Haha! Of course you do but I think we would all like to move to Wayne’s place but it just won’t work - it’ll get too crowded.
But to judge from your reaction I think I just managed to raise your temp a couple degrees
Haha! Of course you do but I think we would all like to move to Wayne’s place but it just won’t work - it’ll get too crowded.
But to judge from your reaction I think I just managed to raise your temp a couple degrees
Ahhh. I’ll get one after you get one. The snow should hit you tomorrow night before it hits me. PM me and let me know how it works out for you.TomC
There are side benefits to working on the construction of WK units. You’ll never be the same mind set ever again. I used to think in terms of hardware store solutions, or in my case, machining something custom. It started with winning this 32 inch LED TV from a work party. Some gifts come with a catch, big time with this one. It replaces a 25 inch tube TV sitting on a 2 by 2 foot piece of furniture in the dining room. That means it has to become wall mount. Work. Got a wall mount bracket and found a stud to screw into. Wife has two complaints about the wall mount. She’ll have to buy a shelf to hold the cable box. And ………that sound is too tin box like. Bought a audio box amplifier. Now she’ll have to buy a bigger shelf to hold both TV additions while the TV is up the wall.
Suddenly the ghost of Wayne came zooming into the room with a spark of inspiration. Weld scrap together for a value added product. When the TV is up in the air, a trip to Walmart is unnecessary because I built a woodgas truck !
About fell out of my chair… Quite a mental picture there. LOL
One of my life rules has been that i can have any tool I want a long as it can pay for itself.
With a shop full of tools and all of the practice that a WK build provides many of life’s challenges are smaller and more rewarding.
This is why Michigan’s left coast is heavily populated with fruit trees and bushes.
Frost insurance that is.
Merry Christmas all.
I have plenty of work that needs to be done on the farm but this afternoon I decided to take the rest of the day off because it is so close to Christmas. I filled the hopper of the dakota and the wife and I went out riding , sight seeing , shopping and visiting for about 5 hours.
Enjoyed the afternoon SWEM
Thank you, Wayne. Merry Christmas and Good Tidings to you and your loved ones.
Merry Christmas to ALL and to all a good night. And may God bless.
Merry Christmas, and looking forward to Argos while enjoying 38 degrees on the outside of the garage.
Happy holidays of choice to all!
Merry Christmas to you my wood gas friends!
My Christmas present came early.
Meet Wyatt, He was scheduled to arrive tomorrow but didn’t want to be upstaged. This makes Grandchild number 3 for me.
Now that is a Christmas to remember
Love the outfit!
He already has more hair than you. grin
Merry Christmas everyone. Congratulations Bill. What a gift!!
Congrats Bill, My oldest granddaughter’s birthday is tomorrow. Merry Christmas to all of you, and to our DOW family. Al
Congratulations Mr. Bill .
A great Christmas gift
Merry Christmas everyone. Happy Birthday Chris.
70F and rain here tomorrow. Christmas has to be about the heart, because the weather don’t get it.