Woodrunner Volvo's

Keep it coming :smiley:
It keeps my thread alive, and is very interesting to follow :smiley: :+1:


Yes but its all a game of atraction, stuff like nitrogen realy dont want to bond.

Well alotrope is a wery exact word. I think what we have in soot is carbon arranged in this mess of different shapes, similar but not quite the same as that of the picture above.

Perhaps this is better. Its a 2d version but you get the idea… its a mess of all shapes and sizes but if we disect each section we see we get basicly different alotropes bound together in to one big mess.

This picture btw is supposed to be the rough structure of coal. A cousin to this all…

Edit: l was trying to find a word to describe this mess and came up with “conglomerate of different alotropes”


When the compression ratio of an internal combustion engine is increased, the temperature of the exhaust gases decreases at the expense of the engine’s efficiency, because the energy is better converted into work. The same applies to the gasifier, if it produces “cold gas”, it conserves energy in the conversion process and the gas will be of good quality. Combustible elements only need to be properly transformed into usable gas. The words “in the center of the action” do not give me peace… well, maybe you remember the sketch I drew, where I would lead the moist pyrolysis gases to a ring with air nozzles and thus push them into the center of the action, … this idea I gave up because of the complicated construction, but now, when I use the lower central nozzle, there is a simple solution, I can replace it with a long one that reaches all the way to the top, so that the greater negative pressure that prevails at the same time could suck a smaller amount of moist gases down unobstructed and pushed them into the “center of the action”…


Tone, l too once thod about this, shuld be skeches somewhere here… the nozzles wuld suck moist gases together with air via venturi effect but l came to the same conclusion. Too complicated. Also the gas ports wuld clogg fast if not hot enaugh.

Your idea sure is easyer thugh might be hard to make imune to clogging. At cooldowns and starts tar acumulates in the pipes and cakes when heated up… but l agree, geting those wet and tary gases where its hotest


I think the word you are look for is amorphous.
From the wikipedia page on soot (Soot - Wikipedia)
About the last line is:
“In modern technical applications it is referred to as carbon black.”

Then you read the carbon black page and in the first paragraph it says:

" It is dissimilar to soot in its much higher surface-area-to-volume ratio and significantly lower (negligible and non-bioavailable) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content."

However, if you watched the video I posted last night in Biochar (commercially viable?)
you see them talking about PAH’s and it is part of the classicifcation of various biochars, but the lower PAH number came with higher temperature charring process.

I think this is one time when you can’t really classify it as one consistent substance or set of traits.


Maybe the best you can do is make a distinction between soot (carbon black, lamp black, whatever), which condenses from volatiles not fully burned, and charcoal dust, which is mechanically produced from more or less solid carbon, that has had the volatiles pyrolysed away.


The woodgas-Volvo has run terrific on wood, i decided it really deserved a good wash.

Dish soap and Scotch-brite really took the green stuff away.


Tone, like Kristijan said clogging would be the big problem. We were working on this a couple of years ago now. And decided it would not work. But the simple solution is just bring in moisturized clean air from a valved controled intake separate from the upper nozzles air supply. This is what I am trying to incorporate in my present down draft charcoal build.
Still awaiting to find a 20" diameter water tank to finish my 2 builds.


WOW!!! Is that the same car? Looks great!!!


AT looking at your nice condition clean volvo, i see you got an extra old truck in the background,just currios what model and year it is?


Hi Kevin, the truck in the background is a Volvo Viking, from 1953, inline 6 diesel.


Some improvements on the volvo, when lighting up i needed to keep the non-return, flap valve open, with a piece of wire, to get the fire directly in the nozzle. This i found irritating, and i forgot the wire and had to find a twig or something.
So i built a “lever” thingy to easy open the flap.

Goes in the side of the air-intake.

Inside from lighting port. Valve closed.

Valve poked open by the lever thingy.


The lever thingy shuld also help break loose any tar glued parts easyly.


Another woodchunker for woodrunner.
I had som discs from a sowing machine laying around, and had the idea to make another wood processor.

First letting a pencil in a wire wind up around a fitting round object, to get the curved shape.

Cut it out and started grinding, this steel is hard as bear-shit.

I saved this old wheel bearing unit with hub, noisy on a car, but good enough for slowly cutting wood.

I found fitting axle material, grinded a key-way for my motor gearbox.
Welded the shaft in both the disc and the hub.
If im unsure if stuff is going to hold up, i double the welds, and thickness of material :smiley:

Then i got in to the “flow” and build along, forgot to snap pic’s along :roll_eyes:
Test run, it really struggled, and the motor run HOT.

Some troubleshoting later… i found out the motor got a built-in brake, i pull that stuff, and it ran much stronger :smiley:

Down the chute.

Bottom disc is adjustable, determines the lenght of the chunks.

Finished with a safety shroud.


About 5 of those discs strung together and you would have a nice screw chunker.


I like it. What Rpm is that motor turning and what it the ratio in the gear box. Nice and calm, quiet and safe. No risk of becoming Capt Hook. Might be a problem finding all nice straight limbs to feed it. Push comes to shove I guess you could shorten the hopper. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope I’m not letting any cats out of the bag but do all your pants have such big pockets because your wallet is so fat? :thinking: :money_mouth_face:

I wonder why a cat would be in a bag. It just doesn’t make sense.


Hey Mr. Tom

A towsack or strong bag is used when castrating a tom cat .

When cat is let out of bag it is difficult to put him back in :slightly_frowning_face:


None at all! Capt Hook was English, and Goran is authentic Viking. If anything Goran is responsible for “The Captain’s hook” in his previous life. :rofl:


Hi Sean, i have about 5 more discs put away, and started drawing a spiral/helix? on some stiff cardboard… great minds think alike?


Thanks Tom, i will check the speed/ reduction and come back later.
About my pockets the answer is JUNK… bolts, screws, nuts, short pieces of flat iron, wires, stuff, even wood chunks. No place left for an empty wallet…