Understanding The wood gasification process

I’m using this to intentionally cause some clogging so that the glowing carbon layer can heat creep downward and become quite thicker. Due to the tube size and the amount of draw the velocity is just right to keep it from completely clogging


It is the way updrafts -should- work. :slight_smile: One issue especially with vehicles is the ability to keep the velocity up because of the variance in engine rpm from idle to acceleration to stop. thus most here are using downdrafts. The efficiency with updrafts is slightly higher but it adds complexity to the filtration as well since you have to collect all the ash in the filters rather then it just mainly falling out of the grate. Tar can also be a larger issue which you seemingly have also avoided :slight_smile:

There is more then one way to gasify. I am happy you are doing so well!

I look forward to seeing more pictures of your system and hearing about your successes and failures. :slight_smile:


I guess it’s all about trade-offs. But so far Ash has not been an issue. I just like trying different approaches. It’s just a hobby. Thanks for your comment. I’m going to be trying a larger engine tomorrow. Fingers crossed :grin:


It is all about trade offs. It sounds good enough to run a generator. If it is mostly a hobby, then have (mostly*) fun with it. I love to see new ideas in action.

*something they can be very frustrating as well and working through the issues makes it rewarding. :slight_smile:


Burning Pellets vs. Wood chips is a very big difference. You are right about wood pellets not having much ash when burning them especially in a pellet stove because the way they are made at the factory. A lot of ash seems to fly up the shove pipe and out. But wood chips are very different. Specifically on what kind or type of wood you are using for the wood chips. Some wood chip types produce more tar in them because of the chopped up bark. Wood chips very a lot in size and in shapes from very small like wood pellets to much larger, and they are not uniform in shape like the wood pellets. Wood chips like to stick together and clump up because of their irregular shapes and with a little moisture and tar vapor that is coming out of the chips as they start to pyrolysis down to charcoal .
If you have this system working with wood pellets, I wood stay with the wood pellets or move on to engine grade charcoal where there is no tar in the charcoal to be formed in the wood gasses.
I am looking forward to your work in the world of gasification.


Good. I was hoping someone else would bring up commercial wood pellet characteristics.
I did not want to come off as too critical.
DarrenB. be sure and run out all loaded in wood pellets to the point of only leaving those that have been heat browned then surface torrified sealed.
Any out of the bag wood pellets left inside at shut down sealed; and the gasifer will turn them into sawdust mush from the trapped internal combustion moisture.

On wood chips as BobMac says; it can be done alright with chips sizing and form classifying. @spaco Pete Stanaitis has some very good topics and experiences to be able to use wood chips in his Chineses JXQ-10 gasifer system.
Another small system that was instead specifically designed from the get-go to use wood chips to fuel operate electrical generators were @sabbadessa Stephen Abbadessa’s.
A starting relevant topic of his on the DOW was his “Victoria’s Corner” set up in the Small Engines Category back in Oct 2014.
I’ll try to direct link to that:

A relevance test of a gasifier systems design is if others can build and operate them.
Arvid Olsen @tritowns consulted with StephenA. and made up many different sized and applications-use gasifiers used wood chips.

You system Darron Booth may be useable with wood chips directly. Or could be internally modified for them.

The chip sourcing/making clues any of these fellows and others would say is make the wood chips from hardwood stocks when the trees and bushes are in winter sap down.
Making your chips if you stip back to not putting into the chipper twiggy stems; whisker branches; leaves &needles; and thick barks you will be far ahead for direct using of the chips made.

Steve Unruh


Well, my power just went out and I’m not prepared. Lol :rofl: I got to go get some gasoline.


One thing I’ve noticed about wood pellets. Not all batches are the same. Some bags work really good and others have too much moisture. I like the idea of charcoal but my goal was to keep it working on wood pellets.


The pellet woodstover’s in my family complain also about brand differences in wood fuel pellets. Ha! And I complain that thier in-room wood pellet systems are blowers and motors noisy. Accustom to nice quiet bulk wood stoves.
Avoid at all cost ever using animal bedding pellets. They have huge amounts of bark in them. The bark has high levels of low temperature melting silica. They are not spec controlled for an ash content. Or so much for moisture.

Yep. Nothing like power outages to put reality into DYI hobby’ing for power.
May your power come back on soon.
Steve Unruh


It’s back on. It was only off for about an hour. I use a high quality wood pellet. Hardwood pellets. Hamer is the brand


Good you have power back.
I fixed the link I tried putting up on post-comment #85.
I’ll repeat it here as lot of experienced info about using chips for small engine fuel in the posts, members questions and StephenA’s feedback answers:



Ah l see what you are doing now. Kinda similar to what l was fantasizing about once, l called the design the Cigarette gasifier. Abandoned the idea. Why?

Problem with sistems like these is actualy well seen on your operating video. The walls glow red. That hurts efficiancy a lot. All those calories could be used to split water in to gas.
Mr Wayne got around this problem in a clever way, he reclaims this lost energy. But usualy nozzles and restrictions are used to push the glowzone deeper in the bed of charcoal wich makes the glowzone insulated with charcoal and ash.

Edit: great idea with the grate design. I was about to write that problems with updrafts is eruptions of char at high load but you got that sorted out.


Thank you. That grate has helped a lot but I still need to do a little more. I’ve got some ideas. We’ll just see how it goes.


Some of you might find this interesting. This is the same setup but without the grate. I added kitty litter on top. It insulates the combustion zone and takes on the properties of a fluid. It completely prevents passages from forming and it breathes well. The gas is very dry. It does not fall down into the pellets and it doesn’t blow away. It stays on top mixing with the hot ash and glowing carbon throughout the whole cycle.


Am I right that the last video, running the engine, is a downdraft, and the earlier videos, with the floating grate, are updraft?


Yes you are correct. Thought I would start experimenting with downdraft.


I should have paid closer attention to Tone’s sketch. I’m trying to catch up. You light the pellets on top, just under the grate or kitty litter, right? Kind of a TLUD without secondary air, but with a top barrier layer.


With kitty litter I’m not using a grate. You light it on top of course and then you let it build up heat for about 5 to 10 minutes. Turn the fan on high get it blowing really good and hot and start sprinkling kitty litter slowly it will blow around and turn into a light slag. If you pilot on top it will just form a slag crust. If you sprinkle it slowly you get individual small pieces of slag that float around on top and keep it insulated. It’s pretty interesting how it works.


I’ve been working on a new downdraft model. I added a pellet limiter and heat break. I let it run for 5 hours and just had to add pellets. It’s self-feeding and requires no shaker grate or any other manual interaction to keep it going. The combustion zone is double-walled and has a half inch layer of ash between the walls.