Life goes on - Winter 2014

Hi Ignaz, Congratulations on a working WK. Are you going to put it in a vehicle? Also, does the first photo mean you have a working automated A/F ratio control??

Chris and Marvin, enjoy. You are a new generation of “American Pickers”. On a much smaller scale, I picked up a couple SS pots and pans at the thrift store.

Yes the Control is working it s a Lambdacheck
The Car in the first will be a Keiser Willis Jeep with a Mercedes Compressor
Second step is a Dodge F 150,Second because theiy are very expensive here

Well, it took me a while but thanks to Chris’s steel place in Kentucky I finally got the front end loader that some of you helped me unload at Argos last year mounted. Should make dealing with wood a lot easier.

ChrisKY: All I can visualize now is “Radar” from the show MAS*H. :smiley:

Nice job Marvin

A tractor loader with a bucket , forks and in my case a hay spear also is just hard to beat . It can turn back breaking work into gently pulling a lever :slight_smile:

Thanks Wayne,

A future project will be building a frame for a set of forks I have. I finally figured out I’m not getting any younger either. :slight_smile:


Looks great Marvin!

Have a golf cart laying around and need a sawmill?

When I first looked at the thermometer this morning it said minus 13 F.
Just for reference at minus 10 you can throw a cup of hot water up in the air and it will freeze before it hits the ground.

it’s a balmy 9F here this morning… sun shiny day.

Like the loader Marvin… gotta look for something like that in the near future.

Thanks for posting that video about making a band saw out of a golf cart! What a great way to come up with a kick ass band saw! My old band saw that I cut cow patties with finally gave up on me so I need to come up with something else.

Hi Herb, I hope you are healing up OK and getting your strength back. I’m slowly getting my legs back. I haven’t rolled my buzz saw over in a few months … I have no reason to cut any wood right now as I have so much stored. I could barely lift a sack up last year and almost fell off the perch while reloading on my way home from Argos last year. I have a lot of chunks I need to burn up here. I used to cut chunks any time I got pissed off about the wars. This “cheap” gasoline makes me nervous. It’s just a matter of time. All these folks are buying NEW trucks. My new gasifier I can load from the road and don’t have to climb up on it. I’m looking forward to hooking it back up.
We have around 5 or 6 inches of that white crap on the ground and there is around 2 feet of frost in the ground below it. How are things in your neighborhood ?? So far my little red truck hasn’t seen any salt but my black one is coated in the crap … I’m not sure it even has a frame left under all the rust :o) … Stay well, Mike

This cheap gasoline makes me nervous too. Seems like the US is just trying to snub an already economically broke Russia who’s number 1 exportable recourse just happens to be crude oil… Expect another “war” anytime now.

I heard russia not too long ago ,sold 3 billion worth of fuel to china,outside the petro dollar.Is probbly what is setting this fuel sanctions.

Today, Don Mannes, Andrew Heath, and myself went to Matt’s shop to see his new 25 KW woodchip powered generator unit. There are extensive heat recovery methods that he employs to keep moisture down. The Chevy 5.3 was humming along for a long time without any hiccup. The tools were all in that building to CNC plasma arc and machine the pieces. It’s was fun to see determination. Thanks Matt, and my companions on the ride. The AMC needed a little stretch anyway.

What Doug said.
And it was nice to meet some of the enthusiasts in person. Thanks for letting me tag along.
Here is a short video of it cranking up.

You guys are always welcome, we had a great time chatting with you! It was a lot of fun having you guys out :slight_smile:

Thanks Matt for your hospitality in showing us your operation. I enjoyed hearing about your background and how it led to where you are today including some bumps in the road. You got a good thing going and your plans for increased production now that most of the testing is done sounds like the right way to go. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

Hello Wayne, Happy Robert E Lee Day … Mike L