Life goes on - Winter 2022

Mainly the seed companies say you can not do this storeage thing. Buy new every year. Hummm. Seeds out in nature will take sometimes two years or more to germinate. The Moisture, temps. need to be just right.


If you can’t freeze them, then why are there emergency Seed Banks located in cold regions? One place being in the permafrost zone in Norway.

Many seeds can be brought back if done carefully.

Some scientists have brought back the hundreds of years extinct Judean Date Palm when they found a jar of the date seeds at Masada.


For me, wood gas is a way to produce power. Power is only necessary if you are not starving to death. God first, Wife second, food third, Climate control fourth, Power fifth. After that its all options.


That sounds like the perfect order indeed.And thanks for noteing they can be frozen, is there a process for thawing, or before planting frozen seeds,THANKS.

I’d say bring it back slowly, freezer to fridge and then put it in the soil

I bought a 10 dollar hand pump too pull are out few days ago, i might as well use them jars for beans and seeds, though i like getting started plants from the green house down the road, since we have a really short growing season.3-1/2 to 4 mounth if that some summers shorter growing times.I could see living a few states farther south, Then it would be mud floods or tornatos, we get used too the weather in each state we grow up in really.UNLESS were a traveling salesman. 10 below zero friday, i might actualy need a parka coat friday.


Some here seal seeds in jars and burry them. Its supposed to be best for them.

Seeds survive a crazy long time in the soil. The longest runing experiment is some guy dug open bottles with seeds in the gound and periodicly dug them out to test germination. I belive the experiment still goes on as some seeds still germinated well over 100 years, exposed to moisture and soil life. I think thry dig a bottle every 20 years now.

A nother anecdote. A guy once told be they buldosed a old house that was uninhabited for 40 years. Tabacco started sprouting all over the area. Aparently, the house had some seeds stored somewhere, at least 40 years old!


I wonder how deep in the ground,maybe just 5 feet or somewhat below the frost line,?


Keep your eyes open and your head on a swivel. Western economies are collapsing and since there is no way to repair the damage of endless money printing the people that control money have decided to accelerate the collapse in order to force you into using their digital currency. If you wisely reject getting sucked into that trap you will be relying on barter until these central bank gangsters are finally put out of business and asset backed money can be instituted. Note that I said money and not currency. The point being that the most valuable barter items will be seeds and tools to use for growing food, repairing equipment, and providing heat for your houses. When your social credit score says that you were a bad boy and therefore you can’t have your ration of gasoline, you will not be trapped as long as your wood gas machines are stealth enough. Anyone that does not see that the powers that be are working full time to corral you into total dependence is just not looking hard enough.


Mr. Tom, don’t get angry when I call you “sir”, you deserve more for this contribution. :+1::clap:


I’m hoping I not getting to far from the reason this site exists, but wood gas is primarily just one means of freeing oneself from the control of the evil empire. Here we are talking about food, seeds and ways to be less dependent on the corporate food supply. The video I link is about the U.S. but I am pretty sure the same applies to all WEF dominated countries. It will show a massive underground food storage facility in which huge amounts of mainly processed foods are being stockpiled as more and more food processing plants are mysteriously blowing up or bursting into flames. Many millions of chickens being slaughtered due to phony avian flu protocols or commercial feeds being sold to homesteaders and small egg producers to keep their chickens from laying. Believe it or not. The PTB make no attempt to hide the fact that they are stockpiling food. They can always say they are doing it just as they stockpile fuels, in the event of national emergencies. In reality when the supermarkets are no longer supplied and the populous is hungry they will set up distribution centers and again if your a good little sheep and keep you mouth shut and avoid any eye contact and your social credit score says you are worthy and you are willing to stand in line for hours then you will recieve a weekly sustenance supply. Before then you better have another plan. You may believe this is just another Chicken Little yelling that the sky is falling. I say in the next year you will see things you never imagined.


Rant alert.

Couldn’t agree more with you Tom. The dollar is toast. The US weaponized the SWIFT system to sanction countries it disagrees with and now many countries are abandoning the petrodollar. Just wait till those un-needed dollars come home to roost.

My wife and I saw the beginning of this back in 2004 and made the decision to relocate to Chile. Since then it has gotten exponentially worse. The “woke” crap permeating the States makes us so glad we moved. If you told me when I was growing up that children in the future would be treated to drag shows, I would have said you were insane. Yet here we are. Same with a dozen other things.

I realize politics and religion are sensitive subjects. Sorry if this offends anyone, but I’m old and ornery and some things just need to be said.


Next time someone slaughters a hog and can’t get this at the store, try making some Livermush. A delicious morning meal unto itself, or a replacement for mere bacon. I eat it in a sandwich with a little hot sauce.


Here is Granny Bowman’s Liver Mush:

2-1/2 pounds pork liver
4 pounds neck bones or 2 pounds pork chops

Cover meat with cold water, adding 1 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp black pepper. Cook till meat falls off bones, let cool. Reserve juice from meat. Grind all meat together. Put back in juice, adding enough juice to make 3 quarts. Bring to boil and gradually add 5-5 1/2 cups corn meal, stirring constantly. Let cool. Excellent for breakfast with homemade biscuits.

I’ve never made this myself, but enjoyed it when Granny made it. I substitute Neese’s brand Liver Pudding for the real thing.


I grew up eating liver pudding over buckwheat pancakes for breakfast :pancakes: Sometimes for. Supper :yum:


Never made that either, Though we had lots of chicken and dumplon dinner. Our elder baby sitter we had about 7 years, before my dad remarried when i was 10 year old, was a good old fashon cook.

Thanks Cody, l will try that for sure! But is the amount of sage correct? Seems a lot

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I wouldn’t use the sage, I’ve never seen it in the storebought livermush.

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Yum, sounds like Creton a French Canadian traditional food sort of like a pork spread for toast. My grandparents would have used pork leftovers and organ meats not just ground pork but this come close. Best Cretons Recipe - How to Make French Canadian Pork Pate


Sorta, there’s a Pennsylvania food similar called Scrapple, except Scrapple uses whatever pork meat there is left over and may or may not have organ meat.

Livermush despite the name is usually more of a brick, especially if you compress it when you put it in the bread tin after making it. I slice mine into 1/8" thick squares because I like mine fairly crispy.

Also Livermush I’ve only ever seen with cornmeal as the binder. I’ve never seen regular flour. Maybe the mix is better for homemade to firm it up.

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