Chevrolet s10 4.3

Have only driven a little, so not sure how it works yet, feels a little stronger, but has much colder gas, used to have around 300c (570f) degrees, the gauge bottoms there, and is now between 180- 250c (350 - 480f) degrees, wondering if I didn’t have a heat leak before.


Perhaps the gas is cooler because of surface area? Gas speed has perhaps decreased and allowed a better dwell time to cool down.

So your thermometer probe is after the cyclone but before your hot filter?


Yes, I have one after the cyclone, have one after the filter as well, but it shows very low readings, but can hold the hand on the pipe out of the filter, so it is possible that it is correct.


Jan, did you make a new filter, or were you able to save the burning blanket?


I kept the first filter I made out of fiberglass, looks like a sack, although I’ve pulled the bottom up to the top inside, to make it a little bigger.


I think my fiberglass blanket self-cleans poorly, what do you think about something like this?
Just a sack with a loose tube in the bottom, shouldn’t that make the blanket breathe, and break the cake?


It should work, i think, it should breath very well.
I’ve seen many old charcoal gasifier filters built this way, so the user was able to pull them up, inside-out, and shake them without getting dirty.
Maybe some spring or rod is needed inside to stop the filter from getting sucked all the way in the gas outlet?


Almost done with the filter again, will see how long it lasts this time, but should learn that the carbon is very flammable.


You are getting to be a pro at those! Don’t think how clean and organized your workshop is didn’t go unnoticed.


I agree. How hard can it be to make something if you can actually locate the tools you need? I’ll never know.


Thanks Sean and Tom, I’ll tell my wife right away that you think I’ve got things sorted, don’t think you would if you were here, but thanks anyway. :joy:


Jan I could send a picture of my shop and she would die of fright.


If my wife shows up in one of my work areas she just shakes her head, sez what a mess with a look of disgust on her face and walks away but god help you if you mention her department store counter of beauty products on her vanity and in her bathroom. She is 73. I guess hope springs eternal. She looks plenty good enough for this old geezer.


Oh I am not bashful at all. I would definitely tell your wife, you do an awesome job building filters so she can race around! She does a great job cleaning and organizing the shop before pictures, and then adding just enough material on the shop floor, to make look like it is used! :slight_smile:


The starter motor starts working poorly, it only clicks several times before the motor kicks in, is it the solenoid that is bad?


Two reasons JanA.
The actual high amperage contacts plates in the solenoid are each-use arc worn down.
The other reason is all modern electrical starters the solenoid must also move the mechanism to engage the drive gear BEFORE the final movement connects the high amperage contacts. Wear and drag in the engagement mechanism is not allowing full solenoid induced movements.
This last shows up especially in below freezing temperatures.

Oh yeah. HOT weather and then HOT engines can heat soak the solenoid weakening it. And cause metals expansion binding of the engagement mechanism.

Remove and clean the engagement parts. DO NOT lubricate except with a dry graphite.
Problem persists . . . then replace the solenoid. Using only a quality part.


Ok, thanks steve, I’ll go try to get the starter motor off before it’s completely broken.


There may be shims for alignment Jan. Watch carefully when you loosen the bolts.


I tested the filter tonight with only one weight at the bottom of a sack, doesn’t work very well.
It went up in vac pretty fast, (small area) but for it to release I had to stop the engine, it released a little if I went down to idle, but not so much, don’t know if it would work better with less or more weight, will take it out tomorrow, and see how it looks.


I was out cleaning the unit and cyclone, and draining the water out of the rear tank (cooler) I took a small sample in the small cup.
There is a certain difference between an amateur-built unit and a professional-built one (Görans), I have a little more carbon and soot in my things, this after about 300km, but I am worried about my new filter, I have almost no resistance in this, 5- 6 mbar at 2000 rpm.