Charcoal Making Anecdotes

Res je , ko se razgreje ,je plina da kar žari, pa sem dušil z dovodom zraka , sicer se črno kadi ker plini ne zgorijo , drugič bom počasi in pridušeno ,… peč je hvala Bogu zdržala, le zvrha bom dodal še “dimnik” z loputo za notranjo za zagon ,ker je nerodno ob gorenju zapirati vrata .

It is true that when it is heated, the gas is glowing, but I was suffocating with the air supply, otherwise it smokes black because the gases do not burn, the second time I will be slow and suffocated… the boiler is thank God, I will only add a “chimney” on top. with the hatch internal to start, as it is inconvenient to close the door when burning.


Poskusi raje del plina odvest ven na vrhu, v ločen dimnik, kjer lahko zgori na prostem. V prihodnosti pa lahko naredis se eno pec zraven te katero ogrevas z odvecnim plinom iz prve. Tak je bil moj plan ampak ga kasneje nisem uspel realizirat.

Kako dolgo si moral ogrevat? Kaksna drva?

Try pipeing and flareing some exess gas trugh the vent on top.

Later you can build a sepparate kiln next to this one and use the exess gas to heat up the second kiln. That was my original plan but didnt get executex yet.

How long did heating up take? What kind of feedstock?


LOL. That has to be Slovenia. LOL. How can they have any virus there? It should all be pickled to death by now…Actually, it’s not at all a real bad idea. It does kill the germs. We pulled out the moonshine jar this week too. Wanting to make some elderberry tinctures and other anti-viral home-meds.


Slovenija je tako kot vse zahodne družbe virus podcenila , pa bo verjetno virus zmagal, tako bomo verjetno vsi okuženi, vender brez boja pa se ne bomo dali, držimo se načela “delaj kot da boš večno živel in moli kot da boš jutri umrl”

Like all Western societies, Slovenia has underestimated the virus, but it is likely that the virus will win, so we will probably all be infected, and vender will not give in without a fight, we stick to the principle of “act as if you will live forever and pray as if you die tomorrow”.

To sem “skuhal”…

I cooked this …


Ker je sedaj v ospredju COVID 19, nekaj za boj proti najhujšemu,…

Because COVID 19 is at the forefront now, something to fight the worst …


Yes, best to save it for embalming fluid.


Hi everybody!!!
Long time I don´t comunicate anything. Today has been an exeptional day because we have power and comunications in Venezuela, our situation is worse every day. Me and my wife are in the farm in this mountain and are “permaculturing” for survival here. It´s tough, no gas, o gasoil, no gasoline, power fails, no medicines and a long etc… of things we lost with this regime, but we atill hace health and stamina to work.
Now to the theme:
My experience with these two systems has been good. I hope to make some changes, here are links I have posted before:


Since I don’t know English well, but I’ll talk more in pictures, that’s supposed to be it Charcoal Gasifier,…


Zgleda super! A lahko eno skico narišeš kako je to sestavljeno prosim? Malo se mi sanja ampak nekaterih stvari pa ne razumem…

Izgleda da ga imaš namen vgradit v/na nekaj specifičnega… Je skrivnost? :wink:

Looks great Tone! Can you make a skizz plese? Some things are clear some l cant get my mind around…

It looks like you plan to mount it in/on something specific. Is it a secret? :wink:


Ha, mislim da se mi je posvetilo! Mislim da bo treba naredit samo en majhen popravek ampak da vidimo najprej skico! Zanimiv dizajn, zelo kompakten! To bo precej znižalo reakcijsko cono in povečalo obratovalni čas a ob enem ohranilo razpon obratovanja.

Zelo bo pa treba pazit na temperaturo. Tu ne bo smelo bit nobene žlindre.

Ha, l think l got it! I think only one small correction shuld be made for this to work perfectly, but lets see the skech first…

Werry interasting idea. This will lower the reaction zone conciderably without hurting the turndown ratio. But you will have to be wery carefull on the temperature, there shuld not be any slag made…


Tone, I’m looking forward to seeing your gasifier in action. How close is this sketch?


Kristjan, Bruce je dobro narisal skico , tudi mene forbec matra, kako bo delalo.

Christian, Bruce drew a good sketch, I’m also interested in how it will work


Potem sem pa jaz mislil narobe. Delovalo bo brez vprasanja, ampak ti zna kmalu skuhat šobo oz. cev tik nad šobo in tisti zaščitni zvon.

Mislil sem da nameravas dat šobo obrnjeno navpično, skozi tisti čep na rešetki. Na ta način bi imel praktično neomejen razpon delovanja, saj bi se reakcijska cona premikala navpično po potrebi. Pa še šoba bi veliko dlje zdržala.

Then l thod wrong. It will work without a question but may bake the nozzle and bell fast.

I thod you plan to put the nozzle faceing up trugh the middle of the grate. That way you wuld gain allmost limitless turndown ratio because tha reaction zone will travel up or down by demand. The nozzle would last longer too


That is a great looking build - It might be worth asking to have this split off into its own thread?

That is an interesting design, I am looking forward to seeing it in action. How wide are those slits in the grate? With the nozzle in the way, and a fairly deep design, I am thinking it will be hard to get at the slits to do a proper cleaning - I might suggest you think about some sort of grate-agitator. Maybe just a rod that was bent to match the inside profile of the grate and that could be twisted from the bottom.

I second Kristijans thoughts about slag - exhaust gas or steam injection will do a lot to keep those slits clear.

I will say I am really excited to see someone take on a downdraft charcoal build! Keep us posted.


Today I tested the operation, …


Wow, another Lucky Luke. Fast build and functional!


Odlično! Zdej ni več pomoči, si okužen z lesnim plinom za vse življenje :wink: to je kronična bolezen.

Si kaj eksperimentiral z vbrizgavanjem vode ali zpušnih plinov?

Mimo grede, telefon mi je padel iz žepa ko sem kuril veje in zdaj je ocvirek. Napiši mi prosim telefonsko na zasebno sporočilo pa te pokličem iz ženinea telefona da bova kako rekla.

Great! There is no help now, you are infected for life. Woodgas is a cronical disease :smile:

Did you experiment with EGR or water injection?


Hi Everyone:
I have being working with Tone on a secuense of drawing of his Charcoal making devise:

Eddy Ramos (Argentina).


Hi Tone,
nice gasifier! I’m very interested how the nozzle design works, it is similar to what Max Gasman has suggested years ago, but no one (as far is I know) has ever tried it.

I’m only afraid, that your grate (the slits in the wall) will get blocked by ash and that they are hard to clean.
Nevertheless, good work and I’m looking forward to see more of it!


Hi Til, I only tested the device once, the nozzle will be ok, I will just reduce the bell a little and lift the nozzle by about 15cm and I report.