New to Gasification - Where to start?

We have been using gasifiers for about 40 years and we have plans for sale for a unit. Please contact us for more information.

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We have an excellent Saw dust unit. Have been using it for 40 years. We have plans for sale please contact us for more info,


Sounds great Any plans available?


I smell solicitation and bots.


Is your work related to the Missouri Wood Gasifier?


I know you didn’t offer it to me, but they have a 3D printer now where I used to work and I bet they would print out a couple of them for me, if the file is available to me.


Message sent, anyone that wants the file just ask. Ill need an email address as the forum here will not let me upload an STL file.


not quite with this. you say that bens book. is alright with soft wood; is this wood, or charcoal.


For just built charging or all charcoal burnt out re-charging use size graded hardwood charcoal.
Use soft wood chunks as an added fuel there after.
The next from cold starting up you can use THE UNDISTURBED made-in-place soft wood charcoal. Disturb it by aggressively rodding it down; or excessive grate activation and the made in-place softwood charcoal will fall apart into packing particle dust. This will gasses flow clog your gasifer lower reduction section. This charcoal dust get sucked up plugging your downstream separation and filtering.

Welcome to the DOW MervynS.
Regards Steve Unruh


Hi folks, I’m back. After 6 months of crazy busy I was able to get my gasifier running yesterday. It ran three times for about a minute and a half each time before stalling. I’ll try to attach a video. It was a GREAT feeling when it started and ran.
Anyway I think my charcoal was compromised. I think it got wet. After it stalled a couple times I shut it down and opened the drum. I was surprised at the large amount of condensation present. My plan is to start with a new batch of charcoal. I’m reviewing your videos (Matt) on retorts.
I also had a bit of an air leak at the top of the drum. I need to find a drum with a better seal. Its hard to find used 16 gallon drums with a tightening ring. I may have to just order one from Uline. I’m wondering how important it is to have a spring loaded lid.
Ill try to keep the progress posted. Sorry for the hiatus. I sure missed this project and you all.
Kind regards, Joe


You could try adding some high temp grease to the lid, it will help seal up and also make it easy to remove.

It’s acceptable to have some moisture in the gas, but was it steaming out of the gasifier when you opened the lid?

I have had an updraft charcoal gasifier pop while driving, pulling away suddenly from a stop. I had a bolt clamped lid so it didn’t fly off but I heard the drum echo from the cab.

With that style of lid I think a spring loaded closure would work out in your favor, then you wouldn’t have to use the tabs to lock it down. Gary Gilmore had a very easy style using just one coil spring at the center and a bar going over top and some hooks to fasten it down.


Thanks Cody. Nice to hear from you. No steam but dripping water off lid and the sides when i opened it. Ill try a spring like Garys and good idea on the grease.
Im gonna fire it up again today. Ill keep you posted. Joe


Is your charcoal hard or soft wood. Start with a hardwood charcoal first. Softwoods are for advanced users. Softwoods will work but you have to size the fuel correctly to get the density higher plus flow. Softwoods will bridge and create a viod where the fuel is oxidized. That is probably what you are experiencing as soon as that engine takes over it just consumes whats there and then there is a bridge causing your stall.

However fix the obvouse first always. If you obvously have a leak then that needs fixed first and then tried.


Another thing how big is your engine? Engines smaller than 400 cc are a challenge for anyone at any skill level. I would recommend going to the larger 420cc and larger generators if you are currently running something smaller.


The generator I’ve been running on wood gas is 390 CC’s and so far I haven’t tried to fuel any of the 190 or 220 ish engines I have on other things. I have never been able to start up the generator and walk away for hours at a time. Updraft hardwood charcoal. I run it when I am doing other things outside and normally have to make some adjustment periodically to keep it running right. I’d like to be able to let it run on it’s own for hours at a time but haven’t been able to so far.


Thanks Matt, im using charcoal from one year dry birch fire wood. I made the charcoal earlier this last spring.
Also, today i fired it up again and it ran pretty well for about 20 minutes until tube out the top got to 200f. Then i shut it down. I was pretty happy with the result. As it was running i would shake the drum occationally if it started tk sputter a bit. So i think you are correct anout the bridgeing.
Im gonna make a new batch of coal and keep playing with it.
Kind regards, Joe


Hey Tom and Matt, yea mines a 10 hp briggs. I guess thats about 150cc. I have been thinking of looking for something bigger.
Great advice. Thanks.


Is it an old Flathead or is it an Overhead Valve? The Flathead I/C 10hp engines are in the high 300cc to low 400cc size.


Humm, not sure. Ill check tomorrow.


Pretty sure its a flat head