Life goes on - Summer 2014

If there is a muddy place anywhere around seems like I can find it .

Yea we are stuck !!

But the International wood burner to be brought it right out .

Wayne, I think you hold the record for mud … Post a link to the pictures from your porch last time I was there if you can find the pics :o) … We’re off to Lake Michigan in the morning for a couple of days … If my computer works there, I’ll check in … Thanks, ML
PS, ain’t it fun at our age(s) to have to deal with that crap (mud) … I got my pants covered with green manure yesterday … I’m not sure if it was cow or amish horse … I never saw it but I sure smelled it …

Wayne, Obviously you misjudged that creek bank. At least you didn’t have $20,000 or so of survey equipment in the truck that got stuck :o) … I haven’t got fully stuck in years. The last time was about 4 years ago … We have problems when the frost comes out of the ground … I finally managed to slide down the hill a bit and then goosed it downhill till I got to a still frozen hayfield … Left a lot of ruts but the landowner was happy I got out on my own as he couldn’t find his chain and his skid steer couldn’t get close to me … Mine is still in his mud somewhere … I just bought a new one … ML

That lake might not have been inviting today, but it will be soon I’m sure.

Same here , cool and wet. Going to spend the weekend at the lake, hope it warms up. Going crappie fishing in the mornings and take the [party in slow motion] boat out Saturday. They have a band on a platform on the lake and there will be a couple hundred boats all tied together. Lots of people come to our boat and go down the double slide off the back and jump off the top deck. Lots of good scenery [ if you know what I mean]…LOL


Hey Mike ,

At our age(s) maybe you should double check before putting blame cow or horse !

Took the wood burner tonight to a music gig at a state park, about 90 mile round trip. Ran real good, but I waited to get there to put on stage clothes.

Noticed another wood truck on the way over - this one hauling a lot more fuel than I was!!

That’s a lot of fuel Chris. Implement some innovations on your V8 chunker and you can break that down to usable sized chunks.

That was just to cool on so many levels!
I think you could make one awesome TV show.
That Tally is one lucky young man.
Great stuff Mr Wayne.


Hello Terry L ,

Thanks for the kind comments ,

Sometime Tally may wish he had a normal person for a Dad . LOL.

You seem to like the videos so I thought I would put one here on the open forum so others could laugh with you .


Seeing you riding along with you hat waving and you bib overalls, reminded me of a couple of years back when I was young and TV hadn’t been invented yet we use to listen to the radio at night. I don’t remember the name of the show but it was about Hill billys.
Maw says, " Hey Pa! The garbage man is here".
Pa says, " Well tell him to leave a bucket."
No offense meant. It just brought up an old memory of good old days.

now that’s a chunk of wood I,m starting to swet just looking at it.

Wayne: Dakota on a trailer powering the tractor pulling the trailer. Classic.

It’s a bit Meta, but technically, both the tractor AND Dakota were being driven by a “Trailer Mounted Gasifier”. :slight_smile:

When I signed up with DOW, I was still involved with the city “club scene”, as well as a few circles I’d rather not mention here. Such “scenes”/circles seemed to attract the rather crazy sort of folk. At the time, I was a tad on the crazy side of folk myself.

Anyways, stupid drama from said crazy people ended up on my Mom’s door step, looking for me. Considering my dad is from Finland, not a lot of “Hamalainen” in the phonebook. Only 2 actually, and both are my long-divorced parents. When crazy possessive boyfriend of crazy manipulative girl showed up on 65-year-old Mother’s doorstep looking to “draw the lines” with me, I knew it had to change.

I scrubbed most of my full last name from ALL of my online/casual contact with people. Hence the innocuous name “Brian Ham”, which I’ve kept for 5 years now.

These days, I live a much different life, having cut ties with almost all of my old life and crazy circles. I make it a fairly big point to avoid crazy people who attract crazy drama.

Total weirdos that drive explosive Carbon Monoxide Gas generators, well, they are the exception. :slight_smile:

Since I’m no longer in those crazy circles and more selective of my friends, I don’t need to be as worried about crazy people. It has long been time to switch back to my full name.

Hello, my name is Brian Hamalainen.

