Premium Membership?

Well I’m not really sure what to do here, got on the site, payed for the up grade to see all the good stuff and nothing has happen. Do I do it again, maybe it didn’t go through are what . Any suggestions ?

Kip, message Chris Saenz here on the forum. He has to activate it.

Did you use two different emails when paying for the membership? If your PayPal account or whatever had a different email than the one you log into the forum with it can make it take longer.

Emails ,not sure, I had trouble getting it done but I thought it went through. I guess I’ll wait and see.

Allso you can email chris saenz, and then he will find problem sooner.

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I have an email in to Chris to see if he can help but haven’t heard anything yet . ( sorry )


That’s all you can do Wayne and I thank you. He’s got his hands full I’m sure.

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Sorry for the delay Kip, I’ve activated your account. You can access all the Premium content now.


Thanks Chris, I’ll be like a kid in a candy store.


Check out the Willbur Smith build that Wayne did. Ofcourse It was on a V-10 but you can change to a 12" x 18" firetube like mine. The new 10 nozzles and heat shields design is incorporated into the building of the gasifer.


Here is the real value in the Premium membership side:
Actual users/drivers exchanging about the other 75% of getting real power out of a woodgassed system. Thier daily operations trials, tribulations, and eye-openers.

With that $$$ hurdle the site drive-by, looky-loo’s (lookie-Lou’s), brainiacs, and the “I hear’ds”, just are not there.