Wood supply

:grinning:that doesnt surprise me. if i take a look at your latest video , that is one way to fill a V8​:grinning:


It is possible to use dry spruce for other than gengas wood.
However, it was a little long on the cart to transport home to Hörken.


Nice pole. Nice house. I really like that color red. I would like to see some closer views of that hoist on your trailer


My father in law use the winch on the back of the atv instead of the winch.


I like that. I’m going to build one like that for the back of my truck. Cut up some 20 inch diameter 20 inch long rounds from a log this morning. I couldn’t pick them up high enough to them in the back of the truck. Turned 77 yesterday. I probably could have done it last week but now I’m old. The have lied to you. These are not the golden years.


Congratulations a few days late, my father-in-law is 97, and still quite active, a little weak in the legs only. drove home firewood with atv when he was around 85.


Congratulations or sorry for your loss, Tom. Choose which one you find most appropriate :smile:


Congratulations Tom :partying_face:


Congrats Tom. Keep moving. My father is 86 and giving up. His body is indestructible , his head is clear but he doesnt want anything anymore. 97, wow.


Happy belated birthday Tom :partying_face:


Yes, I know.

YMMV. Next week I hit “three score and ten,” and it’s true I’m not as productive as I used to be. It is also true that I can look back over seventy years of blessing, and good things I didn’t deserve, and the absence of a lot of bad things I did deserve. The view in the rear-view mirror is golden, even if the current path isn’t always.

edit: It is also true that my thinking and memory is not what it could be: It’s bad when you forget to give God credit and thanks for all the goodness.


Wow, nice said.

Thinking a few days but someone might be interested. When JO started his woodsuply on fridaymorning, I had the same plans. F&@k it, enough work. Then the phone began to ring and didnt stop all day, 64 calls and the day was over. Missed some nice weather outside. Revenge on saterdays. Cleaning quite a bit with mostly the rebak. Review on sunday and thinking of my chipper WC 8L. It needs some tlc. Much vids later, conclusion is, nothing beats a rebak. Man, that thing is fast and eats almost 3 inches dry wood.

And at the end of the day.

Almost there. Bigger pieces. The atmos has to eat it all.

The gasifier has to eat chips, therefore the chipper detour. But nothing beats a rebak. With an electric motor we can hear the birds while we work. Dreams dreams.


That’s awesome, it’s what I want to be able to do. It gives me hope in my golden years.


Eat as little industrial produced and processed food as possible and force yourself exceed even your own expected physical limitations. Strength is far easier to maintain than it is to regain.


Thanks Tom, I do practice that philosophy, to the point that I just gave myself a hernia. Damn, that’s going to slow me down for a while.


Taking chunks out of this latest downed red oak. I’ve never seen a tree that splits so well like this. This almost looks like a piece of rough sawn boards it’s hewing so well.

These are just about all one and done swings with my 8lb maul. There’s a crack in the core of this tree so I just drive my wedge to split in half and the rest gets busted down with the maul. This wood is WET.


We were out looking in the woods today, the wife wanted to go for a walk because of her bad knees.


For old, pre-metric Americans… That’s a 31 inch diameter tree. Too big for me especially since even after three decades of firewood cutting I seldom get them to drop all the way to the ground.


Put that into perspective it took me, my uncle Otis, and my little Kubota about 2 days taking our time to cut a 36 inch Oak out of the driveway. Longest saw we have is my Greenworks 20" so it’s a 2 cut minimum.


We also met some big trees during our hiking in old Czech woods.

Sometimes the wood was already cut and hoarded