Saw mill gasifier

420cc Harbor Freight preditor. I was trying to retain the factory air cleaner housing but now I see that’s probably not going to happen. I use a gate valve on my other WG engines because it provides the best incremental opening and closing but they are a little clunky and I was looking for a way around that.


Cloudy day so I tried to get caught up in the garden because I don’t do direct sun. That was some hours at 85 per cent humdity and 82F and tropcal dew points so not a lot left in the tank when I got done. Did manage to get the plumbing for the gasifier worked out and installed. Ended up using a 1 inch gate valve and was able to keep the engine filter housing in place. Wanted to finish welding the two sections of the gasifier base back together but we got a short thunderstorm and I called it a day. Should finish tomorrow. Been over a year since I built anything like this. It was fun.


This has been on the back burner for a few weeks. Hopefully I can test it sometime this week. Don Mannes pointed out that the shop vac I’m using for a blower and filter housing uses a brushed motor. That means it makes sparks. I considered that the actual fan blades moving the wood gas would be pretty much isolated from the motor and thought about just going ahead and risking it. I’d throw a movers blanket over it and set up a remote on off switch a safe distance away because I didn’t want to have to do the rework to make a different filter/blower set up but then decided it would be foolish to risk blowing up a 60 dollar vac. I’ll have to see what I have as a substitute.


I probably have to talk about one thing I did Tom, I tried to suck crap out of the gas tank of the PV (volvo), it didn’t go so well, there was a lot of smoke around the vacuum cleaner, it looked very black and melted, it didn’t like the fumes from the gas tank.


Our local thrift store has an intermittent supply of air mattress blowers. If you’re patient, you can choose D-cell battery, rechargeable, 12-volt, 120-volt, manual piston and manual bellows.

As an aside, I’m suspicious that a lot of flare failures result from too strong a blower. My four-D-cell blower seems to work better with three batteries and a “jumper.” If the blower’s outlet is faster than the flame speed of your gas, good gas still won’t hold a flame.

I think.

Perhaps @smartguys could comment.


I’m just going pick up another bilge blower. Tried and true. I just thought I’d try something different.