Life goes on - Winter 2024

My little greenworks started right up after charging the battery. :slight_smile:

I am making maple syrup right now, so I had to cut up some brush and accumulated over the winter. :slight_smile:


Another report on fuel storage. I bought my winter storage fuel the start of September. Ethanol-free here is 2 dollars a gallon more than E-10 and I never trusted what was getting pumped out of the same hose anyway so I trusted the youtube small engine mechanic, Chickanic who claimed that Ethanol Shield gas supplement would keep E-10 good for a year. So treated E-10 was what I went with. I reported that my chainsaw fired right up after sitting with the fuel in it for four months. The snow finally melted around my log splitter so I tried starting that. Four pulls on the starter and that fired up. Surprised about that because that thing is always finicky. Now I just have to check two generators with the old gas in them. I did test start them in December and they were fine then. I still have 25 gallons of it stored. I’ll probably drain the generators and dump the stored stuff into the car and wait until fall the replace it for storing.


I was about to plow a few furrows today just before dark but just as l came to the feald, a shower hit. But it produced this scenery, as the sun went to bed and only thing it still shun upon was the church on top of the hill.

Waiting for Mr Don to find two details on the picture :wink:


Ah-ha! I spy. DonM. enlarge the picture.


don will discover nice fat donkeys, a tractor without gasifier and 2 churches probably…why they had two churches there?
your field is steep, good you have a protection arc on the tractor.
is the field for your wheat?


Giorgio found it all.
2 churches, well, l do not know why exactly there are two in this case but usualy they originate from the time there was a “church craze” in our area. Every hill has a church on top, some got 2. It was almost a greedy competition wich in my eyes is not wery Christian…

The fact that there isnt a gasifier on the tractor, l wuld rather you not see :smile: it had a few cracks and l hadnt had time to fix it yet.

Its a pain to plow but the soil erodes downhill, pasture animals help too, so l think if l plow upwards every couple of years it shuld compensate for the soil movement.
I think lm done with grains on a larger scale, it seems we preffer a diet of meat(fish, eggs, milk) vegetables and legumes. This feald will become pasture for pigs. I plan to sew oats, wheat, barley, pea, turnip and chickory mix for pigs to graze in early summer then proceed wit planting a sumner mix of buckwheat, corn, sunflower, millet, mung bean mix and a nother cool crop in the fall.
Also l foud raising meat is actualy easyer and even cheaper. A win win


Ha! Ha! And using the categories of, “Animal? Mineral? Or vegetable?” I’d thought you were just asking to find the TWO superimposed donkeys. (Too many legs versus just four, for one)

But with the asking for two details . . .
How about the upper picture of the rainbow and the overhead cable-line? The cable-line is electrical power? Telephone? Cable communications?
The rainbow of course being neither animal, mineral or vegetable; but wave energy, re-expressed.
Steve unruh


Kristijan should have strapped a couple of barrels to the back of his tractor to avoid any harassment or bullying from this group. But then we would want to know more about the gasifier and why he had been holding out on us. You can’t win, can you.


It realy does seem like the donkeys gave 6 legs :smile: hadnt noticed that.
Ha, hadnt noticed the electric cable either. Its a pain actualy, one relic of the past, relatively rare to see aeal cables here nowdays. Well, we still have them. And the electro company clears the land under it every so often. Our land. They cut one of our last good apple trees a while ago. I do not like strangers on my land.


Kristijan, don’t forget about the king - potatoes.
Seafarers back in the days focused on potatoes and eggs. Onions were added later on to avois scurvy :smile:


What I notice is the sky is lighter on the bottom of the rainbow than on the top of it and the rainbow is in front of the cloud by the church. The other cloud has a unusal shape to it also. Did any one notice a person is taking a picture of the woods, and everything else we are looking at in the picture?


Many such cases. Power company flat sided one of my best looking cedar trees a few years ago. Not a fan of strangers on my land but for all intents and purposes we don’t have them here, high likelihood they wouldnt leave the property they set foot on in these woods… and nothing would be said of it by the locals, they think alike and don’t take kindly to trespassing either


Congratulations to my northern friends with the beginning of Spring. For me it is Autumn. The sun is losing altitude the most quickly now. Today a tree was blocking the sun where I sat on my deck. Yesterday the sun was just above the top of the tree. It’s losing a diameter a day now. Equal days and nights for all today.


After I was about 10 years old winter lost much of it’s appeal to me. I also have no tolerance for heat so I normally tolerate our northern winters without to much whining, but I’m very happy to see this one wind down. On a scale of one being good and ten being intolerable I’d have to rate the one ending now as about an eight on the sucko meter.


I hear you Tom. In New England the winters were cold and snowy. Often single digits during the day. Hard to work outside without freezing your fingers. And of course icicles on your moustache.

Summer wasn’t much better. Heat and humidity from the south making for sweltering days. Sticky and sweaty. Had to close the windows and pull the shades of the house to try and keep out as much of the heat as possible. And then wait till later in the evening to open them up to get some cooler air in.

The thing I love about where I live now is that the temperature range is much compressed. Winter is rainy, but mostly in the 40s and 50s during the day, rarely below freezing. Summer is in the 70s and 80s, but dry. Always cool in the shade.

The thing that bothers me now is the lack of sun in the winter. I guess my wife is tired of hearing me complain about that because she has offered to send me someplace sunny during the winter. :slightly_smiling_face:


Interesting your now local, description MartinS.
Exactly described the Pacific west-side “wet side” of Washington, Oregon and the northwest corner of California.
I’ll let Canadians comment on SW coastal B.C. and Vancouver Island.

Here is some of the tricks we use to combat winter cloudy gloomy SAD.
Use lots of interior brightening lighting. Even during the day. The now 4th generation LED are a God-send for that.
Have a visible warm glowing wood stove. Air-tight glass fronts are the ticket for that.
Go out daily and get wet to be able to come back in and cosy up to that hot-spot wood stove. It is actually the flames and better-yet a char glow that does the psychological brightening up trick.

Still having problems then invest in one of the SAD lighting banks and do daily doses.

Ha! Ha! The city-gal exchange student signed up for high school girls Spring softball. Her teams first game last night. Cool cloudy now with raining and showering for the last 4-5 days. 12 hours stopped just enough for the well drained ball field to dry-drain out enough to play. I told her to take over wearing long sweat pants and a thick hooded sweat shirt. Wear these slipped on in the dug-out. Offered her my wool plain gray billed cap for out in the field head warming.
No, no and NO.
She even wore uniform short sleeves to be Ka-ool. All of her teammates in under shirts long sleeves. At the third inning a thickening storm cell rolled in - blowing - temperature drop - stinging wind driven spitting rain. This 1st game of the season had been cancelled twice already. They played on until a J.V. 1 hour 45 minutes limit.
The other local gals were cold sure. Happy happy they were points-runs ahead at game-timed call. Go in the books as win for them.
Next cool Spring game we will see if our Sofia had learned how to loose over-layer for the cool and wet!
I was fine standing out in zip up layers of a mix of poly and wools. Alpaca wool socks. Outer wind and water proofs. Cotton me-not in the cool and wet.
Steve unruh


Well we were finally snow free yesterday. 24 hours later 4 inches of heavy, heavy wet snow. Plenty of broken branches for charcoal making and branches hanging so low over our drive that we couldn’t drive under them right now. Very beautiful though. I have pictures but can’t share them from this computer for some reason. Not the best way to welcome the first day of spring.


She -needs- batting gloves. Cold hands and the bat stings the hands. And you can also wear them inside the mitt to help prevent stinging.

A long sleeve shirt is almost mandatory because you shouldn’t let the arm cool down. You need the muscles and ligaments warm and loose. muscles and ligaments tear easier when cold, when making a sudden movements.

Playing in the snow stinks. The ball gets wet and heavier as well. Half our team wore batting gloves on their throwing hand as well.

I mention snow because it was 70F yesterday and it is snowing today. :slight_smile:


Discussion continues here: Life goes on - Summer 2025