who she was babysiting (we didnt know she had it). He was also not phisicly active and got trugh it in a day with light feaver. Then oldest son, you know how kids are at 6… runing around al the time. Only his legs hurt when he got sick.
Now my father is a sportsman. When he got the simptoms he decided to do what he always does when he gets a cold, go for a run and sweat it out. Big mistake, his whole body was a wreck for a week after.
Then it was my turn. I got it from my sons. I did some hevy lifting that day and when the simptoms hit, my back had the worst pain l ever experianced.

So, laying down, feeling sorry for my self, l ruminated on these facts and came to a conclusion that this virus seems to atack the alredy inflamed/worked tissues. It was then then that l thanked God l had not used a particular organ set at the day of infection :smile:


:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

My daughter and me got it first, stayed on the couch for a week and eat everything available. No real complaints more then a flue. The midle son wanted to go on ski holiday with school so got his shots, and then the trip was cancelled. We dont tell him but still regret he got his shots.
A client once told me it is ok to talk about Covid but no longer then 5 minutes on the table. I kept that one. Every has to spit it out but discussion always ended the same way, black or white. What hits me most was the social change of society. I do understand now how that little black man was able to rise in Germany 100 years ago.
For the rest we didnt suffer a bit living in a small village. My daughter was throwing parties, unbelievable, and not a single problem :grinning:. Try that in the city.
No traffic jams etc etc. Road blocks were a joke.

Remember the world is run by:

  • guns
  • drugs
  • prostitution
    Exactly what was happening during Covid , Ukraine etc etc. Dont fight it, it is a battle you cant win, just try to stay alive. After this lord the next one is coming and he might be worse then this one.

Alright, back to your limbs Kristijan :grinning: