Discovering my freedom in Slovenia - start of a long book

That is awesome Kristijan, I love seeing springs of living water bubbling water come forth. Even if it is made by your own hands. Good job many blessings from your own hands on what you have built.


Wait until you get as old as me Bob. The minute I clicked on the video I almost peeā€™d myself. Hard to get a glass of water for the same reason. :cry:


I am 71 years old Tom, I thought you were younger than me.


I donā€™t think age has anything to with it. I remember grandmaā€™s trick from when we were kids - on our way out playing in the winter. Bofore bothering to dress us up in dussins of layers, she put us on the toilet one after another - with the sink tap running. We were able to stay outdoors until the next meal without having an accident :+1:


76 and a half Bob. 71 seems like a dream to me now. Hopefully Iā€™ll get some of that spring fever this year.


You both are spring chickens. My mom is 85. And she was getting hit on by a 90yo guy in meijer the other day. :rofl:


Dana just pulled some of the last of the walleye out of the freezer. That got me going of spring fishing for them. Ice is almost off the lakes now. The spawning is on, as some as thats done. Time to catch some walleye at Banks Lake. From Grand Coulee Dam hey will start pumping water up to Banks Lake, charging up the Columbia Basin irrigation systems through all the lakes in the counties of Central Washington State. This rises the lake water levels to full.
Boat launches are back into service everywhere on the lakes.


Oops I post this on the wrong thread Kristijan.


Agree, there is something magical about water isnt it?

The experimental trompe works! I only had enaugh pipe to do a experimental, 30ish foot head machine and it still is able to produce about half a bar (7psi)

It aint gonna popp any pipes but its more thain enaugh to supply us with water :wink:

When l get to building the real thing, l shuld get a 21m head, wich shuld produce about 1.5bar (21psi) wich is more thain enaugh for what l need it for.

What l dont know yet is what volume of compressed air is producedā€¦ l was thinking to utilise the trompe to power my forge actualyā€¦ with a good venturi type ejector it shuldnt take a lot of compressed air to power a forge. Will seeā€¦


That is great news! I had never heard of a trompe before. :slight_smile: Out of curiousity, what are the advantages over say bellows in this application?


For me, its the simplicity. No mooving parts. Good efficiancy too, and apparently the air gets out quite dry. Counterintuitive, but logical if you think about itā€¦ cold water condenses out the air moisture, while in a mechanical compressor the moisture is increased.

Cons are it does consume a lot of water, and my stream gets low in flow in drought. But thats ok, l do most forging rainy days and then there is enaugh water.
Also freezing. Since l dont plan to dig a 60feet hole any time soon to hold the contraption, l was thinking to fix it on a tree. Good insulation will be important.


Oh, you ment with forging? I use a fan now and its fine, but its noisy. Bellows, l never tryed. But l do like to rest between heats, so its nice to have hands free and just enjoy the sound of the forge :wink:


That makes sense.

I didnā€™t mean hands ones. I meant water powered ones because you might be able to get higher volumes or pressure (it is too late to do math) But simplicity wins. :slight_smile:


Oh l see. In this case too l belive the trompe wins. Also, l get a fealing it is also throtleable. Large volume/low pressure or high pressure/low volume. And somewhat self adjusting. An amazing device


Now we want to see your drawing of what you have made. It does not have to be to a scale drawing.


Since forge generates a lot of heat, why not to make a steam and get strong airflow from steam ejector?


Bob, it realy is stupid simple. There is a pipe that runs down from the top of the creek down to the compressor tank on the video. Trugh it water flows from the top of the creek, and with it it sucks some air. This bubbly water enters the blue tank and its only purpose is to separate the now compressed air and water. Thats literaly it. Nothing but a tank with 3 outlets. Inlet water/air mix, outlet air and outlet water.

Kamil, it sure seems like a huge energy waste looking at fires like these

But unfortunaly its a nessesery sacrifice. I learned not to cry over it anymore. With practice you get more economical with your fuel but still, unfortunaly, most of the heat just heats the crows.
Vast majority of forging you can get done in a fist size burnzone. Not much energy to extract here. But large projects like this on the picture (forge welding some damascus) requires insane heat with a reducing athmosphere. A LOT of air, and on demand.


Kristijan, would you estimate the water flow of your stream. Did you ever try a measurment?


Kamil, this is about the average output. In extreme drought its down to about similar to the flow of an averidge midle aged man :smile:

As you see, its extremely simple. Water and air enter in this sofisticated manifold, then get compressed, separated and air comes back in the underground compressed air grid wich l dug in the property 2 years back.


So, very rough estimate, a deciliter per second or 100 gallons per hour? At 30 feet elevation it represents 0,5 kWh of potential energy. Did you think about creating any sort of pond to create a reserve for bigger power output?