JO´s Rebak Chunker

You can order motor cycle chains and sprocket from amazon. There several motorised bicycle sites you can order chains and sprocket from.



Sorry, it is cheating, I know. But next week I am going to order one of these.

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If you plan to use it for making chunks for gasification, make sure you order a small enough machine that makes short enough chunks.

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All right. Thanks, Do I hesitate? Well uh, yeah, what can I say? Came here one year ago, sawdust. Then found Gary’s charcoal. Hookway retort and went back to sawdust to get it burning. Today did some chainsawing. Wow, full trailer and we didnot see the difference. There is so much wood. Anyway, the small pieces have to go in an rebak. Can’t build it for that money. So, long story short. Any idea wich one would suit a gasifier best?

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From what I understand only the smallest machine with the maximal number of cutters would be able to make short enough chunks.

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Thanks, I will start with the 100 type. To big for woodgassing for an IC but it will suit my small Atmos boiler. And the land gets cleaned the same time. There is so much bush with nice wood under.
Anyway, if I cound time and material , it is more expensive so make it myself. On their site the meisurements are shown. So if someone wants to make it, it is there.

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True. 24-7 at work is the best. Then you won’t have any time off to spend money either :smile: