Life goes on - Summer 2014

My partner’s co-worker was on the set-up crew for the local show and so they reserved front-row seats for us. I used my cellphone to shoot 21 minutes of video, POSTED TO YOUTUBE. The sound was garbage (phone protector partially covers the mic) and sometimes the auto-focus got wonky (sometimes to the benefit of the video, in my opinion).

We live on a drive-on (bridge accessible) island but my girlfriend got an awesome job on a neighboring ferry-only island with next-to-no cell coverage. 5 days a week she lives in a rented Cob/Haybale “Mud Hut” and I go to stay with her for the last 2-3 days of her stays.

Here in central Alabama mother nature has given us a window of opportunity to harvest hay . The hay should have been taken care of about the time we were in Argos and the weather hasn’t cooperated until now . . The last few days I have been coming home using the head lights including the 4th and last night .

Son and I have been working the soup out of the two wood eating goats. The dakota has been getting a rest .


I feel like I’m a year behind. Week of the 4th, we were in Indiana (again) for 50 class reunion. Got home to a defrosted kitchen frig. Then today the family room frig busted the ice maker water line and “watered” part of that room. Gasifier lost some priority.

Carl ,

Thanks much for the picture. Fine looking group of folks there!!

Sorry I haven’t posted much in the last week but I have been burning a lot of wood. ( in all three wood burners .)

I gave the dakota a good workout yesterday on the big road and the son and I will be working the two wood eating goats ( Rams ) hard today hauling hay .


Hi All
My Weimaraner dog Shadow brought me a gift this morning and layed it down by my feet.
What’s a fellow to do? Give her a reward dog cookie. In a turned upsidedown world all of my dogs would be root hog survivors.
This squirrel is hugh for us here. A 2 pounder for sure. Could be a good soup stock stretched out for all of us.
Ha! Ha! This is the dog brought home old at 9 years took me FOUR egglayer chickens to convince to leave the “chicken problem” to me. She’d stalk these fly-in “problem varmints”. Kill them. Then eat them. Sigh. Everybody like chicken.
This shows there is hope for us all of us no matter how old and stuck in our ways of thinking.

Steve Unruh

That’s a squirrel? Looks like a coyote! I guess the closer you get to the camera, the bigger life gets. But, whether squirrel or coyote I’d day “Good dog!” She’s a keeper.

all dogs are good


" all dogs are good "

Hello Carson.

Kinda depends on which end of a land shark you are on !! LOL

Have you ever dealt with a rank Malinois ?

Wayne, I Googled pictures for a Malinois and have decided I will stay on my side of the fence if the neighbors ever purchase one.

Couple of goats in the hay patch. .

No worry , these Rams are wood eaters.

Hauled in 25 -30 tons today . I’m beat .

Yes Wayne, the Malinois is well known to me. I usta help the local pd with their dogs. Been bit by more poodles/dalmations/heelers than anything. Even the Malinois are good. They are straight forward and sincere !


Malinios bites are more about Quality over Quantity. :wink:

Usually top quality, and good location !

While bushoging late yesterday I ran up on a bumble bee nest and it looked like about a million ball faced bumble bees erupted out of the ground . In my younger days I would have jumped an run but I stayed on the tractor and navigated a 21 foot bushog around junk out running them . ( luck was with me )

Last night I visited the nest with a five gallon bucket containing about a half gallon of GASOLINE and quickly turned it upside down on their domain leaving it there while me and the dog left in high gear …

Sometimes wood gas just can’t replace a jug of gasoline…LOL


Sounds like fun. I usually pour some chlorine powder down the hole with some black powder and stick a pest report 2000 down there with a foot of fuse … Run like hell of course … I only have a few explosives left … Maybe the gasoline is the cheaper route ??? Did you light it off ??? M
Too bad they make it so hard to get things that actually go BANG now …

Hello Mike ,

Din’t light it , seems to have killed or run them all off.

I needed a shelter for my double deck pontoon boat at my place at grand lake in Oklahoma. Told my son and son in law if we worked real hard we could build it in 3 days. I had a bunch of used tin I had bought years ago that needed used. Had the c channels I had for years also. Bought the 3-1/2 inch tubing .125 thick walled at scrap yard for 16.50 per piece…24 foot long, new old stock.IThey are the ones on the trailer behind the Dakota picture that I posted a couple weeks back. Hauled the tin and everything else behind my Z-71, gave Dakota a break that weekend. Building is 36 feet long and 20 feet wide. I was having a hard time keeping up welding while boys was putting the tin on. Started on a Friday morning and got done Sunday afternoon, man was it ever hot those 3 days…

Here are some pics. Even got some bicycle repair done during the process…LOL

Equipment, crew, material, a will, and a way! Who’s that guy in the last picture, I think I’ve seen him somewhere. :slight_smile: