Life Goes on - Summer 2024

tone, gratulation for the motor finding…very nice engine…
seems it was a firewood cutting unit?, flat belt and circular saw,
in a few years you will have a woodgas and engines museum…


I must apologize for stating that I bought the Aran engine, well, it is actually an original Deutz MAH 714 engine, I was surprised to find that out as well.

I walked around the engine like “a cat around hot porridge” and checked its condition, it has bad compression…

Curiosity got the better of me, so I unscrewed the four screws that fasten the engine head and the five screws that hold the cover at the back,…
The piston rings are worn…

the cylinder is in very good condition, the piston also looks fine

In the cooling water room, some small domestic animals have made a home with a supply of food for the winter…

now I don’t have time to restore it, so I put everything back together and stored it outdoors.


Oooh Tone, if you only know how envious i am right now… :exploding_head: :smiley:


A very nice find, Tone.

That’s funny, we use the exact same expression. As far as I’m aware it doesn’t exist in english.


i was 99% shure that you open the motor immediately…


A few days ago, brother Lojze again brought me a valve from the excavator to repair the leak again

then his daughters Ana and Iva visited the construction site

Yesterday I started building a wooden canopy, I needed electricity to anchor the wooden beam in the stone escarpment and to drill the holes, well, for that I started my Jenbacher unit.

This cannot be compared to Jacob’s construction, it will only be a simple object


I hope that whatever you are putting in there doesn’t obstruct the view of your beautiful stone work.


Ok, so… here im going to bombard you with boring photos :cowboy_hat_face:
Yesterday wife and i took a trip to a yearly motor show (the higlight of the year if you ask me :smiley:)
This years theme was Volvo versus Saab, so i thought: why not participate with my ugly volvo? (I’ve had displayed the chevy on this show sometimes earlier.)

About 106miles to drive from home to Målilla, Småland.

Whole trip on wood, two refueling stops on the way down.
It ran slow and sluggish first bit, but it cleared up, low restriction and good speed :smiley:

Well there we got a nice spot in the car exhibition area, people already wanted to ask questions about the smokin’ Volvo, i was like a kid near a playground, just wanting to rush to the hot-bulb engines, and the swap-meet :woozy_face:

Nice cars.

Two out of 70 engines :smiley:

Cindy checks out a loader.

Small stuff.

I wish this little excavator was mine…

Wife had a hard time to watch over me on the swap-meet :cowboy_hat_face:

I had some company when lighting up for the journey home.

A roundtrip for picking up some fast-food on the way home, a little hard to keep up with Swedish highway-speed (75miles per hour)
A LOT of questions also at the fast-food restaurant, but thats another story.
A lot from this motor-show is going to be on youtube when i got the time, i post a link then :smiley:


It sounds like a great day out :smiley:
Thank you for the report with pictures


Was yours the only woodgas car there Goran? I’m trying to figure out what that orange sports car was. Lotus?


Hi Tom, yes it was the only woodgas car there, i’ve been at this meet many times and never seen any other woodgas cars there.
If i remember correctly that orange sports car is a Kit-car built on a VW chassis, but i may have confused it some,i think it has been there other years, and i didn’t look this year.
Edit: when i look at it now i don’t think it’s the same. Maybe Lotus?


:grinning::grinning::grinning:you look very happy, Goran. Good swap it is.

I think the orange is a Fiat XJ9. One of my first cars was a Ritmo Abarth 130 TC. Loved that car and would still be impressive these days. Gave my parents sleepless nights and that got only wors when the Abarth was changed for a Kawa GPZ :grinning::grinning::grinning:.

XJ9 has a mid engine Tom. Very funny car to play with.

Edit Fiat X1/9


I think you are 100% correct Joep, i remembering a “Fiat” logo that looked a little “misplaced”.

A lot of fellow countrymen of yours on the Swedish roads, some photoed the odd-looking Volvo with a drum in the back as they passed :smiley:


What about this one on woodgas? How would that look. Not in my budget but a very interesting car.

And yes, a lot of people go your way. Some even stay :grinning:. Looking for a homestead in Sweden this morning. Still figuring out if that is a good idea. To old to move anywhere. Besides the weather this is the best place to live. But that woke shit is coming to close.


Aaah, Volvo Duett, definitively not in my price range either, they are hard to find in Sweden, most of them has been cut/shortened and registered as tractors (popular vehicle for youth in sweden, tractor license one could get 15 years old)
The ones left are nice and expensive, or totally rusted out and also expensive.
Yes, seems many move to Sweden, my fathers neighbours runs a farm, they moved in some 10 years ago, and are just called “the Hollanders” by all their (old people) neighbours.
A truck driver i know a little moved from the Netherlands about 20 years ago, he was impressed by the fact i knowed about “carbid shieten” (spelling?)
What can i say? There are people (like me) that likes to blow the lid of a milk jug in to the next county in Sweden too :smiley:


:grinning::grinning::grinning:you are well informed and nothing wrong with spelling. Haha, we might feel at home. No carbidschieten in town but here in the polder normal action at New Years Eve.

Under six k for the Duet. Not original, has a flipfront. Engine will run forever? B16?


Haha, due to fuel crisis during ww2 calcium carbide had a time here in Sweden (it was many houses without electricity, or outhouses without, that still used kerosene lamps at that time) and there has always been kids that like explosions, and telling their grandkids…

Well it seems a fair price for a volvo duett, if it’s not rusted.
Engine probably b16 or b18, both will run forever, really though engines.


Mom is tired of trying to stuff all her merchandise in the old RAV4 and is apparently about to pull the trigger on getting a 2013 Yukon XL to drive back and forth to Pickleball events. I went with her to look at a number of them and most were ROUGH, 200,000+ miles and still wanting $12,000 for them.
She’s so heavy on the pedal I honestly don’t ever see that 5.3 V8 going into V4 mode. Might buy one of the more positively reviewed DOD/AFM disable chips just in case.

At least now logistically I can buy the same oil and filters for her car as I do for my truck. I will not let that engine succumb to the sludge.


I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for the Fiat X1/9 and it stretches back to the late 80’s when I sat in a new one at a dealer. My older brother was shopping and I tagged along. The end was in sight at that point, a car that sold new for $5,000 a decade earlier had more than tripled in price and it was now competing with the much better Toyota MR2 as well as the cheaper Pontiac Fiero, both also mid engine two-seaters . But this had a targa top, a quirky feature I had long admired. Inventory had started to back up, and this particular car was two model years old and it’s heavily discounted price was still over $10,000.

$10,000, who has that kind of money?

My brother instead bought a new 1987 Dodge Dakota (a 4 cylinder demo) for $5,000 and I bought a 1984 Dodge Daytona Turbo for $2,000.

It turns out, $10K was a lot of money.

More info on the Fiat:


I had a friend that got the porsche 914 targa top and completely restored it. He only paid like 3k for it. But his dad was a porsche mechanic. I think he ended up selling it for less then 10k in the 80s. I think he took a loss on it, but last I knew he was a porsche mechanic, or so he said at the reunion which may or may not be true. :slight_smile: