Hi Joni, have you watched Wayne’s video of him, dumping a bucket of water soaked wood with water still in the bucket into his WK gasifer? And then driving on down the road show his friend that you do not have to use dry wood? This is very impressive for the amount of water that went into the hopper or bunker.
On the flip other side. I can go down the road with just wood and drive at top speed 75 mph or 120.7 km and not over pull on my gasifer or turn it into heater mode. And pull over and let it idle for a while and then take off again no problems. At 75 mph this is with my foot almost to the floor with the throttle pedal 90 %. Or I can mix up my Rocket Fuel mix and do the same and not have my foot all the way push down on the throttle pedal. About half way down 50%. I have never tried to go up to 80 mph using this fuel mix. The 75 mph freeway is 60 miles from where I live. The roads here are 60 mph. I do not like tickets by the police. Lots of fun and SWEM Driving on wood gas. Yes?
There is no need to change the WK gasifer it drives just fine with wet wood dry wood and charcoal mixed in wood. I wonder if it would drive on wet charcoal only in the gasifer hopper. I just like to experiment that’s all.
It is fun.
How do you mix rocket fuel? Wood, charcoal, wood ,charcoal, or wood and charocoal on top? Would be interesting to try.
I have to agree and disagree.
It is not my intention to say our wood gasifiers dont work. What l want to say is any good working wood gasifier will work even better with a bit of charcoal mixed in. Big difference.
Normaly l wuldnt change a prooven sistem but l was forced to. Unlike you, l had to build my sistems in the trunk. Imagine you have to build a gasifier hearth 30x40x 27cm tall and it must stay cool to the touch and power a 2.3l engine… good luck doing that with raw wood! So l had to get creative and discovered some interesting stuff in the mean time.
Hi Jan, there are a few ways to do it. If your wood is above 18% moisture content I will pore the charcoal on top of my feed bag of wood. Mix it 1/2 bag of wood to 1/4 charcoal. 3/4 of a bag is all I want to lift into the hopper. I have also put wood in the hopper after light it and put charcoal in the center of the wood about the same ratio. Every gasifer is different. Kristijan will probably give you his mix ratio.
Just play with it. My charcoal is popcorn size and larger. I have used the charcoal out of my gasifer after screening the ash out of it. The smaller charcoal will fall right down in between the wood pieces. It also gets rid of the sticky tar.
I look at this way, the gasifer made all of this good charcoal why throw it away. Just use It for more power it makes Hydrogen when it has moisture in, and it will absorb tar vapors and uses it to make more power. It is a win win.
I have read and re-read.
I will be asking AdminChris for a topics split out, separation.
Do realize it is just past mid-night his time. He is a young family man. So expect an 8-12 hour delay for this request.
Some said here is pure information gold. A shame to delete and lose this.
But some said now cannot help but be offensive to Joni who has now through ten systems already evolved to a bumper mounted small car lightest weight system.
Something a WK with it’s heavy walled “tub” core firetube can never be.
Jodi to join the Premium side for full WK information, and system lay outs, discussions and operating feedback instructions it is just a matter of paying for the Premium membership.
Ukraine not an EU member there are no restrictions onto you.
No magic to the WK system.
Just an answer to a different set of goals; originating in a different part of the world; offering different possibilities.
So even with the information I’d say you would never build a WK. Too big. Too heavy. Far too many weld lines for your tastes.
And without coming here USA or Canada never understand the needs. Or why any such system would evolve. Be seen as so far the best driving solution for us.
You have a different goal sets. You do not have access to light weight pick up trucks with relatively huge, high torque, low RPM engines.
Same-same for me. I just do not have cost effective access to charcoaling hardwoods. To charcoal. Depend on DIY charcoal is an unrealistic fantasy for me.
Ha! So I make do just fine with the low carbon, but fast, fast, combusting; low, low ash Douglas Fir wood that I do have readily and cheap. Just as all North Pacific coast folks here have for the last 170 years.
Popping, snapping, too rapid outgassing, and pitchy as it is to wood stove with.
And a very sooty wood to gasify with.
maybe this will seem offensive to someone, but the situation I got into is very similar to the case when a buyer arrives at a car dealership on a Bugatti Veyron and asks the manager what he wants to buy a new car, since the one on which he arrived already a little outdated. And the manager replies to him that he sells a 1985 Volkswagen specifically for such clients and if you buy it, you will have a lot of knowledge and even more new technologies than you already have … Instead of saying that nothing new has been done yet …
It’s the same with you. I don’t mean to offend anyone, but the DOW site is just a store that sells WK☹️
I think that you shouldn’t dwell on this and you need to move on … This is what I think about it.