Well hello to you Brian Hamalainen
It takes each of us a journey to grow into being a true Human Being. And we each of us only have just one lifetime to get it done. Sometimes it does take a past chosen you flushing reset. Glad you are now on your way.
Steve Unruh

It’s been a while since I have really “injured” myself. I’ve had a few cuts that actually needed a bandaid, but no cuts that needed way more than a bandaid.

…That was until this last Saturday… Long story short, I was carving on a big stick (making a handmade wooden pitch-fork) with a very sharp knife. My Carpal-Tunnel decided it didn’t want me to hold onto that stick, but jerk my off-hand forword instead.

The knife, still stuck in the branch, caught the tip of my thumb on the way down. It sliced in at a 45 degree angle across most of the tip of my thumb, just past the nail. I pulled the knife out, set it down, and looked at the cut. “Wow. That is deep, but very clean. It’s not even blee- Oh now it’s bleeding…”

Even pinching my wrist artery and holding my hand up, I still was dripping an almost solid stream of blood from the tailgate of my truck, where I was working, to the open passenger seat of my truck, where I knew there was a fast-food bag with (mostly) clean napkins.

About a minute of holding my hand above my head with my armpit artery pinched, and 3 totally drenched/dripping napkins later, I got the bleeding to slow to an ooze. I knew standard bandaids wouldn’t cut it, pardon the bad pun, so I drove myself to the ER.

Some Saline rinse, a Tetanus shot (the worst part, in my book), and a few drips of “Bio-glue” and I was on the way out. Almost needed stitches, but narrowly dodged.

In the end, it looks like I mostly sliced off a flap of flesh about the area of “index finger” nail.

And now it’s started to show signs of infection. Great, since I can’t use an of the standard cleaning methods without compromizing the bio-glue that is holding the tip of my thumb on.


One doesn’t realize just how much one uses the tip of their off-hand thumb, until one can’t use it for anything. Grabbing things between my middle finger and palm is great for my Carpal-Tunnel…

If anybody WANTS to see my cut, which is somewhat gory (you have been warned) PICTURE WITH BLOOD and POST ER CLEANING, MUCH LESS BLOOD

I had to use more gasoline tonight and I enjoyed it !!

I had to abandon my ole John Deere and out run a swarm of bees through a brier thicket late today while bushoging . Not fun . I paid them a visit just about dark and gave them a dose of 87 octane .

Most folks measure gasoline at miles per gallon but seems like the gasoline I have used in the last week would be measured with dead bees per gallon .

I had a couple run ins with the bees the last two days myself Wayne. Last night while purging a corner of the shop and carrying some old ford tailgates to the shed I was attacked and stung 20-30 times. it seems they fly faster than I run, and sting faster than I can swat. then today as I was strapping a load of wood at the veneer plant some more found me only got stung twice today but in the face. I’m glad it was only bees and not rattle snakes.

Hey our birds have grown since early May.
These do not photo well as selected for predator resistance.
The all white “sport” is showing to be an Americana easter-egg hen. One of the Marans was mis-sexed and turning into a huge rooster. He is so deep voiced he chortles like a goose. And one of the mostly all back Wynadottes crippled in teen-ager horseplay turned lazy refusing to get up out of his own shit and corruption. I became worried of him sickening and disease-ing the rest so he is neck wrung now and sent on his chosen way. That makes only 2 lost out of 25 started. Petty good I think.
Out and about now will sooner or later come a coyote attack. And that will be the final smartening up of the true survivors. Then they will all strat roosting properly safe. All in all pretty pleased with my momming. Ha! Ha! I am just not able to demonstrate roosting to them.
Even the two flighty bantee hens hatched out small clutches yesterday.
Getting real lively around here now.
My wife is loving all this new young blood vigor.
She then feeds me well.
(hide your good lump charcoal fellows!)
Steve Unruh

Remind me not to be complaining about a bunch of bees !!

Bees aren’t so bad 'eh?

I’m not too familiar with nasty snakes, (we just don’t have many up here) so i’m not sure what kinda slider that is - can ya grill it? Steve’s Chicken in the next photo up is probably tastier though…

Regardless, I really hate snakes - The ONLY good snake is a dead one.