its a must for evap leaks if you live in a inspection state. it does come in hand for checking leaky tanks or anything sealed .
I wish we had one, its on my list to get. Where would one find one of them on the cheap?
I’ve seen a few youtube video’s where they have made them. Pretty simple really.
I found mine used on ebay for 300 not cheap but that check engine light can be a pain .
I just put some black tape over the light, problem fixed !!! haha
Mine is an OTC / SPX which was a discounted demonstrator.
I’m not a mechanic, but I have fixed quite a few cars with it.
Here are some other things that can be used for:
- Finding a burnt or bad valve
- Window leaks
- Exhaust leaks
Anything with gas fumes has to be smoked using nitrogen to reduce the risk of BOOM! Also, if you choose to build yourself, make sure that the smoke fluid is compatible with engines and is approved. The residue WILL get all through your engine.
Black tape works in Michigan. I don’t recall having to do smog outside of Detroit.
You laugh. But my 1st RAM V-10 featured sharpie coloring of the check engine light when I bought it.
But, for $1,700, you can’t be too picky.
Thanks! I just need a pole barn now.