Life goes on - Winter 2014

Wishing all a Merry Christmas .

To Chris, a happy birthday and Merry Christmas

Thanks Wayne.

For several years now I’ve made a large variety of salsas on my birthday. A little tradition I guess. I love Mexican and spicy food… this year I wound up making 7 kinds of salsa, plus queso and guacamole. Lunch was quesadillas and lots of chips to dip with.

Mmmm! I’ll be right over!

ill 2nd wayne and hope every one gets a sack or two full of wood . and chris that looks like a whole other way to burn baby burn happy b day

Now I know what a vampire feels when he looks at a pretty girl, mouth watering.


Happy Birthday! I remember it coming up in the hangout but couldn’t remember the date, looks like you were a 12-23-xx, same as my nieces, should make it easier for me to remember!

That salsa looks good man, and I do love quesadillas,…mmmm

A Merry Christmas to all, lets burn some wood tomorrow!

Hey ChrisKY, your Texas connection is showing.

A good Christmas Night!
Best Regards
Steve Unruh

Happy Birthday Chris!
Merry Christmas all

Happy birthday, Chris. I love the sauce colors in the third pic. Kinda “good seasonings to all”
Season’s Greetings to all.

Happy birthday Chris. At the machine shop today we had a restaurant cater soft tacos with either hamburger or BBQ chicken, and then all the fixins. I have to actually struggle with Mexican food as I was raised in a mostly Dutch community with ketchup being the strongest hit. Although I remember cinnamon sprinkled on top of our white rice and raisins porridge growing up. Merry Christmas everyone.

Happy Birthday Chris. I’m with Doug on the spice thing, although I am getting better the older I get.
Merry Christmas all!

Happy birthday Chris!
I was raised close enough to Doug to have the same taste heritage so I will leave the hot stuff for you.
Merry Christmas All.

Merry Christmas, was 60 deg here in WV today. Happy Birthday Chris

Happy belated birthday Chris… hope you had a great day

Merry Christmas everyone, have a safe holiday, and a joyous new year

God jul och ett gott nytt år

Thanx for working so hard on fixing the site probs.
All I got in my stocking this morning was COAL!! Yipeeee

Merry Christmas ALL!

Merry merry Christmas to all and happy happy new year!

Merry Christmas to all from the Stater’s!

Merry Christmas to everybody and happy birthday a little late Chris.

If we had the work ethic of beavers we could build a couple of gasifiers each day.

The pictures below is busting beaver dams tonight . Forecast is for a lot of rain and the beavers seem to build their dams so the water will take the road out.

No use to try to stay dry , grit your teeth and get in with them .

If you have no beavers you are lucky !!

Wayne we used to have to put grates in front of all our culverts and pull them daily just to stay ahead of them. leave them go any longer it was a real job to bust them open. I noticed a couple trees knawed down out back before the snow set in, havn’t been back to see whats going on yet. I would guess they will build on neighbors to the west. They will know what to do. I can see the headlines now. “Local trapper delivers furs on wood gas” Good luck I know that battle all to well.