Discovering my freedom in Slovenia - start of a long book

Tom, tone is only about 60 miles from me. Same same, if not worst.

What comes from the air isnt a problem. Its what comes out of ground that is. Goverment here owns every spring and water body, also every deer and wild game, even if you hunt you have to buy the game from the goverment later… Crazy.
And also everuthing deeper thain a foot in the ground… Luckly, trees are still free…


I think the closest word would be a Gulley


Hm…I sure hope we’re able to stay below the southern EU radar up here for a while longer…


It sounds like all the government’s on the earth are on the same platform agenda. Making their claims to things that do not belong to them. God’s says the whole earth is Mine and everthing in it and on it is Mine.
What you can see and can’t see is Mine for I YEHOVAH have created all things with my words
I YEHOVAH spoke it into being by my power and strength, I YEHOVAH have done this.
Little old me , is not going to debate God over this. He lets me be a good Stewart over what He ouns and has given to me. Let the government’s of prideful men fight it out with Almighty God on what He has said.
God has given you and bless you and your family, with all of your hard work.



Amen and Amen Bob. I never could understand who exactly decided that the Earth was theirs to divide up and sell off.


The fun isn’t over yet. :stuck_out_tongue: but I would try to keep him doing other stuff and be positive about it. Or just go the other way, and get him a raspberry pi, install retropi, and get him an 8bitdo pro2 controller, get it setup and Then he can play ps1-2, ninetendo, xbox, and actual old arcade games… The bonus is that you can get him to start writing blinky light types of game projects.


Tiles, made in Croatia. Works like shingles. We have the same, a gift of my wifes father. Borther security looked very strange and didnt know what to do with it when we brought it home. Lookes really nice but is very heavy build.

Sorry, didnt get further and see the tiles were mentioned. I am grazy about them. Good choice Kristijan.
And we havent had rain too. Bad form farmers, good for me. I can build outside. The shop is out of room.


Thod you guys might find this interesting


Your projects and energy level is inspirational.
You are living the dream that I had at your age but the wage slave pursuit blunted.
Love your posts and videos.


Joep, they are called Bobrovec here, Bober meaning beaver. I am no expert on the matter of beavers, but perhaps Mr @Wayne can shed some light regarding his farms favourite animal residants :grin: and the simularity between them and this roof sistem


I enjoyed the video. I am surprised that you had such good result with so little extra water. This is not a hot climate where I live but I still normally water once a week. As I said, we have water everywhere here. It runs out the bottom of the hills. Your mulch holds a lot of moisture and I would be interested in seeing a percolation test on your trench to see have fast water works it’s way through that rock underneath. People normally hate clay soil but if you dig a trench like you have and then fill it with good amended soils the clay will not allow the water to sink further and as long as you don’t get too much rain it will be a benefit in a dry area.


Call them what you wish but I still have my own name for them :frowning_face:


The tiles look like a beavers tail, maybe that is why.


Yes cody, l was just pulling on Waynes leg :grin:


I did. It is exactly the results you want. It is similar to what I got in my garden, and better because I tilled it, and I heard no till was faster and better. Tillage breaks up the microbial ecosystem, and releases carbon from the soil, plus any topsoil erosion from wind/rain because there is nothing to hold it in place. Not having to haul the hoses and run the water all the time, is a huge benefit, but the plants get nutrients more easily as well. great job!

Once you get the carbon and microbial ecosystem rebuilt in the soil, which takes several years, you don’t need the trenches. The roots will work their way through the clay pan and into the rocks. There is fungus that will break down the rock slowly and forms a symbiotic relationship with the plants.


Well Kristijan, I’m glad this got dragged back to the top. I must have just barely missed it when I joined the forum last year and got to spend all last evening till I fell asleep and now early morning finishing reading and watching the videos. A great adventure you have undertaken, I much appreciated seeing your determination and progress. You know how to dream, and make others dream along with you. It is a dream of mine to someday heat and cook with wood, heating water has always been a back thought. Now my head is reeling with ideas! Might read this thread a few more times after I move…


And going full speed!!!

Kristijan is “living the good life”. Read that book from Helen and Scott Nearing. Just as inspiring as you are.

Missed my chance, the same way as Mr Michael. My wife was sick and stayed home for a year or so. Made her some raised beds for vegabelses. Just 6 inch deep, man, what a treat! If I do something in the garden , it is no dig/ permaculture related. The easy way.


Thanks guys, my head is geting swolen :grin:

It has been a tough couple of years to revive this neglected farm, well, revive isnt the word for what we have now. Perhaps, in mechanic language, a better description is we got it to run on limp mode :grin:

Tom, before l worked on quarz sand soil, good, but has limitation. This land is clay, brown and blue. I must admit l like it better. With mulch, worms and organic matter do a good job of breaking up the top few inches, while the lower lairs stay wet.

When l finished digging out the trench on the video, l found the rock bottom is rocks “glued” together with blue clay. Probably why crops did so well without watering. I have footage somewhere of a tomato plant that shot roots in my root cellar about 10 feet to look for water…


Look at this guys

Ok, l need water now.

Anyone got ideas for water powered water pumps?

I wuld like to avoid a ram pump. I need something thats not limited by water flow.

Any ideas?


A water wheel powered water screw? Or even windmill powered water screw.