Discovering my freedom in Slovenia - start of a long book

Ha! Ha! Exactly.
Although in my case it is messy to remove the in-house stove pipe to chimney inspect and clean.
These sooty birds (actual real North American chimney swallows) will do this for me.
At 150mm I.D. slick stainless steel all vertical they seem unable to fix a nest.

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Ooh l see. Usualy people choose a name even before they start making a baby :smile: us two are more spontainious. His name is Lan.

Insulate, absolutely! However l allso made the fireplace extra deep and smooth sided so that it can accept a squere charcoal gasifier. Thats a summer project. Now, before anyone freaks out about having a gasifier inside, its gonna be in the stove, the flame part too. Only heating pots directly positioned on the plate top wich has purpously cut holes on.

In this mode, the boiler doesent work. But the only time the gasifier mode will be used is in the heat of the summer where there is enaugh sunshine for a roof collector wich l allso plan to install.


Lan, I like that name, it’s meaning Flax? In your country?
You have really thought out your homes heating, cooking, and water systems for all seasons. Great job Kristijan.


Yes it does how did you know that? You got some hidden slavic knolidge you been hideing from us? :wink:


Just as a sidenote, daughter is named after this plant, Neža.

But l googled the origin and it say its a derivate from the name Agnes. Never thod of that, thugh l now see the connection. learn something every day!


And a nother sidenote :smile: Bob has a Slavic meaning too. It means broadbean :smile:


Here it means reduced in size or bouncing up and down. Mines Tom. I think that means I’m a turkey.


Ha ha if I started speaking to you in Slavic you would go into to shock. It is the internet.
It seems all names have meaning. My name Robert means Bright , Shining , Fame , from England and Scotland. Frank means when someone gets right to a subject matter even if people do not like it or want to talk about it. Being straight forward. Bob meaning Bright, Shining from Germany. Mackey was a trib of people that completely ruled in the area of France for a period of time.
And now in Slavic it means Broadbean. I like it. Thank you for letting me know this. Every language is so wonderful with all of it words and meanings.
We had a common language at the Tower of Babel and then became 70 languages, now into thousands of languages and dialects of today. Simply amazing. The English language what a mixer of languages it has become.
I like that too, Tom.


Funny, LAN is LIN in Swedish. Makes sense to “linseed” I guess.
Female names here are Linn, Lina and Linnea. I don’t know if they are related to LIN (flux).


Holy crap, it has been a year till my last post here! Im a bad reporter…

So much has been going on here l dont know where to start. Perhaps l will start at the end, this is what l am currently up to.

You may see in the background, our houses roof is finished and lm building a porch on the side. But its the front of the picture l wanted to mention. I made a bargain and exchanged five cords of firewood in exchange for excavator service. Money free transaction, just like l like it best.

We havent had any rain or snow for nearly 3 months now and we are experiancing intensive drought. This is bad for winter crops and fruit trees. I felt stupid watching hundreds of gallons of spring water being wasted each day from the litle stream that springs on our property, and with everything pointing towards the fact that this unusual weather is here to stay, l decided to act.
A week ago the excavator started trenching our property. About 1000 feet of threnches were dug in the rocky ground, now we are laying the nessesery infrastructure for all our water needs for the house, animals, fishponds and irrigation. When the pipes are layd, next thing is building a irrigation pond, probably about 10000gal capacity. I will report in more detail, in case anyone is interested in the project.


Chimney and roof look excellent. Is it tin or chingles?
Will all that water come from your own spring?


Plese dont call child social service on me :joy: son was on a harness.

The spring currently produces about a gallon a minute and such was the case in our summer drought we had last year. While that adds up to a conciderable amount over a whole day, unfortunaly the spring is about a good meter lower thain the garden and the spot where l want a fishpond so l need a pump. It will probably be a mechanical pump type, water powered, like a ram pump or similar. Wich ofcorse uses a lot of water.

But, we also have nother “creek”, l cant find the correct english term for it. It only flows when it rains strongly and it only flows for a couple of days. But when it does, it realy flows. This creek will fill directly in the big irrigation pond.


J.O. his house picture expands/enlarges out well.
You answer I believe is in the peak capping materials.

Kristijan is it normal, and needed, to put snow holder devices on roofs there? You are snow melt capturing?

Here, Washington State we are allowed to only retain 10,000 gallons of water without going thru special permitting.
Steve Unruh


Steve, yes. Not by any law or whatnot, but everyone puts snow holders on. First, snow falling on your head isnt fun. Second, its not good for the gutters if half frozen snow rushes in to it. Thirdly, its safer for the roof. Its not uncommon for roofs, specialy ou traditional hay holding structures like this ones


to tip over or severely tilt when all the snow from one roof side rush down while the other has a hevy matt of snow on it.

Here, l belive you arent alowd to have one gallon of irrigation water without a permit, officialy. But l wont tell if you dont…


Great new picture. Fired clay tiles, yes. I see the screws? holes. The special screw hung down snow catchers.

And before any would child endangerment panic. Your son’s tied off safety rope. You are building memories and work ethic there.

I can only know what you show me. Back filled, grown over I see nothing un-permitted.
Steve Unruh


Kristijan, I admire your skills in putting your children to work. I was chunking today when Walter arrived. I was expecting him to help me out, but he would rather follow granma inside to crank up our 25 yo play-station :thinking: He’s 5 now. I wonder if the fun is over with already.


We use the term rain feeding, Semi Dry Creek or Seasonal Creek, when it rains or snow melts.
You have sure been busy. Good Job on your progress.


No screws, the snow catches hook on the wood and are held down with the next line of tiles. The hook comes around the wood. I guess they could also be called hookers :grin:

Yes, fired clay. 50 year warranty. One of the most expensive roofs but I wanted something natural as l will be collecting rain water also. Sheet metal wuld be an option but wuld not look good with the naturalistic wood sided style of building, wich l intend to do.

JO, l always admired Walters persistance. Our kids wuld help with everything, but get bored in a couple of minutes usualy. Im sure he will be back to chunking in a while. Grandpa needs a sidekick afterall!


Absolutely interested in your homestead projects. Is Tone’s part of the country drought stricken as well? Physically it looks so much like my area but we are water water everywhere. Totally baffles me how some bureaucrat can tell you how much of what falls from the sky onto your property you are entitled to.

Smash that play station JO. It eats young minds. I know this from experience.


Sounds like the play station needs to have a power outage.
Our grandchildren have a limit on this devices. Outside playing and doing things out side is a must.
Dana and I went on a 2 mile walk down by the river the three grandchildren did the same.
Dana and I need to get our exercise and so do they.