Life goes on - Winter 2023

Except for the last couple years, we would have 2 foot of snow pack right now and would do our morning walk treading on top of it through the swamp. Now it’s been 50’sF for the last two days and even the mud has mostly dried up. Actually went down and started prepping he garden with normally 11 weeks until our last frost day. Weather liar’s won’t be making a chump out of me though. I’ll still resist until the normal time. Spent yesterday making a shredder to break down leaf mold in to bedding for my worms. Decided that I will ramp up production of worms and casting as one way to generate some income since by this time next year we will have gone full Weimar and my Social Security and pension checks may not buy a roll of toilet paper. We remember from the lock down’s that TP is the most precious commodity. Same reason I’m going full tilt on the crops.


And as the Wife came home from Adult night class school teaching at 11:00 PM with a wild story of a micro-burst snow blizzard out at the interstate junction . . . I was finishing up viewing this one:

Again. To appreciate; substitute in for his words guns, firearms, and hand grips . . . substitute in the words gasification; filtering; and cyclone cleaners to get the wisdoms.

And I did believe my wife about her 'blizzard, even though alls we were having was black sky; cold, cold raining here 13 miles up in the hills.
Anyhow . . . I do currently carry and use a 40 S&W as my primary now. Why? Much less blinding flash. Much less deafening blast than any of the magnums in revolvers I prefer. AND it is always now the last ammo to dry-up and disappear off of store shelves in the runs on ammo that are happening every other year now.

Same-same . . . the “must-have” a cyclone gasification experts insistent have not tried out slowed gasses flow settlement systems.
Steve unruh


Ah yes the never ending 40sw argument
One side says “its just a hot rod 9mm, why not just get a 9mm!?”
While the second side screeches “its a neutered 10mm! Why would you want less horse power!?”

The pragmatist
“I have ammo, do you?”


Thanks, Steve!
You got me going down yet another rabbit hole!
!!****** Squirrel ****** !! :cowboy_hat_face:


This last Sunday, was a fun-day.
A small woodgas-meetup held i Borlänge Sweden, maybe the region with most active woodgassers in Sweden :smiley:
This meeting was held by Niklas (Omstallningsresan, the red and yellow woodgas volvo)
Very nice time, a lot of talking, and ideas, it is’nt very often the opportunity to talk woodgas with other “woodgassers” (here on DOW ofcourse, but this was “live”)
A highlight for me was to meet JO and Johan in real life :smiley: altought everyone was nice.

JO surprised me with a chainsaw-gift, again: thanks! I couldn’t wait longer, today it went to the shop, and roared to life on a prime!
Now for a cleaning, new fuel lines, and a carb refresh :smiley:

Wife and i drove up to Borlänge, here we enter “Dalaporten”

Niklas woodgas-volvo

This one you may recognize?

Mr JO, during the “show-and-tell”.
In all, a very nice time, could have been longer, one proof is i almost totally forgot to snap some pic’s.
Thanks again guy’s :smiley:


If you look closely, JO is in propper uniform!


It was a very fun day meeting and talking to all the woodgassers there plus the other interested persons that came too, me and JO were among the last ones to leave and we realized that no pictures were taken by either one of us. It was just too much fun and as Göran said but from the other side, the highlight was to meet Göran in person.
All in all a very enjoyable day, I hope we can make it an annual thing but perhaps a month or two closer to summer.


Guys, I have to admit I was hiding and procastinating with a report - ashamed I didn’t remember to use the camera.
In total there were 6 wooodgas vehicles and about 3 times the amount of people. What Göran’s pics don’t show is a another Volvo waggon with a trailer mount, a BMW waggon hitch mount, a Volvo 850 trunk mount, a Peugeot pickup mount and several camera shy people :smile:
A fun, full day for sure. I can only agree with Johan that the highlight of the day was meeting Göran for the first time. Kristijan, do you still keep your DOW-cap for special events as well? :smile:


I never saw the volvo 850, did he leave before i arrived?
I got one more (blurry) pic, of the Bmw, do you think he minds about me posting it here?


No, he doesn’t mind. I posted pics of his rig earlier with his promission.
Yes, I think the 850 guy left before you arrived. He and his wife were off to the woods to collect fuel :smile: (no joke).


BMW on wood, i don’t know if it’s just me a crappy photographer, or it’s getting dark, or the smoke in the air, probably everything.
A little blurry :slightly_smiling_face:


Please describe how the supply lines are run. Looks like one on each side of the roof. Do they run down the A pillar’s on both sides and go into the engine compartment through the fenders? I’m kind of disappointed in you guys for not taking more pictures. Also, because it’s in Sweden I assume there is nothing but Stainless under the matte paint. Is that so they don’t blind the drivers behind them when the sun is out.?:smiling_face:


It looks like they go in between the hood and the windshield. Not sure how that affects the wipers. They might have to take the pipes off before inspection anyway. :slight_smile:


Guys, you are given an oppertunity to practice patience :smile: I know Niklas, during his stay up here, made a few show and tell videos on the vehicles he hasn’t already shared on his channel “Omställningsresan”. They will be up on YT during spring.


Guess how many woodrunner channels there are on youtube? About a hundred.


Spring is getting closer :slightly_smiling_face:


LOOKING pretty springy, we had i very mild winter this year other than a few weird cold days, while i was snow blowing my drive way i got frost bite in my toes, and they been sort of numb feeling ever since- doc prescibed some sauve- I must be loosing better circulation down to my toes. GETTING my temp gages ready for my first dakota truck,and some shift cables ready for air controls.and idle one.


The chickens did a great job fertilizing the lawn! :slight_smile:

we have snow again after a spurt of days that got up into the 70s…

Sorry about the frostbite.We had one day that -might- have justified using a snowblower this winter. It was like 5 inches, so it could have gone either way.


The chickens are doing a good job.

Freezing eggs for later use :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Wayne, we stored about 150 eggs last year in lime water(called water glassing) I ate them over the winter, they were really close to fresh eggs.