Historic woodgas tractors

I think you have to build one quick and dirty, because I am not sure the final output value is known. However, you can keep adding capacitors until it works, fries the wire or you electrocute yourself because you forgot to discharge them.


today we have remagnetized the rotor…after the magnet keeps a 2 kilo piece of iron…because of the round surface of the magnet is the touching part not large…is this enough magnetism or should be stronger??
before the magnet was not able to keep it, but nearly…
the magnet was not really weak before, the weak spark can also come from bad electric connections or damaged coil…
i found spare coils in a internet shop , have bought two…


Giorgio, I admire your work, it is all beautifully done slowly and carefully, nothing is left to chance. Here in Slovenia, there is a saying that if someone makes a quality product, that it is made “the German way”, you prove that this is true. We await with great interest the first launch of your Fiat, I know that you will prepare another surprise for us.
God be with you, Tone.


i would say , without the help and informations here from the forum friends would be a difficult way to go…i am far from being a expert in this things…but i like to understand how the things what i use are working…
thanks for all help!!


Good job on the magneto Giorgio, that small magnet lifting a 2kg piece with that small contact area is super good, absolutely strong enough.


göran, i have here 3 magnet rotors from the same design, two of them i have magnetized up, the other i have let for to see a difference…but the difference is not so much, maybee the one i not magnetized was stronger from himself…i had not looked before unfortunately…but the others become a bit more stronger obviously, before they not can keep up the 2 kg piece…
but maybee, for this kind of magneto material, how you have explained earlier, is needed more current as for horseshoes magnets, made from another material…
i will also try soon with my “welding set” with 3 batteries on 36 volts for to see if i can achieve more magnetism…must only look to not overheat the coils, only very short impulses…
only for curiosity…


You will get a great long spark with your repaired magneto using the magnets as you have charged them. If you have already lined up all the “poles” in the magnetic iron material of the rotor, you may not notice much difference with more current. Much fun to experiment further! :grin:


hello mike, two days ago we tried recharging the magnet with 36 volt, it becomes again a little bit stronger…the coils have survided it…today, we opened the clutch box, for a control, the disc is yet fine


a video for the friends of historic tractors, no one with gasifier, but nice engines…
remarkable the kind of motorcycle grass mower…of course they are best in flat lands


Thank you, Giorgio:

I am a city boy, from the edge of a Big City. But we would go camping all my life. God has given me a wonderful lady as wife. Our desire was to farm, but we were still city people. Many years, for my birthday, we would drive about 100 miles to the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum. The family’s gift to me. Most of the American tractors in that video I have enjoyed seeing in person, and watching in the lunch-time parade, and some in the fields at work. I really though this was fun. Today we have a 1951 Ferguson, and a 1985 (about) Deere (a little new for me, but the front end loader is wonderful). Even a BCS. It is hard for me to believe. God has been truly gracious to me and to us. There must be a draft in here tonight, my eyes are watering :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you again, thanks to the rest of you for listening.

edit: I should probably add that I really don’t get choked up over tractors. The tractors are a reminder of years, no decades of God’s goodness, which includes sons. daughters, sons-in-law, and daughters-in-law, grandkids, other family and friends, farmland and houses, and a bunch of stuff that you can’t fully show on a spreadsheet showing what Kent did. Because I didn’t. That’s better.


kent, this is not a draft from a wind in the house, but from your divine spirit in your heart…this moves when we love god and when we are thankfull to him…
he has also guided us through our life since i have decided to search him in thruth, and when found him in jesus christ, following his commandments…what are in reality tips for our spiritual healing, we can follow them or not, we have the free will.

our lord and god and father jesus christ guides all who are searching him
he bless you
ciao giorgio


I don’t want to leave the impression that I cry over tractors, so I added an edit:

edit: I should probably add that I really don’t get choked up over tractors. The tractors are a reminder of years, no decades of God’s goodness, which includes sons. daughters, sons-in-law, and daughters-in-law, grandkids, other family and friends, farmland and houses, and a bunch of stuff that you can’t fully show on a spreadsheet showing what Kent did. Because I didn’t. That’s better.


Just found this, don’t know if it’s already posted here?


i have seen this video…but what kind of gasifier is it?


Giorgio, I think the best of us, Joep would explain this gasifier system.



today we tested the restored magneto, spark strong and long…
also the distributor to the spark plugs works…


Cos’è l’ossidrogeno - H1 centro studi (h1srl.com)
as my son makes experiments with HHO gas production since 7 years, before we began with chargas, he constructed a relative evective cell which runs with current from a little photovoltaic paneel…so, as our fiat tractor has low compression ratio, but has a dynamo for his electric lights, (can be switched off and on by hand)…could be a good idea, to add little quantity of HHO in the secondary air intake for getting more power, if needed…
this method was used in war times…in the link is the patent number for seeing details


the forge blower maybe usefull for starting ventilator for the fiat gasifier…1: 34 gear… but has some splits in the housing , will see if i can weld them…