Life goes on - Winter 2023

I expect some of that white stuff here too, weather forecast has promised some tonight :rage:

But some signs of spring this weekend, gives me hope back :wink:

Crappy pic, but i spotted these two cranes on a nearby field, i’ve heard them honkin for some days now.

Today we spotted a coltsfoot when walking the dog.


Reciprocating saw blades are cheaper and work good for pallets.


The same overhere. There is a nest on the field near the house for some years. Ten years ago they made the trip to Africa, then the male stayed during winter, now they both stay during the winter. Earth is warming up for sure. Watched a fight over the nest today. During the 70’s of the previous century these birds almost extinct, now they are a plage (no more pesticides). Some other couple wanted to take over. Was nice to see, thanks Goran


Yes, there are a lot of them in Sweden nowadays, they don’t stay in winter though.
Birds are pretty interesting, swan’s and mallard ducks use to stay in Sweden most winters, but not many staying last year-and we had a cold, snowy winter, how did they know?


Cant foul nature, mankind tries but fails.

Swans are from your country? They are invasive species overhere. Beautifull but not supposed to be here. We had swanfarms for the meat and then markt collapsed, swans free etc etc. Really gracious bird


We have a pair of sandhill cranes that nest here. They showed up this year the end of February which is a little early. I love to watch them flying low over our meadow. They have been coming here for years. The past two they had an offspring that was with them but it must have hopefully found a mate because it wasn’t with them this year. They never quit squawking. On their migratory route they spend some time in Nebraska. They claim a half million of them stop there on their journey north. I can’t imagine the noise.


Nice start of a new day. After some coffee of course


Beautiful morning Joep.
When I am driving in The Netherlands I enjoy your love for avenues, there are so many roads, both big and small, lined with trees. Perhaps not so much road safety but very nice :blush:


Well, today the day came that I feared would come. I was reading some old old threads on my phone that was in my unread topics and when I finished that thread I accidentaly deleted the other 11 ones I had there (I usually put them there if I come across threads that seem interesting for later reading) I can only remember one of those.
So nothing to report really, just a minor annoyance.
To make it up to you guys for reading this crap I give you this instead :smiley::


What is this on the front of this trailer?


This is an old self-loading haywagon but I removed the pick-up and the overbuild from it.
Googled some pic’s

And a video on youtube


The big upside with this and the old manurespreader I also use to dry firewood on is the self-unloading mat on the floor


self unloading is a nice feature, but you would have a real winner if it was self-stacking as well. :slight_smile:


Johan, those green treated bed boards look expensive :grin:


Yes, I could use a conveyor belt but it is a bit of a hassle to put up plus it has a nylon friction wheel driving it and when it gets stuck that wheel needs replacing after a few times so I end up splitting it into the tractor bucket instead and tip it into the wagon.

Haha, just a borrowed picture, mine is original but still in very good shape


Wife and I flew to Baltimore this week for a few doctor appointments she had to go to. We are heading back to the air port now. Flying back to MN this afternoon.

We dont get out much so its an eye opening experiance to go someplace different. Especially a high population city… i dont like it. I just want to stay in my small corner and work on my projects.

We were close to where the Key bridge went down. It woke me up when it collapsed… then all the EMS vehicles with there siren’s. So wierd to have been that close.

Anyway, looking forward to getting back home. Been here since Monday.


Chris I totally get it. I dislike even being 45 minutes away from Charlotte in all honesty. I’m fortunate enough to be in a different county and not inside city limits though.


I suspect this goes for most of us here on dow, I know I most definately am the same way :grinning:


Continued here: Life Goes on - Summer 2024