Life goes on - Summer 2019

First liar doesn’t stand a chance :joy::joy:


Well, Wayne, I learned something today what with your drive
up plank. Pepe


This is a note written to inform our friends and family of our progress. Thought I’d put it here for my friends and family of DOW to see too.

Billy had a successful surgery this morning. The original pain from the ruptured disk stabbing him in the spinal cord at L5/S1 seems to be almost completely gone. Those sensations remaining seem to be due to the need for nerves to heal after the continuous irritation they have endured for several months.
That said, he woke up from surgery experiencing severe pain from the incision/opening site. The intention of the surgeon was to do the the surgery in such a way as to not cut any muscle, but rather to dissect them. Basically they separate the muscles the way we would when we butcher an animal. This allows for faster healing (of Billy, not the animal), but also sometimes very painful initial recovery because of severe bruising.
The surgeon performed the main surgery process between 6:30 AM and 7:45 AM at Emory University’s Spine Hospital. The trip home from Atlanta was very difficult and required many stops to move around in hopes of finally finding a more comfortable position in the van, but to no avail. Billy remained in significant pain from when he woke around 9:00 AM until around 7 PM this evening when the medications really started to take affect. That seems to have been hastened by a walk through the fig trees to pick his favorite North American fruit with his wife Erika about that time. (with doctor’s permission of course). He was able to get about 2 hour’s reprieve from severe pain with this little exercise and the drugs, but then it returned, though not as bad as before. Even with much pain, he is still very satisfied with the idea that this pain is temporal and the pain that so far seems to be gone was not. He is able to stand on a hard floor with his left leg barefoot for the first time in many months.

Those doctors at Emory are very good. We would say the same about the entire staff, with the possible exception of a couple of nurses that can’t seem to find a vein. It took 3 nurses and many pokes to get an IV in. We are very appreciative of the staff there and also of the fact that we were born in a place where such health care is possible. We have been in many places where such is not the case. Also, we appreciate all of you who have prayed for and supported us through this time. Please continue to do so. Especially pray that the narcotics Billy has to take will not cause any kind of problem with forming habits etc. He does not want to take them as much as is required at this point, but has little choice. He has had to take them on and off (mostly on) for several months now. It is said that 50% of people taking hydrocodone or Oxycontin for 3 months with become addicted. Since last week he has had to stop taking all his herbal remedies to fight inflammation and pain, including the CBD oil that was working so well. Perhaps he can restart some of those now after the surgery in order to reduce the narcotics, but the doctors have asked him not to do so. In any case, he is not worried about getting addicted to the drugs. He says, “Greater is he that is in me than he who is in the world.” Nevertheless, it will be nice when he can be rid of them altogether. Also, please pray for continued healing and most of all, that Billy can exhibit the self control necessary to allow his body to heal fully. He is committed to doing so, but he has often been accused of being a workaholic. His family is a great blessing as they are pitching in to fill the gaps and pay the bills, etc. Also, the brethren in the church are quite available to help if need be. Also, please keep Erika in your thoughts and prayers as well as she carries a big load through these times.

Thanks again, News from the North clan.


Thanks for this generous update.

Billy is clearly made of tougher stuff. Strength of mind and faith will carry a person far beyond where others would falter. I expect the recovery will go well.

You’re in my thoughts Billy, best wishes. A good man will rise again. Just don’t attempt any superman stuff… :wink:

As for the medical community downplaying CBD, I think they are just coming from a culture dominated by big pharma, and to be fairer to them, making pronouncements out of an abundance of caution. But it’s hard to argue with the clear results experienced.

Best wishes…


True. I was also told that people do not get well in hospitals. They get well at home, I agree. I only had to be in the hospital for four (4) days after my operation. They want you out of bed as fast as possible. I was walking around the floor, dragging my tree along, the first day so not to have to have blood thinners.

I am sure that Billy will not get addicted to the pain killers because the side affects suck. No idea why people get addicted to that stuff. Some times a poor soul really needs it but not for long. Of course if it is the end of the line it might be needed until the end and thank God we have them.


Good to hear that he is recovering, hope he continues to recover good.


Get well soon Billy. You have a great family that’ll carry you through this.


Praise God for the skilled Doctors and staff that the LORD our God provided for you. God Is So Good. Continue prayers for the whole family and may your healing be fully complete, In Yeshua / Jesus Name.


I am with Garry on this one. I would ask the doctors what specific issue will result from using the CBD oil at this point. If they are worried about drug interactions with the opioids they prescribed I would choose to use the CBD oil instead of the the opioids they prescribed but that is just me.
Best wishes hope the pain passes soon and your healing continues well.


Billy know that we are praying for your recovery


JeffD’s “end-of-the-line, it might be needed” he referring to terminally ill dieing cancer folks. The cancer nerve pressure pain; congested cells circulation flows clogging; and blood pollution from dieing cells is long-term extermy painful and character/soul-sucking.
My very born-again Christian name-sake Unruh Grandfather dieing of lymthocarcinomia in the 1970’s was never given opioids for fear of turning him into an addict. It was horrible, and unessarily made long drawn out road to heaven for him.
My Father also born again Christian dieing of bronchial cancers in the mid 1980’s was at the ending given massive doses of opiates. It was a grace. A hospice, peace-giver. I was the decision asker for this. I was the last face he saw. The last hand he held.
My Mother 18 months dieing of lung-canser metahtized from a previous breast cancer in the early 1990’s was given upping doses of opiates. Once she adjusted to the new dose it made her normal as could be for weeks. Pain is a torture, character changer. When in actual severe pain your body reactions changes you. The opioid effects helps bias that back to centered.
So . . . . natural opiate IS a tool-gift.
All tools must be used wisely, appropriately.
All tools can be abuse, used. Weaponized. Slave-makers, too.

Billy, you will do just fine. You are the tool user man. Guided by god. Strenthened by family.

Steve unruh


Billy, It sounds like you have quite a faith family here on DOW. I’m impressed and praying for you, too.


Thanks to all. I am actually experiencing about a half hour of relative ease right now. Found a position in a desk chair of all tings that I can handle. So I decided to check in here. Except for the time under anesthesia, I could not sleep for about 30 hours. Not because of lack of trying or lack of sleepiness, but just unable to find position for 5 minutes to relax in enough to fall asleep. Spent much of the Long night standing next to the bed leaning on a cane watching my wife sleep. The children put an air conditioner in the window, so we are splurging on the electric bill. That is a huge blessing to not be sweating and hot through this. I finally got about 1.5 hours sleep this morning. I ignored the doctors and started taking some of my anti inflammatory herbs and a few ibuprofen. That has helped I think to lighten some of the swelling/bruising.

Some specific questions/ideas from above:
1.Logic behind the ban on anti inflammatories is that they make the blood too thin and can allow hemorrhaging. I am not having any of those problems, and never do, so I am not worried about it.

  1. CBD, like marijuana and all narcotics, slows respiration. Essentially, narcotics overdose is just slowing the breathing
    process until it stops or puts one in a coma due to lack of oxygen. They are afraid that if I take too many respiration-slowing chemicals I will overdose. Especially since there has been so little testing on CBD and it seems that there is a wide range of mixtures etc. that have not been studied or cleared by the snail-paced FDA.

  2. I think Garry is right. Big Pharma, Like Big oil, and big everything want to make money as is a pretty sound business strategy. But that doesn’t always serve other interests if it can’t be capitalized on.\

  3. I think it is now officially the position of the American Medical Association that it is generally preferable for people to heal at home in a positive environment than in a hospital. I think this has a lot to do with the modern plaques of MRSA and other resistant bugs in so many hospitals these day.

I could see the appeal if a person is broken enough to just want to zone out of the problems of life. if I were not so addicted to being in control of myself, I could have seen myself there at times in my younger life before I met the Lord.

  1. As a general rule, promoting “wellness” is not the objective of the medical profession. “Fighting disease” is the objective. “wellness” has everything to do with lifestyle choices, spiritual, emotional, social, and physical health. Using chemicals and knives to fix broken body parts and to eradicate microbial life, as wonderful as they are, may lend themselves to wellness, but there is far more to wellness than these.

Yeah Bill, I don’t suppose a guy could ever ask for or hope for a better bunch than I have been blessed with. They are all out doing everything that needs doing. To pay the bills this month, The older boys took a job this week building a big floating boat dock. They were putting together tools and welders etc last weekend when I was out in the shop last. They did it in 4 days. The contractor they worked for said his usual crew takes about 13 days. I was encouraged by that. I expect they will have more offers from him if they want the work.
But Luke learned a lesson about protecting himself from the sun. We don’t do a lot of undressing-at-the-beach kind of stuff. We stay clothed out in public pretty much all the time. My children have complexions like their Swedish mother. So this week Luke was working on the lake not wearing a shirt which he’s never done before. He got so burned yesterday he had to leave early and come home for some nursing.
The younger ones took on the gardens and all the cooking/cleaning/laundry, etc. so Erika could be more free to dote over me. I sure don’t have anything to complain about. Though, Unruh is right, pain changes a man’s character or something like that. I say the narcotics numb your soul. I find myself lacking patience when I am in pain. I have to really watch myself to not express annoyance all the time. Don’t want to hurt the people I care about and who are working so hard to help me.

8.Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. Time for another pill…which one is it this time.? Then I have to get back to The Man In The High Castle


Hi Billy,
I am SURE that you will not become addicted to marijuana. I’ll lay out my soul for all to see.
Dec 24, 1968 was one of the lowest days in my 26 year old life. I hadn’t heard from my girlfriend with
whom I had a son in over 3 months. Dong Ha combat base was receiving (and had been for days sporadically)
Christmas fireworks from north of the DMZ and closer on some fronts. Our battalion (MCB7) just happened to
be on the north end of the base. We spent Christmas eve mostly in or near slit trenches! My good
friend “Ski” said, “come on, Pep, try it (pot)” I said to myself, " I don’t think I have much more to lose",
so I said “OK”. All the guys in the hooch were trying to cheer me up and it made me feel as if someone
cared, so I tried it and my mood changed for the better that night. I’ve been smoking marijuana ever since.
Blah, blah, blah, yeh, yeh, yeh. I’ve been ALCOHOL FREE for the last 40 years. Someone tell me what
danger I’ve brought on myself. Next door in Vermont it is totally legal, grow your own, etc and several other
states have legalized it also. The “killer drug” hysteria of marijuana has been dispelled!!! SOME PEOPLE
can become addicted to aspirin or prescription drugs, lie about symptoms to get their legal pills fix. I’m sure a lot
of you know pill poppers! OH, but a doctor prescribed it! Wow, I’m not really addicted then??? HFS,folks!
My wonderful, loving mother-law was one of those addicted to PRESCRIPTION PAIN KILLERS, God rest her soul!
Billy, I wish you the best, Man, marijuana, will not make you a drug addict, prescription pain killers can.
Good luck, my friend,


i can’t type with so much words, i am relieved that all went well, stay careful now and get better

enjoy the picture, but not to serious…



Billy I was just wonder if Arnicare Gel would help. It is for bruising and muscle pain but is applied topically so it would be more focused on the actual spot where the pain is. The active ingredient is arnica. I use it when I get leg cramps and it makes a world of difference.


My guess is he has a lot of localized pain due the incision and cutting the muscle. I doubt a topical gel would be beneficial until after the incision is healed.

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old recipe from my grandfather: 1 whisky every 5 minutes until the pain is gone… i tried it several times, it always worked…


Koen, hilarious! I had a great uncle that had a similar recipe revolving around tequila. It seems to have worked very quickly. lol But looking at that stack of whiskey tubes I don’t think I could afford to use that kind of medicine.

Pepe, I hear you. Personally I believe the creator made all the plant and herbs, and seed bearing trees and called them all good. So I think there is a proper use for everything in it’s place. As for your prescription, I have gotten pretty close these past few months when I was struggling to find legal means of pain management.

Dan, We make a homemade tincture using arnica and vodka, topical. Bill is mostly right about incision pain. But it is covered very well with a super tight bandage and artificial skin made with some kind of rubberized glue.

Bill, They were supposed to not cut muscle. which is supposedly why it is bruised so badly. I awoke this morning to very much pain after the drugs wore off in my sleep.


Well I am not sure Koen will agree that combining our two suggestions was the best usage of the Vodka. :rofl::rofl: but I think it is great that you are able to find a homemade solution.