Life goes on - Summer 2021

I’ll take snow before rain; I can always put more clothes on but there is a limit what I can take off :grin:


I wish it snowed here a bit more. You’d think being this close to the mountains we’d have a better chance.


I’ll take any weather, as long as it’s calm, sunny and around 70 :innocent:


I’m with Don. Of course we don’t get that ND or Minn cold here. Being this close to Lake Michigan keeps temps fairly moderate. I hate heat.


Man I hope we got you converted to F because 70C is going to be mighty hot in your neck of the woods…


I am I full agreement with Steve Unruh about the rain.
We got 1.64” in 4 hours, along with some 15 mph gusts that caused several brief power outages.

But the elephant in the room was at 10:30 PM when the top 60’ of a 120’ cottonwood broke. The top landed about 20’ from the house but other than a monumental mess caused no other damage.

The base of the tree is 66” in dia and at the break is 24”.
So I have my workout routine right handy.


Plenty of Wood chunks in that for a while. Although cottonwood is pretty light.


Wow I was standing in that spot the other day, I am glad I moved. What Jakob said.


No commuting to work needed. Win-win :smile:

Ha! Not quite, but… :smile: …ever since I started to watch Wayne’s videos 6-7 years ago and joined DOW has been a steep learning curve to me. I was familiar to “lumber and tire”- inches before, but that’s about it.
Just the other day I discovered one of our kitchen jugs had cups marked on the opposite side of ml. Now I know there are four cups to a liter.

Temperature is the hardest. Not only are we talking a wide range, from freezing temps to gasifier related, but the stupid conversion is not even proportional. Well it is, but you know what I mean. Twice as hot here isn’t on your side of the pond.

Also, this whole adventure has been a huge English language education to me. To the point where I’ve started to talk to myself in English. Not to mention I have a hard time answering questions about my gasifiers in my own language, because I only know the southern terminology :smile:


not exactly…but you’re getting there JO. keep at it and you’ll get the hang of it sooner or later.

It must be a southern thing. Cause everything ya’ll just said seems upside down to me. make it hot. Keep it hot.


I have been down South, and in the winter months I have see southern people put on jackets when the sun goes down and I am still in my short sleeves and shorts. You have great winter weather there, no snow storms or blizzards in the winter months normally. It must be why the Canadians and Northerns come to visit in the winter months.


What JO sayd. It was interesting, when we went to the US for the first few days l thod in Slovene and translated in English in my head. Then l found its easyer to just think in English :smile: but interesting thing happened when l came home. Needed a few days to get back to thinking in Slovene!

Gasifier terminology is a PITA yes :grin: like, what the hell is a restriction in our language??


Restiction, is a restraining to resist flow, to choke off slightly, to make harder to pass through. A funnel is a restriction devise. A passage way narrowly down to a smaller opening, a glass of beer to a bottle of beer when drinking it. Am I speaking in your thoughts and language now. Lol


:rofl: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Back to work today. Going to mostly be pushing a zamboni around the shop and maybe driving the courtesy shuttle if need be.


Looking more into my Buick. Apparently the 98 still used the 4t60e instead of the 65e transmission. Might check to see if it uses a vacuum modulator because the darn thing just refuses to downshift on deceleration. It’s really clunky to hand shift the car and it violently pops into gear when I try to and I don’t want to grenade my only fuel efficient vehicle.
It’s shifting better into 2nd gear, though it prefers I really step on the gas which leads me to think maybe there’s either a dirty solenoid or a vacuum issue.


It does use a vacuum modulator, and it uses a steel vacuum line with rubber boots. The boot running to the intake manifold has some cracks in it. I’ll see if replacing the boots will help any, and then replace the modulator itself. Going from cheapest to most expensive in terms of repairing this car. If I can get her to shift reliably it will make me want to build a reactor for it.


Out of the 466 premium membership I counted about 35 of us are actually using the the DOW site regularly. About another 25 members are in the once in a while category mode now. My Question is this, is there anything we who are active members can do to bring back some of our fellow members that have just not have had any input on the DOW site lately.
These members have had very valuable input in the pass I know just by just reading passed threads and comments by them. I wonder if they are still driving on wood with they’re trucks or cars or still making generation power.
I wonder how many gasifer builds this site as helped bring into actual Generation Producers or DOW or Charcoal down the road. Not to count all the other categories the site has to offer to people to do and build.
I rate DOW 1000 % successful in what it was originally set out to do in getting the word out in the world of gasification.
If one of your friends have not been on here in a while may it is time to drop them a personal message and find out what they have been going. Or better yet give them a call on the phone. This world system we live in is always trying to side track us from what is really important, like talking or contacting a DOW friend and find out what’s up with them.


People get discouraged easily now Bob. As we all know, unless you can afford to get a plug and play system like Matt’s then you soon find out what’s meant by 25 per cent build effort and 75 per cent getting it to work. People have become used to expecting tech to tell them what’s going on. Without their sensors they are wandering in the wilderness.

One of the things I enjoy most about DOW is communicating with people across the planet and having it affirmed that we really are all the same with the same interests and problems.


Yes, 100% agree with that. I think it is so cool that through the internet, we can exchange ideas with people all around the world, even those with different languages.
Even if i loose interest in gasification to some degree, these are still my kind of people. Those who think and build things.
I still check the site every day, even though I dont post much anymore.