Regarding a conversation that has gone far from the title of the topic, then everything needs to be deleted … Maybe even the whole topic.
“but the DOW site is just a store that sells WK☹️”
If you feel that way then you hadnt yet read trugh 1% of the topics here. The amount of different style gasifiers here is incredible. So is the amount of knolidge. But it is hosted by mr. Wayne and Chris and their product and we must respect that! Even thugh we dont intend to build a WK.
As for nothing new being invented here. Absolutely true! But this includes your gasifier too my friend. Its nothing new! I had one just like that in my Mercedes. Its well documented here.
Its not the point to invent something new, the point is to re make the old technology thats long forgoten work for our personal needs! Everyones needs are different. You and me we dont have big pickups with 8l engines. A WK is useless to us! We need to find other ways. I did. It works for me. You did. It works for you. The next person will look at our working designs and decide wich sistem works best for him. That is in my eyes the purpose of this site.
I wish I would have know about the WK store thing years ago. Would have saved me a lot of hours of cutting, grinding and welding.
I’m glad you are with us Joni. I can’t watch much video but I have learned from you, but you are not the alpha and omega of gasification. Don’t close your mind to the things others are working on. We are learning from one another.
I 've just skimmed over this thread, just wanted to say my Ranger unit(basically a WK) weighs in at about 200-225 lbs. I think it could be reduced more.
Hey Al .
I have been asked how much weight the gasifier adds to the truck .
I said it is kinda like my mother in law riding on a trip with us
but lot quieter
30 kg system weight would be 67.5 pounds. Even 2X that for fully loaded up with wood fuel, charcoal, ash and condensate comes to ~135 pounds. Opps. Plus filtering material . . . +15 pounds more. All up on the rear of the car ~150 pounds.
Able to fuel a net on woodgas, minimum 50-60 horsepower system.
Joni has been progressively system losing weight from at least his system #4 on through this system 9.0
AS I have said different Goals. Drive to different approaches.
WE must all respect this.
Steve unruh
It can seem that way sometimes. I used to think that way too. But really it is not correct. We are not forcing you, Joni, or anyone, to change your thinking.
Hi guys, I’ve split this off to it’s own topic. I agree that it is good discussion and worth preserving, not deleting… I have therefore un-deleted several good posts.
Joni, we appreciate you being here with a different style gasifier and sharing your designs with us. Please keep a friendly attitude about the gasifiers built by others, whether WK , Imbert, Simple-Fire, or any design. We are not comparing Bugattis to VWs here. We are comparing heavy work trucks with light sedans with motorcycles with generators… each requires different optimizations.
DOW is not in the “one-size-fits-all” business. We are confident that we have the best gasifier for American V8 trucks. We don’t advertise that the WK gasifier will work for anything but that.
All gasifiers are welcome here, and the people telling you Wayne’s system is good are NOT paid by us to do so… they are just satisfied customers.
“they are just satisfied customers.”
Can relate to that driveing in the trucks of you guys at Argos meeting was a good thing to experiance
but the 2 trucks l remembered most were Al’s 2.2l(?) truck, incredible power for its size. And, Bobs rocket fueled sports truck
Kristijan even with my Rocket Fuel added I would never race Wayne in his truck. Ha ha I would lose for sure. He can also make the same fuel and really leave me in the back sucking up his exhaust gases.
That sure was fun letting anyone that want to drive my truck, drive it with the gas auto mixer working on it. That was my goal with the auto mixer and I accomplished it.
I know one of Al’s secrets he told me and everyone. His hopper lid design puts the tar back into the center of the hopper of wood and he just burns it up and makes more power. You have to keep your firetube HOT to do this and keep a continues flow of replacing charcoal bed. @trikebuilder57 Al you have a great one of a kind design that is for sure.
Wow, hard time keep up reading all the posts today
Agree agree
Hi Al Frick,
You one of my hero’s man.
After slugging away with the Dakotas 4.7L you then went onto the 94 Ford F-150. What I own.
Ranger gasifer truck though I cannot find you project topic? Help. Please.
Here a ree-ward for 'ya:
the Echo won. Then Ego brand. Previous winner was a DeWalt
Steve Unruh who likes topic drifting/mixing it up
Meeting Koen, Kristijan and you JO at the last two Argos Events from the other side of the great ponds was a highlight for us all.
Hope some day it will happen again.