Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Wobble works, nothing happens to the rpm, but if I turn down the idle it goes down slowly and stops, can’t get the idle to last, without it stopping, and the rpm goes down very slowly, membrane?


Got around to watching your video JO. Interesting but not for me. I would fill up three spaces that big with my junk alone. Didn’t see where her husband had much stuff in there. I would certainly like to be that organized. One of the reasons I have so much crap is I can never find what I need so I just go buy a new one of whatever evades me. Then I tell my wife that we need it for prepping.


Yes, definately compact living. I wouldn’t want living quarters that cramped either, but I wish my wife was that organized :innocent:


The neighbor came in and suggested I test the chainsaw with starter gas, and it’s leaking between the carburetor and the intake manifold (I think) had a long tube on the bottle and it increases immediately when I spray there, but see no problems with the intake manifold seal, strange.


Amazing drone farming method. What will they think of next?


Hi Jan, that could be the problem, easiest would be to “cover” the intake with black rtv silcone, and see if theres any difference.
I know those intakes can be tricky, with hard-to-find leaks.
Personally i think it’s very hard to test a chainsaw with the “starting fluid trick” it seems they always suck in some the correct way and start revving, or die :slightly_smiling_face:


Some time ago we talked about my record-old hen, i can’t remember if i counted she was 12 or 13 years old.

Chicken “Lena”

Today the old lady surprised me! :hushed:


they have been using those for a while. :wink:

The robot weeders that go down the row to kill weeds are coming along but are more for horticultural crops at this point. As a side note, there was a bunch of talk about banning JNI drones made in China because they upload your path to their main database, and because they are cheap a lot of places were adopting them.


Back to my skeeter issue. :slight_smile: Walmart for as much as I hate shopping there actually surprises me sometimes. In their very tiny organic section. I found some stuff advertised for killing ticks and mosquitos. It is Cedar oil. It was the last bottle on the shelf. I actually went back for it, because I was really after Bacillus thuringiensis (BT), which kills fungal gnats and mosquito larva in the soil and water. But I was almost to the checkout and was thinking well larva doesn’t do me any good for this year…

It does NOT kill them instantly. I was spraying the bushes and had a swarm of the suckers around me and I am running around with this sprayer thing attached to the hose, trying to not get bit too much. I got part of it done, and tonight I walked out there and there were only a handful of mosquitos so it at least chased them off, and maybe killed them!

Earlier I found the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BA), which helps plants defend against fusarium, and powdery mildew among other things and I believe has some effect on mosquito larvae as well. I should be able to replicate the BA and BT all together with a bubbler and spray the crap out of everything. I read something about one of them helping with leaf spot and a few other things so I am going to dose everything I can hit with the sprayer.


I think you were right about the starting gas, I think I got the saw sorted today, I’m ashamed to say what the error was, I don’t think anyone can guess the error.


If I may take a wild guess, was it a lean oil/gasoline mix?
Just lubricating enough to not seize but lean enough to not maintain the idle.


Come on Jan, tell us :smiley:
Out of gas? Forgot a seal?

Some on this forum doesn’t even get embarressed by telling the drove their tractor in a lake :wink:


Tried painting on silicone, tried gluing the carburettor to the intake, took it apart and blew the carburettor clean again, no difference.
Started testing if I could keep it at idle with the gas button, and it worked, then I first started to understand.
The idle screw vibrated in and out when I hit the gas, it moved very easily (it can’t be seen from above) took a week to find the fault (if that). :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It was a hot summer day, my friend Boštjan told me that an old legendary diesel engine - Aran, which I have been looking for for a long time for my collection, was for sale nearby, and I couldn’t miss this favorable opportunity. The seller is an elderly gentleman (71 years old), farmer, beekeeper, vintner, … who still works hard despite his health problems, but he abandoned the idea of ​​rebuilding the engine in order to use it only. Here are the pictures I took during the transport, in the background there is a stone viaduct on which the railway runs, which was partially destroyed during the Second World War, but then repaired, but they did not restore it to its original state with stones, but the destroyed part repaired with concrete.


That looks like a nice engine Tone :smiley:


That was a good story Tone until you called the 71 year old elderly. 71 is 6 years in my rear view window. I might have to make a trip to Slovenia for an arm wrestle. :joy:


Well I suppose they will put that program into a helicopter then they can hook the helicopter to a 6 or 8 bottom plow to prep a field. TomC


Dont know Aran. now I do. This video was one of the first to show up.

It suits your collections Tone. What Goran does with chainsaws, you do with old engines.
I love the surroundings and hope to spend some time in Slovenia. It is worth the time for sure, but I am only the driver :grinning:
I have seen the bridge in Mostar being rebuild over the years. Looking new again. Good place to go but not during season, to crowded now.


Hey Tom, good to see you are still around and kick’n


Probably not that. John Deere even quit building plows. They are used to drop cover crop seed because they can do it while the crop is still standing, and it isn’t dependent on field conditions.

They map fields to look for damage, and a lot of times they just spot spray with them. There is a company that is trying to use them to drop trees or tree seed.

They also drop water to put out forest fires. Emergency responders use them a lot to survey situations, and look for people.