Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Just a guess. Humans have a need, a desire to accomplish and excel. It’s built in. It’s good. You need food and wood for the winter. You need shelter for yourself and your family. In the real world, it takes a lot of time and a lot of work. In the video world, it’s quick, easy, and if you fail, you start over with a click. If you’re killed in battle, no big deal. It’s probably okay in small quantities, but if you’re accumulating a lot of wins, victories, online money or whatever, your real bank account, the freezer, and the wood pile may be a little light.


This morning I fired up the Fergie gasifier, attached the mulcher to the back, looked at the sky, it was cloudy and there was thunder in the distance. It hadn’t rained for a long time, but I thought it wouldn’t rain today either, and I drove with Feri to another field with potatoes to grind the tall grass and weeds that had grown on the field, I was too lazy to sharpen and swing a hand scythe. as I usually do, Fergie spoiled me,… Fergie was happy to do the job, the engine ran smoothly, the back was smoking from the dry earth, he ground the grass and weeds into short pieces, just as the job was coming to an end , the raindrops started to cool us down. We were both wet on the way home. So there was nothing with picking potatoes in the morning.
While it was raining, I was called by a friend who needed help in making a filling connector for LPG, because at the gas station, where LPG is sold as auto-gas, it is half the price of exchanging an empty cylinder for a full one. While we were busy making this connection, the rain stopped and the sun was high at noon.
The little green tractor was waiting for me ready to go to the field, I have to say that this little Holder AM2 is only one year younger than me, and Fergie is two, well, Fergie met Abraham this year,…
As I said, the sun was at its zenith and it was shining with full power, the soil dried up quickly, but the atmosphere was like a sauna, I told myself, I will plow and harvest at least one row of potatoes. So we plowed one row, then another, and another, then another,… I missed my wife Metka, who couldn’t work today,… well, in the afternoon my son Domen came home from work and the work was fast finished. Oh Domen, he’s a quiet, modest tough boy, it’s good to have him at work, well, there won’t be any hunger in the house, if we want to eat all the potatoes, we’ll need three kilos of them every day.
I sincerely apologize to everyone for taking up your time with this “novel”. :smiley:


I know that potato varieties differ throughout the world Tone. A lot of your’s look like some kind of red variety. I have always had issues with the reds available in this area. Red Pontiacs and norlands. I don’t find them to be good keepers and much more prone to scab than the Russet burbanks I grow. By far my best keepers are Yukon Gold. They will still be solid and only putting on eyes even in April and May here. Being an old boring guy I like finding out what other peoples experiences are with their taters. Don’t even get me started on tomatoes. You will be begging for me to shut up. :yawning_face: :weary:


While I won’t answer for tony…
You might check page out. They list either northern michigan or the UP for these and they handle dry sandy conditions. . And they list them with Yukons for long storage.
They also have some tips on controlling a few pests.

I couldn’t find the list I was looking for yet. There is a chart somewhere with varieties and densities or specific gravity, size, planting time, and storage for michigan -somewhere-. It might have been from the michigan potato growers association.


“art” in the morning sky…when i remember right, in my youth the condensation stripes of airplanes were also in this way, isn´t it???
or i remember wrong and the stripes were only very thin and disappeared quickly??


pleasant tomato harvest this morning…

and tomatoe sauce production…


I have no insight as to what might be emitted from any given aircraft’s exhaust. However, doing such has been proposed
This article was published by Forbes, a mainstream American financial publication. A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong?


It was common to spray silver nitrate in the air to try and get it to rain in california. Other things have been reported being added as well by conspiracy theorist sites.


A long explanation of what and why you are seeing in Giorgio’s photos. May be hard to follow if english is not your first language. MK Ultra is an long term mind control program by US intelligence agencies which has been openly admitted so not CS. Climate control people admit they are using ALO2 but as a means of deterring global warming by reflecting back solar radiation.
Just providing information. If it’s conspiracy theory to you then don’t bother wasting 52 minutes listening.


Lines in the sky that appear behind airplanes, the game of turbulence, the release of water vapor, the temperature and humidity of the area in which the airplane flies,… these are just interesting physical phenomena :grinning:

Giorgio, your photographer takes really nice photos. :+1::smiley:


Swedish woman makes her American debut as a top fuel driver.


My boy and his friends spent the weekend at the track during these races. They watched her race.

He said the stands were pretty full for all the top fuel stuff, then they would really thin out as the crowd headed back to the camping area (better known as the zoo) for the non stop party that was taking place.

He said tickets for the raceing and camping were $280/person for the three day weekend.
:face_with_spiral_eyes: too expensive for me!

He had all kinds of stories to tell though when he got home. :smiley:


We saw a grouse yesterday on our trip in the forest, quite unusual this year, have only seen a few chicks before.


Wow, Jan!
Is that link to your own photos album?
Really Wonderful photos there!! :smiley:


Counter-example for the Day

Last night, after dinner, I was worn out. I didn’t feel like any heavy work, but thought I could chunk up some small branches for TLUD fuel. It doesn’t take much effort to run the miter saw.
That’s 1.

I have cheap pair of cotton work gloves. They don’t fit very well, but I’m trying to wear them out.
That’s 2.

I needed to clear some chunks from the saw table, and no, the blade hadn’t stopped, but there’s lots of clearance.
That’s 3.

What happened next I don’t fully understand. The cuff of the glove on my left (feed the sticks) hand is shredded. The blade caught it as it spun down. I think it pulled my hand toward the blade. What I do know, is there’s a row of small slits across the back of my thumb, closely spaced. They are shallow, praise God, about a quarter-inch long, neatly parallel for about 3/4 of an inch. Not much bleeding; again the grace of God, and no pain.

This was good for some sympathy, and the evening off.

Now, I’m not stupid, appearances notwithstanding, and I know better than to do any of the three. Anyone else been there? Just a humble reminder, don’t do what you know better than to do.

And one more thanks to God. A little different position and I could easily be down a thumb.


Kent I’ve had one bad wood related shop accident in 2013. Used a fence with a table router and chamfering bit. Didn’t realize I was feeding the wrong way and it ate the 2x2 I was rounding off and took my hand with it. Chewed up my index and middle finger on left hand. Needed a lot of stitches and I’ve got some broken part of my last knuckle in the index that’s out of place. Can’t feel pads of those fingers. Wasn’t wearing gloves though.

Dad had a friend that used old gloves on a cold day with a drill press and he’s short 3 fingers on his left hand.


I usually repost pictures there so my father-in-law (97 years old) and our neighbors can see them, they seem to appreciate it.


What Mike said, Jan. Wonderful photos.
You may want to edit the latest date though - unless you’re way into the future. As far as I know the 28th of August 2024 has not occured yet :smile:

@FruitvaleFarmer I’m glad you got away with a few scratches and relativly unharmed. I had to look up index finger, because I forget which one it is :smile: Now that I think about it all the other fingers are named similar in my language, only the index finger we call pointing finger, with direct translation.
I’ve been lucky to be able to stay away from severe injuries so far in life, but in the summer of 1975 my father lost his left index finger and damaged all the other ones except the little finger. During a brain fart repairing a lawnmower he tried to grab the deck to tilt the machine.
I was 7 yo and I still remember coming home from a full day down by the lake only to find the lawnmower and spred out tools in pool of blood on the driveway. A neighbour had just given my father a ride to the ER. My father found his index finger on the driveway and kept it in his mouth to keep it warm on his way to the hospital, but the doctors were unable to replace it.


Been there, done that. I keep trying to get rid of my left index finger. First time was with a jig saw that came out of the cut and bounced on the work and stabbed through my finger several times. Years later was from a planer that I carelessly let my finger get too close to. Finally, years after that a table saw grabbed a piece of wood I was backfeeding and tore through the top of the finger. I still have the finger although the nail is gone. Not sure what power tool I’ll try next. :thinking:


Thanks JO, now I manage to get some of the pictures of my beaver in as well.