Life goes on - Winter 2022

Believe it or not it is my everyday trailer, as ugly as it is it still is the best one I have ever had behind a car.
It has just passed 50 years oldso now it doesn’t have to be checked anymore and only 320 SEK(30$) road tax.

Yummie Jan, some freshly smoked ham, now I an hungry :grinning:


Im gonna need more details about that ham please :wink:


Regarding washing eggs, my sister who raises chickens says to wash eggs in warm water. The shell is somewhat porous and if the egg is warmer than the water, the interior will contract as it cools and draw water (and contaminants) through the shell.


I’m just cheating, around Christmas the Swedes buy a lot of ham, so after Christmas it’s cheap to buy the leftovers, this is a ham that lies in salt water, becomes very good for smoking.


Our own use eggs we do not wash. Do store pointy end down. Still do refrigerate. We retain all of the appearance at all questionable eggs for our own use.

Eggs to be gifted given away we wash as needed. Plain tap water - cold - is written that cold water keeps the shell pores closed to not let contaminates thru after the natural sealing bloom coating is washed off.
Seasonally when we gift out excessive production to the same household 10 dozen I ask to be gifted back a bag of chicken feed.
To sell for money in the State of Washington requires registration. Licensing. New never used cartons only. Each carton specifically Labeled: Produced location; Handling instructions; Safe cooking instructions. Oh yeah. Size and weights designation too. And affixed with the addition of a 50 cent tax stamp collected to pay for the on-site inspectors programs.
(When i speak like this here on the DOW I am now accused of being Political. No. Just another daily reality learned to accept pay-accommodate; or avoid, and quietly scofflaw, side-step.)

Ha! So just like woodgasing and woodstoving; eggs are relatively easy if done for yourself and blood family. Doing for others is where it gets tricky and becomes very expensive!

Anyone, in any family just claiming to have been sicken by any food gets BIG exposure in the News here from local up, to full Statewide exposure. It has become too $$$$$'s risky for us to poke at this new-age grown snake anymore. Old Families 3-4 generations of knowledge’s being unused, not brought forwards to the young. Lost.

Steve Unruh


That is not cheating Jan, it is a good way to use downpriced food that possibly would go to waste to make it a high value food for yourself. I have some of those hams in the freezer too and judging by my watering mouth as I write this it is time to fire up the smoker soon again :grinning:


If frugality is cheating then I’m Barry Bonds.


we store raw eggs in a solution of water and hydrated lime. We are still using up last spring’s eggs and have ten dozen left in the pantry. Our layers are just starting back now. The eggs store for over a year raw on the pantry selfs. Freezer space is a premium and this works for us. The trick is to keep the nest boxes clean and filled with clean bedding. That way the eggs stay clean. we can only store un-washed clean eggs, so the clean eggs get stored and dirty eggs are washed and used fresh. My wife stores 3-400 eggs to get us through the winter. If anyone wants details, drop me a message.


Haha as we talk wbout anglegrinder fingers l just got a nother one :smile:


I got this one a month ago. This made me sit quitely in a corner for a few minutes. You dont feel anything until it is to late. Luckily just a sretch but it could have been different. I use the grinder in my left hand. Started jumping around and touched my right wrist. Thank you God.


I am glad you all in the northern hemisphere are moving into warmer weather. Here in Chile, the last days of summer are winding down and the winter rains are about to start up. We’ve begun getting regular rain after two months of sun and only a couple showers. Even had a couple of fires in the woodstove already. However, the woodshed is full and that always fills my heart with happiness!


Hi Paul,

Okay that is a ways away. I worked pretty much my whole career in Port Alice but live on the east coast of the island near Port McNeill. ( Hyde Creek ) If anybody makes it this far there is an open door and big smile. We didn’t get much snow here , maybe an inch since before Christmas and it looks like above freezing from now on.


I think we got more snow this winter than we got rain last summer-Though not all that much snow for michigan- it was dry here last summer also.Had too water the gardon daily.IT was worth it haveing home grown tomato’s though.


Yesterday I received a permit to harvest any fallen wood up to 8" in quite big forest parcel. I grasped the opportunity of nice weather and spend half a day in forest.

I had only hand brach saw and machette. And few advisors :nerd_face:

Finally I got my car back full.


Goran wanted spring pictures. Doesent get much better thain this if you ask me…


Very nice Kristijan, looks more like early summer to me :smiley:
What is those yellow things to the right?
Looks like what we call “tussilago” in Sweden, one of our first spring flowers, likes wet spots, ditches, and like.


Starting to rain, at 50 °f and the chickens are still out there tilling the strawberry patch and garden area. No earwigs, grubs, bugs will get pass their keen eye sight. We just pull down the dead crops burn it and wrake it and it is ready to plant again. It has been growing crops better now I do not power rotor till it any more. Checken tilling power only and saving on gasoline. We notice they are producing more eggs now they areout scratching up the ground and because of more day light hours to do this. Spring is coming pictures.



NICE wood pile KARMIL- caint wait for spring weather over here- good working weather though.THAT looks like maybe 4 too 500 miles engine fuel- while getting great exersize.


HEALTHY looking chickens there BOB- True free range,out getting all those vitimens cleaning up the gardon area.


Correct Goran. Its a nother respiratory medicine.