Woodrunner Volvo's

This sounds way more doable than keeping them for yourself, especially in winter. But perhaps you guys have the opportunity to have cows grazing longer in fall/winter to not need as much hay and bedding material. Rotational grazing in pretty small paddocks to keep as much grass into winter as possible is something to think about if it is worth the extra work with just a couple of cows.
A few milking cows is still a lot of milk per day even divided on three families drinking, making cheeses and so on. Would go pretty good with pigs as well to feed excess milk and whey converting it into meat.
If you are having/borrowing a bull as well you guys can also breed for meat and then it is optional to having milking cows part time and just have cows since you can choose breeding times to have calves in spring and so on. There is much to think about and decide in this matter. Me, I will keep going to be lazy in this endeavour :smile:
Perhaps this would be suited better on your homesteading thread than on Göran’s volvo, unless he is going to get milking cows too :joy:


Yes, it’s like you say, nozzles and kerosene blow-torches have very strong pre heating.
Gasoline and ethanol torches use to have a wick, to smooth out fuel delivery, and stop flame from “burning back” inside the tank.

Yes, around 40% lower energy density, ethanol carries oxygen, some tiny amounts of water that needs very much heat to boil of.
Kero and gas blow-torches was converted to ethanol during the war, just like our cars, often just with a nozzle kit, and a different venturi.


My imbert hearth has been indoors for a week, to keep reminding me there is job to do. :smiley:

Doing some measuring and planning, found some high temperature proof stainless steel i maybe going to make the restriction reducer out of.

There are 9 nozzles, 12mm each, i probably going to weld some “inserts” in them, reducing them to 9-10 mm.


I just thought you would appreciate this hand cranked chainsaw made in the good old USA.


Thanks for the laugh Bob!!!


I don’t allow my wife to use my chain saw very much but I may have different thoughts with the above saw :smiley:


That is a good one Bob :rofl:
A chainsaw collecting friend of mine built one exactly like this one, to bring as a eyecatcher/conversation piece on “chainsaw/engine exhibitions” it’s surprising how many people thinks this is a great idea! well, until he let them try it


It is very important to make sure you have the correct saw here. As you can see this is a right handed left hand crank one. Some people can not operate this one, they would need a left handed, right hand crank saw for them to operate it correctly. Just like in fishing reels. You can’t catch fish if you have the wrong handed reel.


That’s why my wife always catches more fish than I do. She’s left handed, but we both use wrong handed rods. Same thing with the dish brush I tell her. It doesn’t fit my right hand :grin:


We have a saying here, “every exuse is good, iven if brought on a dogs tail”.


Best would be a hole through the saw, the opportunity to change side of the crank :smiley:
This is often the case with fishing reels too :wink:


Checking my supply of stuff for the wood-volvo build, and find no vacuummeters i like.
I’ve tried alot of different types along my builds:
Cheap automotive diagnostic types, works, but little “shaky”.
The 70-80s popular “economy meters” used to be mounted mounted on the dash, with a red/green scale, totally impossible to drive economical following one of these :smiley: but with a hand-painted scale they work ok for woodgas (cheap, and with built-in light)
Ventilation application vacuummeters, very precise, but have a “open ventilatio” where over-pressure can vent in to the cabin-not good.

Anyone have a link, or tip where to get some simple, cheap meters? Preferably amazon or like?


Good morning Goran.

This is similar to the gauges I use.

I try to use a 0-15 inch wc scale on the hopper , a 0-30 inch scale in the cooling rails and a 0-60 scale on the motor side of the hay filter .

Merry Christmas sir :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you mr Wayne, i look for something similar, with with cheap shipping to Sweden, filtration industry suppliers seems a good source.
And a Merry Christmas to you sir.


Hi Göran, I lookd around a lot for vacuum meters and I found a few, each with their drawbacks.
I emailed PRM filtration and they do not ship to europe at all so that is a no-go.
Went to a company that works with installation/service on ventilation and cooling/heating applications where they potentially would use meters in that range but that was a no-go too.
Found a couple of companies in Italy that do sell but with shipping it would be around 100$ per gauge, can’t think of the name right now though, I can see if I can figure out what the name was, tell me if you want me to.

AliBaba is also an option, found a spot with the right gauges and with a good price, about 8-10$ per gauge but you had to buy at least 100 of them.

These are digital meters though but I am not entirely sure it is the right ones but as far as I understand it is the right ones




I wanted analog gauges so I ended up with a short roadtrip to

and had them custom make me two gauges, got them for a little more than half their normal price since I was there and explained the hobby/fun use for them. Still very expensive but then I get what I wanted plus the quality.

The conclusion is that I found it very hard to find the right gauges in Sweden or even in the EU.

As I think about it now there is of course another option, if you have a company or knows someone that has company discounts there you could check with Ahlsells, I am pretty sure they can get them for you but it usually comes with a big pricetag (and you probably already know how that company works).


Somehow the first link is to a positive pressure gauge but they have vacuum ones too.


Thanks Johan, yes i found out they are hard to get nowadays, i should check my stuff again, and i know of an amazing thrift store (loppis) where im pretty sure i spotted some magnahelic vacuummeters some years ago, hopefully they still there.
Ahlsells we are registered customers at work, only trouble is our local store is run by people that know nothing about everything, and are as helpful to customers as they treat customers as some kind of terrorists or worse


That’s a shame, perhaps give another store a call and ask. The ones I have been in contact with are usually pretty helpful and will call back when they have found what you want.



For what it is worth. I order here sometimes and dont know if they ship. Price is quite ok. If you want I can ship.


I found a differential pressure vacuummeter i got some years ago in a swap-meet, made for monitor ventilation filters, picked it up to snap a pic of it, and now i can’t remember where i put it again :rage:

Anyway, to calm down from the searching with no luck, i dug out the volvo, when the snow was mowed, my energy ran out, maybe finish the brake job this evening.

This is just ridiculous