Life goes on - Winter 2023

Merry Christmas everyone !


Merry Christmas and god bless everyone. I still have xmas shopping to do so I probably won’t be on later. :rofl:


My wife likes this song, puts a smile on her face. Remends her of her grandma. She passed last Christmas. She was full Norwegian.


Seasons Greeting and Best Wishes to All.

Star-light, Star-bright; a Halloween good-luck black cat; and my dog-walking safety orange.


I guess I can share the same pic since we both are on it :smiley: suitable with santa’s beard and all :smile:

I wish you a very merry christmas and happy holidays to all here on dow


Christmas morning here , so wishing you all a very Merry Christmas , hope you all manage to get your hands nice and clean ready for carving the Turkey or whatever your having this time of year , Blazing sun all week , last night we had a storm blow over so today will be kinda cool and over cast , oh well makes a nice change and almost reminds me of a English Christmas day minus the cold .
Dave & Brian


Merry Christmas from the southern hemisphere. Wishing you all a prosperous and happy new year.

Thirteen years here and I still haven’t gotten used to Christmas in summer. The only snow and cold this morning is on the flanks of the volcano in the distance.


Some pic’s from sunny Sweden.

Christmas time is a time of peace and harmony.

Ironically my snow-plowing tractor is snowbound, going to fix that tomorrow.

The chevy looks sad under all the snow, we got 16 inches around here :cold_face:
If the front tires wasn’t totally worn out, i would take it for a ride to exercise it some.

“Played” in the snow some with the little forest-bear.


I am happy that your snow is not my snow Goran. Normally we would have feet of the nasty stuff by now but last night we got a pretty heavy rain. Finally got my wood pile all cut, split and stacked. I still have about a full cord unprocessed but it is all big rounds and I don’t have to worry about digging them out of the snow when it finally comes. I don’t know how I picked them up enough to get them in the bed of the truck. I must have been stronger in October. Now I’ll have to tilt the splitter up to break them up. It’s been within 5 degrees of 50F up or down here for about a week. I’m heating the house with limbs I gather. The stacks haven’t dropped at all.


’Tis the season


SEASONS GREATING-looks like winter there-I live in michigan usa-no snow here yet-we got one or two snow squalls few weeks ago–we have had a warmer christmas than over 20 years i think. MERRY CHRISTMAS SEASONS.


More then we get in 10 years :frowning:. I would love some snow. Downside is trafic, everybody is in blind panic. Haha rear or fourwheel drive is real fun. And a snowmobile, never driven one but it must be real fun. It is on my bucketlist.


Hi Joep, i would be happy to send you some snow, i even load it for free if you only pay the shipping
Well, snowmobile, i have one somewhere under the snow, if i dig it out and get it running im sure the snow will be gone in a couple of hours
 maybe thats the trick? :thinking:


:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:Sounds familiar. Some people are Just In Time, I am most of the time Just To Late, JTL


On our first Christmas in New Hampshire (1980) it was -20 degrees F. This year a low of +20 degrees and high in the 40s with ducks swimming on the pond.
Blessings to all on DOW!


This is our eighth winter in Idaho. Our first winter is affectionately called Snowmageddon by the folks round about. That year we saw -18 between Christmas and New Years; about three feet of snow down and hard. We actually are grateful for that rough first winter. We got a lot of help from our new friends, who figured those crazy Californians were gonna die without a LOT of help. I suspect they were right :slightly_smiling_face:. This year, the lowest minimum so far was +15 early Christmas Eve morning. Just some patchy snow for Christmas, but about an inch yesterday morning to make things look pretty. Our first year here without a white Christmas. Missed it by that much.

We need snow on the mountains so we can irrigate next summer, but for the time being, it’s been nice to have it dry to finish some of the fall chores that didn’t finish themselves this year. I’ve seen some ducks in the air, down by the river, but our pond is small, and very hard at this point. Ducks have lots of down. It’s the little Sparrows and Juncos that amaze me, living through the Idaho winters. Impressive design work.


Definitely a different kind of winter. Last time we had temps this high at this time of year was 1982. Our average snow fall amount is 165 inches. So far this year we have had 14 inches and that was early in November. Nothing projected for at least another week. Certainly makes working around the homestead a lot easier.


How about some “quiz”?
I dug out this rusty piece when looking for some stuff, anyone recognize it? Or have a guess?
:smiley: :thinking: :crazy_face:

I know what it is, maybe to easy?


Is it an automixer? :thinking:


I’m going to guess, It’s a Swedish rust accumulator. I hope someone guesses Knooter valve.