Working toward food self sufficiency

Never heard of that one. Dont call me…

Balkan kitchen is always good, lots of meat and vegetables cheese etc. Bah, I wish I stayed.


You guys are making me so hungry with your talking.


It will be fun to taste when it’s ready.


I think the rabits chewed off my sweet potato plants, is that common.?


Have mug! Will travel! :rofl:


I haven’t grown sweet potatoes Kevin but rabbits ate my kale, beets, and chard. I’ll bet the deer were pissed that the rabbits got there first.


Speaking of the deer I was just out for a little checking on things. From my back fence to my archery target that came with the house is 30 yards, easy shooting. From the access road on the timber company’s property to my target is 60 yards. A little stretch for some archery shooters but I was once proficient at that range. The garden is from 35-55 yards from my target. For shits and grins I stepped out to the access road and took 4 shots, they grouped right at 6”. Anywhere from my property I have a sub 50 yard shot on the deer that is plaguing my garden. Guess he will get fat until September when archery season starts. My greens are going to him so I guess I’m just feeding wild free range livestock at this point? Next year to compensate I’ll have to plant a lot more in the garden so hopefully there is some left for me by harvest time


Next year just plant the garden closer to the house so your boys can get a shot in at the deer too.


Thanks tom - they dont seem too loke tomato plants- this year i planted about a month late, and never tried growing sweet tatos- i did get a few the size of maybe at best twoo gulf balls- though i only planted 4 sweet tato plants to see how they grow-since we got a ton of rabits in this sandy soil- i will have invest in some sort of rabit fence. i wonder how tall fence i need to keep rabits out and will they dig under it or what put under the dirt if needed?? THANKS TOM-HOLTON. Since my little gardon is close to the house- i have see no dear.


One thing you can do for a small garden Kevin, is lay down a strip of scrap plastic and line the perimeter with small wood chips and pour urine over them. It will soak into the chips but the plastic will keep them from drying out. Repeat every so often. Dog pee would be better but it’s not easy following a dog around holding a tin can. :poop: would probably be better but more disgusting. We have had so many coyotes that rabbits have not been a problem for me until this year.


I will make a note of that fix to detour rabits away from gardon- never too late to learn gardening i suppose,and the price of food is rising too fast.


And rabbit meat is delicious. Free range organic livestock!


rabbits and other critters don’t like walking on lime. but you have to reapply it after most rains.

deer will get skittish if their scenary changes like brush piles or buckets/barrels moved around, they will get skittish for a bit.


There were quite a lot of potatoes this year too, but rather large ones.


That’s great Jan, do you store them in the crates?
Do you have a root cellar?


Yes and yes, I still have the boxes since I grew and sold tomatoes and cucumbers, good that not so many potatoes go bad if one rots.


One way to let them last longer is if none of them are touching. Also if the dirt is dry, leave it on until you’re ready to eat them. I was once given three garbage bags full of sweet potatoes and I stored them in my garage with no climate control, sitting on a big mesh screen carefully arranged. They lasted for 2 years until I had finally given them all away. Just don’t let them get wet, and some air circulation is good.


Gotta take advantage when the salmon are running got one last night 2 tonight nice Crome pink salmon they are good in the smoker


Good harvest Johan! We dug them out the other day too, still got a bit to dig. 1600kg so far, l expect 2 tones all together. A record harvest. This is split over 4 families. We will not be hungry.

Went on a cross country road trip, and speaking of potatoes, we stoped at a river one day to boil us a lunch and look what came crawling out the pot! Ha, Marcus, finaly l too discovered an actualy healthy population. They are extremely rare in our country, a disease wiped them out and they say they only live in water so clean you can drink it. Well lm glad lm starting to finaly see things geting better. There were so many here, and huge ones, that l saw a lot of canibalised ones so l thod if l harvest one it shuldnt hurt.


It looks lonely in there Kristijan. What’s the protein to carb ratio in that pot? :smile:
I’m glad you found the time for a road trip and some DOW posting.