Lep pozdrav iz Slovenije, tu prilagam povezavo na en zanimnjiv prispevek…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGhkZ5fROFs
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Greetings from Slovenia, here I am attaching a link to one interesting post…
Demonstration of biochar production according to the recipe of Stanet Vidmar. The chips work with the R8 wood chipper.
zanimiv video, hvala za deljenje interesting video, thanks for sharing
We made a dump truck load of char for the garden.
also been making char to stockpile for engine fuel.
Jakob left some of this wood at Wayne’s a while back. He told me the other day that he tested it for moisture and found it to be about 4% I think. It’s real good in the gasifier. Makes little tar, and not nearly as much condensate . I have also noticed significantly less soot. It is almost all kiln dried yankee maple.
Yes, I see the problem with insulation on the outside of the drum. It needs to be heat resistant AND water resistant or at least sheltered from rain in some way.
What’s the difference between Yankee maple and Rebel maple northern aggression??
Lep pozdrav vsem!
Tudi sam sem se lotil izdelati peč za kuhanje oglja , malo kopiram Kristjana , ki je prav tako uporabil cisterno od kurilnega olja , le da sam imam namen vsaviti manjšo v večjo in…!
Greetings to all!
I also started to make a stove for cooking charcoal, a little copy Christian, who also used a tank of fuel oil, except that I have the intention to push the smaller into a larger and …!
Looking good Tone! I like the grate for primary fire! Be sure to make the burn zone accesible, as the things get hot its hard to stay near for long.
Southern maple is softer wood. If it grows in cold places it seems to get much harder. Therefore, better. The term yankee is not a derogatory term, it pretty much just means “northern”.
and yes, things have changed a lot since the war of northern aggression. Praise the Lord.
I must not live far enough north then most of the maple here’s soft. At Argos you played the northern aggression card to poke a finger in our Yankee ribs so I thought I would return the favor.
Hopefully I’ll see Jacob and whoever else in a couple months. Broke the cutter on my chunker this weekend. Picked up parts today and started making new cutter so he’ll have fuel when he gets here
No worries Tom. …
We have both soft and hard maple. Both make good charcoal however hard maple charcoal is more dense. Was it hard maple that Mercedes Benz used in their early engine bearings?
Pri nas v Sloveniji veljajo ostri uprotivirusni ukrepi in se jih resno držimo , redno razkužujemo usta in grlo
In Slovenia, harsh antiviral measures are in place and we take them seriously, regularly disinfect our mouth and throat.
in pa počasi delamo
and we are slowly working
Ha ha, vino? You mean home brew slivovice? Zivjeli
That was my grandfathers practice and he lived to over 99 years old. Must work. Just don’t rub your eyes.
Good job Tone on both keepng the virus down and making a great kiln!
I failed to mention to you the other day, you can direct part of the pirolisis gas trugh a cooler/condenser and extract some tar and wood vinegar. Two wery usefull things around the farm!
Kaj domača slivovka diši vse do Amerike?
Ne znam, moja zena Bosnia
Well if anyone knows anything about Slivovka (plumb moonshine) its the Bosnians. Thats their national drink…
But l must say Slovenian Slivovka is probably more anti viral. Bosnian and Serbian stuff is much lower in alcohol while the Slovenian stuff is usualy in the 50-60% range.
Hi Ton
ingenious and beautiful construction. what do you want to do with all this charcoal?
and all these BTUs (heat energy) released by cooking wood?