A spring-feeling pic fom me, we got 12 inches of snow this afternoon.
I like to watch the birds migrate through our area. The our American white headed Bald Eagles and the much bigger Golden Eagles have been moving through heading back north to Canada the last few weeks. Flocks of Robins have been moving through. Lots of Flicks Wood Pecters and many, many other birds have be showing up. Spring is coming and they know it too. The plants and wild grass and flowers are showing up. Seems to be staying in the 30 to 40 °f weather now hoping for the higher 50°f temps. every day soon would be nice for the bees.
According to my research your worries are unfounded
Hello Steve.
The wife will put about a dozen eggs in a bowl and whip or whisk them and pour in a muffin pan ( wife uses a silicon muffin pan ) . Put them in the freezer for 2-3 hours and they are ready to flip out and store in zip lock bags.
Let them thaw over night if you want them for breakfast
that is the best way to do it. You removed the shell which has the bacteria and it takes the less space in the freezer
“Fun fact” about eggs and bacteria.
I resently learned US stores keep eggs in the fridge and the reason being they are washed. Over here eggs are not washed, kept in room temp and are good for a month or two. Something to do with natural bacteria.
Correct me if I’m wrong. All hearsay.
to my knowledge absolutely correct Jan. And depending on your location that may dictate how your eggs can be sold. My dad sells his eggs by the dozen and they must be fresh unwashed. If they are washed then there is a food handlers permit/license involved with the selling
He keeps his right on the counter in the kitchen
Absolutely correct, remember to also store them with pointy side down and they will last longer. The airbubble that the potential growing chicken will use is in the ’dull side’ and you don’t want that to travel through the egg.
If you look in storebought eggcartons all eggs are with the point down because of this
I’ve learned that too, about eggs, we just clean them dry, with a “scotch-brite” type sponge.
Keeping the “nest” boxes clean for the chickens, almost no need for cleaning eggs.
When birds lay eggs they have what is called “bloom” that naturally coats the eggs which keeps bacteria from penetrating the shell. Washing removes the bloom and then it requires refrigeration.
Thanks for the info on freezing eggs. I’ll give it a try and share with others. Do you know how long it is safe to store them in the freezer that way?
Glassing eggs works good too. Stored in lime solution they last suposedly up to two years but l think thats a strech. I had them for 5 months and were still fine, just a bit more runny. Thats all you realy need, to get trugh the winter months.
Kristijan, I’m somtimes confused when you mention lime. Several possibilities. Lime as in bedrock powder (called “kalk” = “chalk” here), lime fruit or lime tree (Linden). For the most part the English language have several words for the same thing, but with this one it’s the opposite
Usually, Swedish lack words and you have to specify. One that comes mind is “tak”, which means both roof and seiling. Inner or outer has to be added.
Sorry! Rambling for no reason…
In this case it’s limestone, kalk, that is meant, I believe.
CaOH2 hydrated lime (släckt kalk).
At least I am fairly certain, I have never done it though.
Me too in this case, Johan. I just felt I wanted to practice my typing a little
I kind of figured that after I wrote😀
In case tou are wondering, this is how far I got with the trailerproject
I was about to ask, but didn’t want to sound too pushy
@Jan, when it comes to smoking I guess you and Johan have lot to discuss.