This has been very interesting and enlightening. We hear bits and pieces about laws in other areas, and think, “oh I wish we had that law”, or " glad we don’t have that law". We can’t pick where we live by a particular law; we would have our homes in one location, our vehicles in another, and breath the air from another. I hope for all of you that you can see more pluses in the laws where you live than minuses. These bits and pieces of laws that I “hear” are concerning to me, but you folks live with them and are not revolting, so I have to think I am over thinking them.
JO, I have built all the new buildings on my property myself. With my bro-in-laws help, I bought logs, sawed them at his mill, brought them home and stickerd them for a few years in the back forty, I plained them, and stored them in my shed. Then I cut them and nailed them into a house. I had handled each board so may times I knew them by first name. I got one inspection from the building inspector in all the time ( 3 buildings built ). She complained about the slope of my stairs. I showed her the three industrial formula used and ask how she calculated the slope. Her reply was, " they just look a little steep " Hmmmm! I win.
You mentioned taxes. I lived under the rule that you have in Sweden when in California. The problem was I bought a house for $35,000 and was taxed on that, ( about $300 tax) A couple of years later they said the average house like mine was worth $70,000 and so the tax went to $600. This went on. When retiring my house sold for $135,000 and had I stayed the tax would have been like $1,400 a year. Not something you want when retiring on a fixed income. The part of the story I haven’t told is; we revolted. The PEOPLE signed a petition and had a referendum vote and passed a law that said the taxes on a home would not change as long as an individual owns the home, but would be updated to a new owner. My taxes never went over $500. ( incidentally, I have heard that that house is selling for $225,000 there now. Housing in LA is CRAZY)
In Wisconsin it is different and I probably “could” complain, but fortunately my situation is not affected by the taxes. I rent my farm land out for enough to pay all the property taxes, including my house, and have a little money left over.
Thanks for allowing this off subject discussion. It has made me look at things as they affect me. Now my worst complaint is, gas prices are on a move upwards do to OPEC’s latest ruling. I had better get out in the shop and get my wood truck back together before I have to complain about gas prices. TomC