Discovering my freedom in Slovenia - start of a long book

Same. But the wife is the opposite, if she has the choice to visit the same store 5 or 20 miles away, she will chose the later :smile: makes me crazy sometimes, but to each its own…

Kamil, almost right! Fermented turnips, a traditional food. Son and l shreded 65 pounds today, in to noodle shape, tomorow we got aditional 40 lbs, but these will be fermented in slices together with some red beets to make a exelent and atractive pink salads. Highly recomrnd, tryed last year for the first time.

When we were done with preparing the side dish, the main corse showed up next to the kitchen window :smile:


Are they wild ones? In the USA down in the southwestern part of the states, we are having are wild pig problems. They are destroying the crops and animals.


Let me know the next time you want to go to the big box store! I can pick you up, make a couple of wrong turns, and we can get you over that 17 mile fear to a nice even number like 18. :slight_smile:


No good Sean. I get car sick just riding. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: I’m petitioning Menard’s to build a store closer to my house. I’m kind of ashamed to admit I do most of my buying through Amazon but they’re not good for stuff like cement.


They will probably have equipment you can test and get fitted as well. BUT they might not have instructions on how to make a real viking bow. :slight_smile:

You might check out this guy apparently sweden has crossbows regulated.


I am cancelling the lunch reservations at the mexican restaurant. :slight_smile:


I have lots of sons, and Joerg Sprave has been a great source of entertainment and information. I would be surprised if there is a variant of bow or slingshot that Jorge as not built and demonstrated. Some are serious weapons, many are just a lot of fun. Caution: Like Tone, just be cause he can draw it doesn’t mean you can :slightly_smiling_face:


The bow in that video is a Youth bow with a draw weight between like 9-39lbs according to one site, so I don’t know if it is adjustable, or just a category. Most youth competition bows are 20lb draw.


Sorry, unclear on my part. The youth bow repeater is fine. Joerg has some other impressive creations with limbs, surgical tubing, and I think other “springs.” Some of these stored a lot of energy, all supplied by someone’s upper body. Except the ones with cordless drills :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey Kristijan .

Down the road a few miles near the grocery store wife and I shop is the grave of Howard Hill .

It is said he could cure constipation by shooting a prune of your head at 60 foot distance :smiley:

making remarkably difficult trick shots, such as shooting an apple or prune off the top of someone’s head from a distance of 60 feet.


I have heard of him. There was a debate on who was better between him and Fred Bear, whom worked for chrysler before starting his own Bow business in northern lower michigan. Fred started the fred bear museum which has/had the largest display of historical archery items. I THINK there was a small section dedicated to Howard Hill when I went through the museum when I was young.


There was a book in the public library about 55 years ago… :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks, Wayne


Yes, it is because it can keep stored energy. You can have a license if you are competing in a club since hunting with arrows is illegal.


The time has arived. Always a joy for a farmer to harvest the product of his work. This year it was particulary sucsessfull, these are pigs fattened mainly for lard and preserved meats like bacon, panceta… hadnt had 3 full fingers of backfat in a long time.

Got an army of workers, even borrowed one :smile:


Our very old saying goes:“When things come to sloughter, pig has the most friends ever”


Your last pic brings back memories, Kristijan. I don’t remember if already told you, but about 50 years ago I was one of them kids. While the grownups were focusing on other pigs we were investigating the first dead one - also at the same time playing with the garden hose. We ended up sticking the garden hose to the pig’s no2, and we were amazed how well it sealed. Not a drop leaked out, so we lost interest and went playing elsewhere. No one turned the water off.
I seem to remember the grownups weren’t very happy about what the pig looked like when they were ready to put the knife to it.


Since I am in the christmas sprit, It looks like you will get your 4lbs of back bacon. And that refers to this Song. :slight_smile:


Ha, JO, dont give kids any ideas now! They do enaugh pranks as is :smile:

Man l can only imagine… lm surpriced it didnt blow up. Must been a nightmare to get the guts out :smile:


the ideal place for europe woodgas meeting , how much pigs grow up every year? :wink:


Yesterday, my oilless compressor broke. Its what powers our air powered water pump. It easnt a cheap shit kinda tool, yet still it way underperformed, as happens often here nowdays… anyway, finaly, l got to testing the trompe. Spent most of the day measuring and prospecting the land, to see how and where l shuld plave the trompe, but still l managed to get a simple one built! What l love about it the most is the fact that l used the useless peace of crap that dyed on me in less thain 2 years of use (the compressor) and turn it in to a machine that shuld last along time, runing for free…