Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Sorry guys, I try to shut until there are some woodgas results. One question keeps hanging in my head. Lot of clever people overhere. Can this be correct?


And JoepK. a counter point view points by a real maths using Scientist:

The Hydrogen Economy is just more of a “smoke and mirrors game” . . . .
It is a deep $'s; Euro’s; British Pound’s sucking money hole pits.
How to ruin your economies; and moneys; leaving only then the Chinese as the only economic-engine game left standing.



Steve, it was Joep who posted - not me.
But still - she’s right. To start with - even if “green” hydrogen becomes available in any significant scale, there’s much better use for it in the industry. Burning it to make electricity/stabilize the grid, won’t be profitable.

“Are they just stupid? That’s a possibility we shouldn’t entirely disregard”

Haha, that gave me a good shuckle. She didn’t look funny, but she was :smile:


How H2 is used doesnt really mather. Produce it from natural gas sounds kind of stupid. Use the excess from wind and PV sounds good to me. Unless my posted video is correct and takes away O2 from methane tear down. The video says if you leak more then 2% you do more harm then good. If that is true, it is quite stupid to go that way. I am not clever enough for that and politicians for sure not. They just follow what the money makers whisper in their ears.


Methane or ng is ch4, it is usually made into 2H2 + CO., so it uses oxygen
 Now, CO as you know, if a pretty important synthesis chemical. So it is a neat way to support oil products and try to say you are good for the earth type of thing because everyone knows how to make H2 + O2 via electrolysis. :slight_smile:

Oh and we were supposed to have a bunch of free nuclear energy in the 50s because it was all completely safe. until it wasn’t. :slight_smile:


Jippy, then I don’t need to inspect the PV any more.


Congratulations! Now you have a car forever :+1:


Thanks JO, and I was worried that the car would go to Ludvika, must be something wrong with me.


No nothing wrong with you at all. It is a genuine concern. I heard cars like to party in Ludvika and disappear at night when their owners are sleeping. Then they sneak back into the garage right before the crack of dawn, just like teenagers. :slight_smile:


I havent been posting much because the new job l got is rather demanding, a lot of new skills to learn and a lot of work takes place abroad but JO messaged me yesterday and remembered me l shuld say hi. Goran, you made me laugh a couple of times today reading the threads but l have to ask. Whats your ducks name?

Btw, l know 2 swedish words. Kolmila and Kalle Anka. Spelling may be wrong but l think you know whats going on :smile:

Anyway, the company l work for specialises in work at hardly accesible places. Read height. Wich is funny because l have a rather bad fear of heaiht but l never let fears get in the way.
For those asking how does this look like, here are some pictures.

Daughter learnt the alpine art faster thain her father. I feel like an idiot :smile:

Last summer we had some of the worst storms in probably centurys, the amount of rainfall flooded preety much the whole country. We live on a mountain and slept trugh it, didnt even notice anything untill the news came in the morning. Well, the job asignment l had 2 weeks back was preparing terrain for landslide sanation in the region that got it worst. Here is a video of the valley of Luče, at 2min you can see a brand new, never yet lived in house pulled out of the ground and tilted about 20deg. You may also see the waterlevel on the other houses. The entire valley was a raging river.


That is beautiful country. I could live there. Those stone walls on the road side are not nearly as nice as Tone’s though. Here’s the thing about working heights. If you fall over thirty feet you are probably a goner so no point in worrying about anything higher. I worked structural steel for many years and I admit it was better to start incrementally from the ground up than to find yourself on a perimeter beam 30 stories up. There is a mental adjustment that must be made.


Hi there Kristijan, please take care, climbing is okay, even falling is fun, but hitting the ground is no fun at all

Good to hear i can offer some laugh’s :smiley:
My duck is named Ellie, because it somewhat sounds like: “Älling” which is a Swedish word for duckling.

I know it’s odd to keep food as a pet, :joy: but ducks are pretty social, and are good to keep pests and killer slugs from the garden.

Kalle anka and kolmila is correct :smiley:

Next swedish lesson would be: Musse pigg, and Kolugn :smiley:


Unusual men’s room graffiti.


Hi Tone, how did the hydraulic valve block work out? Leak repaired?
Just curious.


That is pretty odd, American motors corporation?
Does the company still exist?
I remember my friends AMC/Rambler Rebel -68, that was a pretty rare car in Sweden :smiley:


AMC got absorbed by Chrysler I believe, since AMC used to own Jeep. Or maybe they just bought Jeep when AMC went under.


Aah yes, ofcourse, Chrysler/Jeep is the same now.
This leads me in to thinking, wouldnt one of those AMC Gremlin with a woodgasifier be the coolest car ever? Atleast the most odd looking? (Ugly maybe)
Almost like the poor mans version of the back to the future DMC DeLorean?


I’d love to get my hands on an AMC Eagle or Gremlin. I would not disappoint.


Tom, l agree 100% on what you said.

Goran, not weird at all. We had weird pets too. From pigs to bugs.

Reminds me of a story thugh that my grandfather told. He was born on the wery northern part of our country, bordering Austria during ww2 and his teacher had a pet goose. She either fled or was deported to l belive Serbia for years (cant remember the details), always traveling with the goose. When the war was over she returned with the train, together with the goose but she returned in a place of years long hunger and that fat goose was soon not a pet any more :smile:


Yes, Chrysler purchased AMC in 1987. They initially created the Jeep-Eagle division, but Chrysler’s Eagles had little similarity to AMC’s and I think the main driver was ownership of the Jeep name. This was just after the acquired financial interests in both Maserati and Lamborghini.

I just have to wonder, having owned two, I am as sympathetic to AMC as anyone, but why, when when headed into a men’s room with an uncapped marker intent on doing some damage, why of all things, does the logo of a company that’s not produced a car in 37 years come to mind?